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নৈনগদবা হীরম ৫ শুবা

২৭ শুবা ঈশৈ The Revealing of God’s Sons

“ঐনা নহাকপু কৈদৌঙৈদসু. . .থাদোক্লোই।”

“ঐনা নহাকপু কৈদৌঙৈদসু. . .থাদোক্লোই।”

ঈস্বরনা হায়, ‘ঐনা নহাকপু কৈদৌঙৈদসু থনম্লোই, নহাকপু থাদোক্লোই।’”​—হিব্রু ১৩:৫(খ).


To reassure God’s servants on earth that they will not be abandoned when all the remaining anointed Christians have been taken to heaven.

1. খনগৎলবা খৃষ্টান খুদিংমক্না করম্বা মতমদা শ্বর্গদা চৎকনি?

 YEARS ago, Jehovah’s people wondered, ‘When will the last of the anointed Christians be taken to heaven?’ We once thought that possibly some of the anointed might remain in the earthly Paradise for some time after the war of Armageddon. But in the July 15, 2013, issue of The Watchtower, we learned that all anointed ones who are still on earth will be raised to heaven before the outbreak of Armageddon.​—Matt. 24:31.

2. মীওই খরনা করম্বা ৱাহং হংনীংবা ফাওরকপা য়াবগে, অদুগা ঙসিগী হীরম অসিদা ঐখোয়না করি খন্নগনি?

2 However, a question may arise: What will happen to Christ’s “other sheep” who will be serving Jehovah faithfully on earth during the “great tribulation”? (John 10:16; Matt. 24:21) Some today may worry that they will feel lost or abandoned when their beloved anointed brothers and sisters are taken to heaven. Let us examine two Scriptural accounts that might come to their mind. Then we will discuss reasons why there is no need to worry.

পৃথিবীদা লৈহৌগদবা খৃষ্টানশিংদা করি থোক্লোইদগে?

3-4. মীওই খরনা করি খনবা য়াবগে, অমসুং করিগী অদুম্না খনবা য়ারিবনো?

3 Some might wonder if the other sheep will stray from the truth when they no longer have the anointed brothers of the Governing Body to guide them. Perhaps some Scriptural accounts bring such fears to mind. Let us consider two examples. The first involves High Priest Jehoiada. He was an outstanding man of God. He and his wife, Jehoshabeath, protected a young boy named Jehoash and helped him to become a good and faithful king. As long as elderly Jehoiada was alive, Jehoash did well. But after Jehoiada died, Jehoash soon turned bad. He listened to wicked princes and left Jehovah.​—2 Chron. 24:2, 15-19.

4 The next example is that of the second-century Christians. The apostle John, the last surviving apostle, was a good influence on many Christians, helping them to endure in their service to Jehovah. (3 John 4) Along with Jesus’ other faithful apostles, John had for some time been fighting hard against the apostasy that was spreading. (1 John 2:18; see study notes on 2 Thess. 2:7.) After John died, though, apostasy spread like wildfire. Within a few decades, the Christian congregation became thoroughly corrupted.

5. বাইবলদা য়াওরম্বা থৌদোক অনী অসি পাবা মতমদা ঐখোয়না করি খল্লোইদবগে?

5 Do those two Scriptural accounts indicate that something similar will happen to Christ’s other sheep when the anointed are taken to heaven? At that time, will faithful Christians on earth stray from their training, as did Jehoash, or drift into apostasy, as did many Christians during the second century C.E.? The answer is absolutely not! We can be sure that when the anointed leave the earthly scene, the other sheep will be well cared for and will thrive spiritually. Why can we be confident?

অশেংবা লাইনীং লাইশোল অসি মোৎহল্লরোই

6. করম্বা তাঙ্কক অহুমগী মতাংদা ঐখোয়না শম্লপ্না খন্নগনি?

