Gunzogwaniya Mungu Gutama Mileli
The Creator wants to guide, protect, and bless us.
Because of his love for mankind, God teaches us the best way to live.
Tunzogwane Mungu kwi Indela Bole?
We have to know what to do and who can help us do it.
Mungu jwa Sakaka Nyane?
We can learn his name and discover some of his qualities.
Maisha Gikabi bo Kuparadiso?
The first part of the Bible describes it.
Kukulijogwane Lisetani—Sapitila Kyane?
Bad things began to happen.
Palwabya Lulenga Lwingi—Nya Joanzogwaniya Mungu? Niya Joasindwa Kunzogwanela?
What difference became clear in people’s attitudes?
Tulibola kya Kubokana Nululenga Lwinge?
It is not just ancient history.
Yesu Jwabya Nyane?
Why is it important to know about him?
Kuwa Kuka Yesu Kubi na Maana bo Kwako?
It makes wonderful blessings possible.
Undema Gwibya Paladisu Wakati Bole?
The Bible foretells events that would happen when the time is near.
Babunzogwane Mungu Bipata Kyane?
Things that you will not want to miss.
Bo Yehova le Jutujogwanela?
What kind of things could you talk to him about?
Guwesa Kuba na Maisha ga Familia Gina Laa Jinzi Bole?
The Creator of the family gives the very best advice.
Kutakiwa Tutenda kya ili Mungu Jutogulyaje?
There are certain things that he hates, and other things that he loves.
Guwesa Kulangi Ukamulani Kuka Yehova kwi Ind’ela Bole?
The desire to be loyal will affect the decisions you make.