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নৈনগদবা হীরম ১৭ শুবা

১১১ শুবা ঈশৈ Our Reasons for Joy

যেহোবাগী লাইনীং লাইশোল কৈদৌনুংদা থাদোক্কনু

যেহোবাগী লাইনীং লাইশোল কৈদৌনুংদা থাদোক্কনু

“ঐনা শেম্বা অদুদা নখোয় মতম পূম্নমক্তা নুঙাইজৌ অমসুং হরাউজৌ।”​—যিশা. ৬৫:১৮.


Learn how the spiritual paradise benefits us and how we can draw others to it.

1. ঈশ্বরনা ঙসি ঐখোয়দা করম্বা মখলগী পারাদাইস অমা পীবগে অমসুং ঐখোয়না করি তৌনবা ৱারেপ লৌজগদগে?

 THERE is a paradise on earth today that is full of life and activity. It is teeming with millions of people who enjoy genuine peace. Those who are already in this paradise are determined never to leave it. They also want as many people as possible to join them in this unique setting. What is it? The spiritual paradise! a

2. ঈশ্বরনা পীরিবা পারাদাইস অসি অখন্নবা অমা ওইরিবা করিগীনো?

2 Amazingly, Jehovah has created a serene environment in the midst of a world that Satan has turned into a hate-filled, wicked, and dangerous place. (1 John 5:19; Rev. 12:12) Our loving God sees the damaging effects of this system of things and provides the security that we need in order to flourish spiritually. His Word describes the spiritual paradise as both a safe “refuge” and a “well-watered garden.” (Isa. 4:6; 58:11) With Jehovah’s blessing, those inhabiting this paradise are able to thrive during these difficult last days.​—Isa. 54:14; 2 Tim. 3:1.

3. যিশাইয়া পন্দুপ ৬৫ দা য়াওরিবা ৱাফমশিংসি মমাংঙৈদা করম্বা মতমদা থুংখিবগে?

3 By means of the prophet Isaiah, Jehovah described what it would be like for those who would dwell in the spiritual paradise. You can find this description in Isaiah chapter 65, which had an initial fulfillment back in 537 B.C.E. At that time, repentant Jews were released from captivity in Babylon and they returned to their homeland. Jehovah blessed his people and helped them to make the devastated city of Jerusalem beautiful again and to restore its temple as the center of true worship in Israel.​—Isa. 51:11; Zech. 8:3.

4. যিশাইয়া পন্দুপ ৬৫ দা য়াওরিবা ৱাফমশিংসি হৌজিক্কী মতমদা করম্না থুংবগে?

4 A second fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy began in 1919 C.E. when Jehovah’s modern-day worshippers were set free from captivity to Babylon the Great. Then the spiritual paradise started to take shape throughout the earth. Zealous Kingdom proclaimers formed many congregations and produced spiritual fruitage. Men and women who once exhibited violent, animalistic tendencies “put on the new personality that was created according to God’s will.” (Eph. 4:24) Of course, many of the blessings that Isaiah described will be fulfilled literally in the future new world. But even now there are rich benefits that we are enjoying. Let us see how this spiritual paradise affects us and why we should never leave it.

ঈশ্বরনা পীরিবা পারাদাইস অসিদা লৈবা মীওইশিংনা ফংজবা থৌজালশিং

5. যিশাইয়া ৬৫:১৩ দা ৱাশকপিরম্বগুম্না, ঈশ্বরনা পীরিবা পারাদাইস অসিদা ঐখোয়না করম্বা থৌজালশিং ফংজবগে?

5 Healthy and refreshed. Isaiah’s prophecy draws a vivid contrast between what life is like for those inside the spiritual paradise and what life is like for those outside. (Read Isaiah 65:13.) Jehovah abundantly satisfies the spiritual needs of his worshippers. We have his holy spirit, his written Word, and ample spiritual food so that we can “eat, . . . drink, . . . [and] rejoice.” (Compare Revelation 22:17.) In sharp contrast, those who are outside the spiritual paradise “go hungry . . . , go thirsty . . . , [and] suffer shame.” Their spiritual needs are not being satisfied.​—Amos 8:11.

6. যোয়েল ২:২১-২৪ দা হায়রম্বগুম্না, ঈশ্বরনা ঐখোয়দা করি করি পীবিবগে অমসুং মদুনা ঐখোয়দা করম্না কান্নহনবগে?

6 In his prophecy, Joel used such staples of life as grain, wine, and olive oil to show that Jehovah generously supplies His people with what they need, including spiritual food. (Joel 2:21-24) He does so through the Bible and our Bible-based publications, our website, as well as our meetings, assemblies, and conventions. We can partake of spiritual provisions every day, and as a result, we feel healthier and more refreshed.

7. করিনা ঐখোয়গী ‘থম্মোয়দা হরাউবা’ পীবগে? (যিশাইয়া ৬৫:১৪)

7 Happy and content. God’s people can “shout joyfully” because their heart overflows with appreciation. (Read Isaiah 65:14.) The upbuilding truths and comforting promises in God’s Word and our solid hope based on Christ’s ransom sacrifice give us a “good condition of the heart.” Talking about these things with our spiritual brothers and sisters makes us truly happy!​—Ps. 34:8; 133:1-3.