6 Why can we be confident that pure worship will not be corrupted, even during the difficult times that are ahead? Because of what we have learned from the Bible about the time period in which we live. This time period differs greatly from the time of ancient Israel and the time of the second-century Christians. So let us look more closely at these three time periods: (1) The time of ancient Israel, (2) the time period after the apostles died, and (3) our times, “the times of restoration of all things.”​—Acts 3:21.

7. মমাংঙৈদা ইস্রায়েল লৈবাক্কী নিংথৌশিং অমসুং মীশিংনা ফত্তবা তৌবা মতমদা, ঈশ্বরনা হায়বা ইনবা ইস্রায়েল মচাশিংনা করিগী থৌনা হল্লমদ্রিবনো?

7 The time of ancient Israel. Shortly before his death, Moses told the Israelites: “I well know that after my death you will surely act wickedly and turn aside from the way about which I have commanded you.” (Deut. 31:29) Moses also warned that if Israel rebelled, the nation would be sent into exile. (Deut. 28:35, 36) Did those words come true? Yes. Over the centuries, many kings chose a wicked course and led God’s people astray. This caused Jehovah to cast off his wicked people and to end the line of earthly kings. (Ezek. 21:25-27) But faithful Israelites took courage when they saw that God’s word had come true.​—Isa. 55:10, 11.

8. অনীশুবা শতাব্দীদা লৈরম্বা খৃষ্টান শীংলুপশিং মোৎশিল্লকখিবা অদু ঐখোয়না ঙক্নীংঙাই ওইব্রা? শন্দোক্না হায়বীয়ু।

8 The time period after the apostles died. Should we be surprised that the second-century Christian congregation became corrupted? Not at all. Jesus foretold that a great apostasy would take place. (Matt. 7:21-23; 13:24-30, 36-43) The apostles Paul, Peter, and John had all confirmed that Jesus’ prophecy was already beginning to be fulfilled in the first century C.E. (2 Thess. 2:3, 7; 2 Pet. 2:1; 1 John 2:18) In the second century C.E., the Christian congregation became corrupted. Apostate Christianity arose and became a prominent part of Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. Again, inspired prophecy was being fulfilled.

9. মমাংঙৈগী ইস্রায়েল অমসুং অনীশুবা শতাব্দীগী খৃষ্টান শীংলুপকী মতমগা ঙসি ঐখোয়গী মতমগা করম্না খেৎনবগে?

9 “The times of restoration of all things.” Our time differs from the time of ancient Israel and from the time of the great apostasy that set in during the second century C.E. What is our time period called? We might initially refer to it as “the last days” of this wicked system of things. (2 Tim. 3:1) But the Bible shows that a greater and longer era began at the same time. It will continue until the Messianic Kingdom has restored mankind to perfection and has transformed the earth into a paradise. This era is called “the times of restoration of all things.” (Acts 3:21) This period began in 1914. What was then restored? Well, Jesus was enthroned as King in heaven. So Jehovah once again had a ruler to represent Him, an heir of faithful King David. However, that kingship is not all that Jehovah restored. Soon after that, pure worship began to be restored at last! (Isa. 2:2-4; Ezek. 11:17-20) Will it be corrupted again?

10. ((ক) ঐখোয়গী মতমদা ওইরিবা অশেংবা লাইনীং লাইশোলগী মতাংদা বাইবলদা মাঙজৌননা করি হায়দোক্লম্বগে? (যিশাইয়া ৫৪:১৭) (খ) অসিগুম্বা বাইবলদা মাঙজৌননা হায়দোক্লম্বা ৱাফমশিংসিনা ঐখোয়দা করম্না থৌনা হাপ্পগে?

