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Creation to the Flood

Creation to the Flood

Kuli kua fumine melu na mavu? Vati via solokele litangua, ngonde na zintangantanga kaha na viuma vikuavo via vingi via ha mavu? Mbimbiliya ya hana cikumbulula mu ya handeka nguayo Njambi ikeye ua vi tangele. Livulu lietu lia putuka na mizimbu ya Mbimbiliya ya lombolola via-ku-tanga.

Viuma via ku livanga via tangele Njambi vi tu ka lilongesa, via pua vantu va sipilitu va ku lifua neni. Vakevo tungelo. Vunoni mavu ua a tangelele vantu ngeci muetu. Njambi ua tangele yala na mpuevo mazina avo Andama na Eva kaha ua va hakele mu citungu ca cili. Vunoni va muesele lisino kuli Njambi ngeci va zimbalesele ku vezika cavo ca ku tualelelaho ku yoya.

Fume ha va tangelele Andama na ku Livazi lia kama, mua hitile miaka 1.656. Mu ku hita ca eyi miaka kua kele vantu va vengi va ku pihia. Muilu, mua kele vantu va vimbembesi vantsa ka tu hasa ku mona, vakevo Satana na tungelo veni va vapi. Ha mavu naho ha kele Kaini na vantu vakuavo va vengi va ku pihia, na vamo makisikisi va ndzili ya kama. Vunoni ha kele naua vantu va cili ngeci mua Avele, Enoke na Noa. Mu Mutamba ua KU LIVANGA tu ka tanda via vantu vose ava na viuma via va solokelele.




God Begins to Make Things

The Genesis story of creation is understandable and fascinating​—even to young children.


A Beautiful Garden

According to Genesis, God made the garden of Eden a very special place. God wants the whole earth to be just like that beautiful garden.


The First Man and Woman

God created Adam and Eve and placed them in the garden of Eden. They became the first married couple.


Why They Lost Their Home

The Bible book of Genesis tells us how the original paradise was lost.


A Hard Life Begins

Outside the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve faced many problems. If only they had obeyed God, life would have been happy for them and their children.


A Good Son, and a Bad One

The story of Cain and Abel, as recorded in Genesis, teaches us about the kind of people we should be​—and what attitudes to change before it’s too late.


A Brave Man

The example of Enoch shows that you can do what is right, even if people all around you do what is bad.


Giants in the Earth

Genesis chapter 6 tells about giants who hurt people. Those giants, called Nephilim, were children of the fallen angels who left heaven and lived as humans.


Noah Builds an Ark

Noah and his family survived the Flood because they obeyed God even though others would not listen.


The Great Flood

People laughed at Noah’s warning message. But they were not laughing when the flood waters fell from heaven! Learn how Noah’s ark saved Noah, his family, and many animals.