8. করম্বা মরুওইবা ৱাফম অনীনা মরম ওইরগা ঈশ্বরনা পীরিবা পারাদাইস অসি য়াম্না ফজবা ওইহনবগে?

8 The love and the unity among Jehovah’s people are two major characteristics of the spiritual paradise. This “bond of union” gives us an idea of what life will be like in the new world, where Jehovah’s servants will enjoy even greater love and unity than they do today. (Col. 3:14) A Christian sister relates what she noticed about Jehovah’s people when she first met them: “I did not know how to be happy, not even in my family. The first time I saw love in action was among Jehovah’s Witnesses.” Anyone who wants to be truly happy and content needs to experience our spiritual paradise. No matter what this world thinks of Jehovah’s servants, they have an honorable name, or reputation, with his universal family.​—Isa. 65:15.

9. পুন্সিদা থেংনরিবা অৱা অনাশিংগী মতাংদা যিশাইয়া ৬৫:১৬, ১৭ তা ঈশ্বরনা করি ৱাশকপিরম্বগে?

9 Relaxed and calm. Isaiah 65:14 says that those who choose to remain outside the spiritual paradise “cry out because of the pain of heart [and] wail because of a broken spirit.” But what about all the things that have caused God’s people pain and distress? Eventually, those things “will be forgotten [and] concealed from [God’s] eyes.” (Read Isaiah 65:16, 17.) Jehovah will make our troubles go away, and in time the pain of such memories will vanish completely.

10. খৃষ্টান ইচিন ইনাওশিংগা লোয়নবসি থৌজাল ফংজবনি হায়না নহাক্না করিগী ফাওরিবনো? (লাই অসিসু য়েংবীয়ু।)

10 Even now, it is soothing to our nerves to be at our Christian meetings, where we can relax and put behind us the stresses of this wicked world. We contribute to the calmness of our spiritual environment when we manifest the love, joy, peace, kindness, and mildness that are included in the fruitage of God’s spirit. (Gal. 5:22, 23) What a blessing it is for us to be associated with God’s organization! Those who remain in the spiritual paradise will see the complete fulfillment of God’s promise of “new heavens and a new earth.”

It is a blessing to enjoy the spiritual paradise as part of God’s family (See paragraph 10) c

11. যিশাইয়া ৬৫:১৮, ১৯ গী মতুংইন্না, ঈশ্বরনা পীরিবা পারাদাইস অসিগী মতাংদা খঙজবা মতমদা ঐখোয়দা করি ফাওবগে?

11 Grateful and excited. Isaiah goes on to reveal why we have every reason to “exult and be joyful” in the spiritual paradise. This environment is a creation of Jehovah. (Read Isaiah 65:18, 19.) No wonder he is using us to direct people away from the spiritually parched organizations of this old world and into our beautiful spiritual environment! We are excited about the blessings we enjoy because of being in the truth, and we are moved to tell others about them.​—Jer. 31:12.

12. যিশাইয়া ৬৫:২০-২৪ দা পীরিবা ৱাশকশিং অসিনা নঙোন্দা করি ফাওহনবগে অমসুং করিগী অদুম্না ফাওরিবনো?

12 We are also grateful for and excited about the hope we have as residents of the spiritual paradise. Just think of all that we will see and do in God’s new world! The Bible promises: “No more will there be an infant . . . who lives but a few days, nor an old man who fails to live out his days.” We will “build houses and live in them [and] plant vineyards and eat their fruitage.” We will “not toil for nothing” because we will be “blessed by Jehovah.” He promises us a secure, satisfying life with a real purpose. “Even before they call out,” he will know each one’s needs and “satisfy the desire of every living thing.”​—Isa. 65:20-24; Ps. 145:16.

13. যেহোবাবু শেবা তৌজনবগীদমক মীশিংগী পুন্সিদা অহোঙবা লাকপগী মতাংদা যিশাইয়া ৬৫:২৫ দা করম্বা ৱাফম ফোংদোক্লম্বগে?

13 Peaceful and safe. With the help of God’s spirit, many who formerly had beastly personalities have made remarkable changes in their life. (Read Isaiah 65:25.) They have tamed their former undesirable traits. (Rom. 12:2; Eph. 4:22-24) Granted, God’s people are still imperfect, so we will continue to make mistakes. However, Jehovah has united “all sorts of people” in an unbreakable bond of love and peace. (Titus 2:11) This is a miracle that only the almighty God could perform!

14. যিশাইয়া ৬৫:২৫ দা য়াওরিবা ৱাফম অসি তশেংনমক চুম্মী হায়বসি ইচিন ইনাও অমগী পুন্সি ৱারীদগী করম্না খঙবা ঙম্বগে?