10 Read Isaiah 54:17. Think about that prophecy: “No weapon formed against you will have any success”! Those inspired words are being fulfilled today. The following comforting words also apply to our time: “All your sons will be taught by Jehovah, and the peace of your sons will be abundant. You will be firmly established in righteousness. . . . You will fear nothing and have no cause for terror, for it will not come near you.” (Isa. 54:13, 14) Even “the god of this system of things,” Satan himself, is powerless to stop the educational work that Jehovah’s people are carrying out. (2 Cor. 4:4) Pure worship has been restored, and it will never be corrupted again. It is here to stay, for all eternity. No weapon formed against us will succeed!

খনগৎলবা খৃষ্টানশিংনা স্বর্গদা চৎখ্রবা মতুংদা পৃথিবীদা করি থোক্কদগে?

11. খনগৎলবা খৃষ্টানশিংনা স্বর্গদা চৎখ্রবা মতুংদা পৃথিবীদা লৈহৌগদবা খৃষ্টানশিংবু থাদোকপিরোই হায়বসি করম্বা ৱাফমনা ঐখোয়দা থাজবা পীবগে?

11 What will happen when the anointed are taken to heaven? Remember, Jesus is our Shepherd. He is the head of the Christian congregation. Jesus clearly stated: “Your Leader is one, the Christ.” (Matt. 23:10) Our reigning King will never fail to do his job. With Christ in charge, his followers here on earth will have nothing to fear. Of course, we do not know every detail about how Christ will lead his people at that time. So let us consider some Bible examples that may reassure us.

12. (ক)মৌশি শিখ্রবা মতুংদা যেহোবানা মহাক্কী মীশিংবু করম্না য়েংশিনবীখিবগে? (খ) এলিজাবু অতোপ্পা মফম অমদা থাখ্রবা মতুংদা যেহোবানা মহাক্কী মীশিংবু করম্না য়েংশিনবীখিবগে? (লাই অসিসু য়েংবীয়ু।)

12 Before Israel entered the Promised Land, Moses died. What happened to God’s people? Without that faithful man, were they left in the lurch? No. As long as they were faithful, Jehovah provided for them. Before Moses died, Jehovah told him to commission Joshua to lead the people. Moses had been training Joshua for decades. (Ex. 33:11; Deut. 34:9) In addition, there were many other capable men taking the lead​—chiefs of thousands, hundreds, fifties, and even tens. (Deut. 1:15) God’s people were well cared for. We find a similar example in Elijah. He had been taking the lead in pure worship among the Israelites for decades. But the time came when Jehovah transferred him to a different assignment, down south in Judah. (2 Ki. 2:1; 2 Chron. 21:12) Were faithful people in the ten-tribe kingdom of Israel abandoned? No. Elijah had been training Elisha for years. There were also “the sons of the prophets,” who were evidently organized into schools of some kind. (2 Ki. 2:7) Thus, many faithful men were available to help lead God’s people. Jehovah’s purpose kept advancing, and he cared for his faithful worshippers.

Moses (left picture) and Elijah (right picture) each trained a capable successor (See paragraph 12)

13. হিব্রু ১৩:৫(খ) গী মতুংইন্না, ঐখোয়দা করম্বা অচেৎপা থাজবা পীবগে? (লাই অসিসু য়েংবীয়ু।)

13 With those examples in mind, what do you think will happen when the last of the anointed are taken to heaven? We do not need to wonder. The Bible reveals a simple, reassuring truth: Jehovah will never abandon his people on earth. (Read Hebrews 13:5b.) Like Moses and Elijah, the small group of anointed Christians who take the lead today understand the importance of training others. For decades the brothers of the Governing Body have been training men from among the other sheep to take the lead. For example, they have organized many schools to train elders, traveling overseers, Branch Committee members, overseers at Bethel, and others. The Governing Body has personally been training helpers to the various committees of the Governing Body. These helpers are right now faithfully carrying a heavy load of responsibility. They are well-prepared to continue the work of caring for Christ’s sheep.