14 Can people really change their personality? Consider this experience. A young man who had been in and out of prison by the age of 20 was deeply involved in immoral and violent behavior. He had been jailed for car theft, burglary, and other serious crimes. He was ready to fight with anyone. When he first heard the truth from the Bible and began attending meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses, he was convinced that he had found something to live for​—the spiritual paradise. After becoming a baptized Witness, he often thought of how Isaiah 65:25 applied to him. He had changed from being a lionlike, violent person to being a lamblike, peaceful person.

15. ঈশ্বরনা পীরিবা পারাদাইস অসিদা মীশিংনা য়াওবা ফংজনবগীদমক ঐখোয়না মতেং পাংবা পাম্লিবা করিগীনো অমসুং মখোয়বু করম্না মতেং পাংবা য়াগনি?

15 Isaiah 65:13 begins with the declaration: “This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says.” Verse 25 ends with the words “says Jehovah.” His words always come true. (Isa. 55:10, 11) The spiritual paradise is already a reality. Jehovah has created a brotherhood that is truly unique. Among his people, we can find relative peace and enjoy a safe oasis in a violent world. (Ps. 72:7) For these reasons, we want to help as many as possible to join us in our Christian brotherhood. We can do this by focusing on making disciples.​—Matt. 28:19, 20.

ঈশ্বরনা পীরিবা পারাদাইস অসিদা অতোপ্পশিংগী পুক্নীং করম্না চিংশিনগনি?

16. ঈশ্বরনা পীরিবা পারাদাইস অসিদা মীশিংবু করম্না চিংশিনবগে?

16 Each of us has an important role to play in making the spiritual paradise attractive to others. We can fulfill this role if we imitate Jehovah. He does not drag people into his organization against their will. Instead, he gently “draws” people to himself. (John 6:44; Jer. 31:3) Good-hearted people who learn about Jehovah’s loving qualities and appealing personality are irresistibly drawn to him. How can we, by our good qualities and fine conduct, attract people to the spiritual paradise?

17. ঈশ্বরনা পীরিবা পারাদাইস অসিদা ঐখোয়না অতোপ্পশিংগী পুক্নীং করম্না চিংশিনগনি?

17 One way we can attract others to the spiritual paradise is by treating our fellow worshippers with love and kindness. When new ones attend our congregation meetings, we want them to come to the same conclusion as did the unbelievers who likely attended the meetings in ancient Corinth. They declared: “God is really among you.” (1 Cor. 14:24, 25; Zech. 8:23) Thus, we must continue to heed the counsel to “be peaceable with one another.”​—1 Thess. 5:13.

18. করিনা ঐখোয়গী সংস্থানদা মীশিংগী পুক্নীং চিংশিল্লকপা য়াবগে?

18 We should always try to see our Christian brothers and sisters as Jehovah sees them. We do so by focusing on their positive qualities and not on their imperfections, which will eventually disappear. We can resolve any differences between us in a spirit of love by always being “kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another.” (Eph. 4:32) Then the spiritual paradise will attract people who want to be treated in a similar way. b

ঈশ্বরনা পীরিবা পারাদাইস অসিগী মনুংদা লৈজৌ

19. (ক) ঈশ্বরনা পীরিবা পারাদাইস অসিদা অমুক হল্লক্লবা মীওইশিংনা করি করি ফোঙদোকপগে? (“ মখোয়না চৎখি অমসুং অমুক হল্লকখি” হায়রিবা কাখল অসিসু য়েংবীয়ু।) (খ) ঐখোয়না করি ৱারেপ লৌজগদগে? (লাই অসিসু য়েংবীয়ু।)

19 How we appreciate our spiritual paradise! It is more beautiful than ever before, and it is inhabited by more praisers of Jehovah than ever before. May we be forever grateful for the paradise that Jehovah has created for us. Anyone who wants to be refreshed, content, calm, and safe must come into the spiritual paradise and never leave it! Beware, though, because Satan is trying his best to lure us away from it. (1 Pet. 5:8; Rev. 12:9) We must not allow him to succeed. Let us vigorously protect the beauty, purity, and peace of the spiritual paradise.

Those who remain in the spiritual paradise will also enjoy the future physical paradise (See paragraph 19)

করম্না পাউখুম পীগনি?

  • ঈশ্বরনা পীরিবা পারাদাইস অসি করিনো?

  • ঈশ্বরনা পীরিবা পারাদাইস অসিদা ঐখোয়না করম্বা থৌজালশিং ফংজবগে?

  • ঈশ্বরনা পীরিবা পারাদাইস অসিদা ঐখোয়না অতোপ্পশিংগী পুক্নীং করম্না চিংশিনগনি?

১৪৪ শুবা ঈশৈ Keep Your Eyes on the Prize!

a EXPRESSION EXPLAINED: The term “spiritual paradise” describes the environment in which we worship Jehovah. In this spiritual paradise, we enjoy a peaceful relationship with Jehovah and with one another.

b Watch on the video Where Are They Now? Alena Žitníková: How My Dream Was Fulfilled, and see the blessings one sister received from being in the spiritual paradise.

c PICTURE DESCRIPTION: While many are benefiting from associating with others at the meeting, one brother isolates himself.