The Governing Body has worked hard to train helpers and to organize schools for training elders, traveling overseers, Branch Committee members, overseers at Bethel, and missionaries all over the world (See paragraph 13)

14. ঐখোয়না খন্নরিবশিং অসিদগী করম্বা মরুওইবা ৱাফম তম্বা ফংবগে?

14 Here is the key point of our discussion: When the last of the anointed are taken to heaven near the end of the great tribulation, pure worship will keep right on going here on earth. Thanks to the leadership of Jesus Christ, God’s worshippers will not miss a beat. True, at that time, we will be under attack by Gog of Magog, a hostile coalition of nations. (Ezek. 38:18-20) But that brief attack will fail; it will not stop God’s people from worshipping Jehovah. He will surely rescue them! In a vision, the apostle John saw the “great crowd” of Christ’s other sheep. John was told that this “great crowd” comes “out of the great tribulation.” (Rev. 7:9, 14) Yes, they will be kept safe!

15-16. ফোংদোকপিবা ১৭:১৪ গী মতুংইন্না, আর্মাগেদ্দোনগী লানফমদা খনগৎলবা খৃষ্টানশিংনা করি তৌগনি, অমসুং মদু করিগী পুক্নীং থৌগৎনীংঙাই ওইরিবনো?

15 Still, some might wonder: ‘What about the anointed? What will they do after they depart from the earthly scene?’ The Bible answers that question directly. It reveals that the political elements of this world will “battle with the Lamb.” They will lose, of course. We read: “The Lamb will conquer them.” And who will help him? The verse answers. Those who are “called,” “chosen,” and “faithful.” (Read Revelation 17:14.) Who are these? The resurrected anointed ones! So when the last of the anointed on earth are taken to heaven near the end of the great tribulation, one of their first assignments will be to fight. What a remarkable assignment! Some anointed Christians were fighters before they became Jehovah’s Witnesses. Some even served in the armed forces of this world. But later they became true Christians and learned the way of peace. (Gal. 5:22; 2 Thess. 3:16) They put aside all physical warfare. However, after being raised to heaven, they will serve along with Christ and his holy angels, waging the final war against God’s enemies.

16 Think of it! On earth, some anointed Christians are elderly, even frail. But once resurrected to life in heaven, they will be mighty and immortal spirit creatures, assigned to fight alongside their Warrior-King, Jesus Christ. After the war of Armageddon has been fought, they will share in guiding mankind to perfection. Without a doubt, they will then do their beloved brothers and sisters on earth a lot more good in heaven than they ever could as mere imperfect humans!

17. আর্মাগেদ্দোনগী লান মনুংদা যেহোবানা মহাক্কী মনাইশিংবু চেকশিন্না থম্বীগনি হায়বসি ঐখোয়না করম্না খঙবা ঙম্বগে?

17 Are you of the other sheep? Then what will you need to do when the climactic war of Armageddon begins? Simply this: Trust in Jehovah, and follow his direction. What might that include? The Bible comfortingly says: “Enter your inner rooms, and shut your doors behind you. Hide yourself for a brief moment until the wrath has passed by.” (Isa. 26:20) All of God’s faithful servants, in heaven and on earth, will be safe during that time. Like the apostle Paul, we are convinced that neither “governments nor things now here nor things to come . . . will be able to separate us from God’s love.” (Rom. 8:38, 39) Always remember: Jehovah loves you, and he will never abandon you!

খনগৎলবা খৃষ্টান পুম্নমক স্বর্গদা চৎখ্রবা মতুংদা,

  • পৃথিবীদা লৈহৌগদবা খৃষ্টানশিংদা করি থোক্লোইদগে?

  • অশেংবা লাইনীং লাইশোল অসি মোৎহল্লরোই হায়বসি করম্না হায়বা য়ারিবনো?

  • যেহোবানা মহাক্কী মীশিংবু য়েংশিনবীগনি হায়বসি করিগী থাজবা য়ারিবনো?

৮ শুবা ঈশৈ Jehovah Is Our Refuge