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Mutamba 2

The Flood to the Deliverance From Egypt

The Flood to the Deliverance From Egypt

Vantu va ku pua lika vatanu na vatatu vovokele ku Livazi, vunoni mu ku hita ca miaka va lanene ku tuvakana makulukazi. Fume ku Livazi mua hitile miaka 352 kaha Avilahama ua semukile. Tu ka lilongesa vati Njambi ua puisilemo cikulaheso ceni mu ku hana kuli Avilahama muana ua lukile ngueni Isake. Hakati ka vana vavali va Isake Njambi ua hanguileho Yakomba.

Yakomba ua kele na vana va vamala va ku pua 12 kaha na vamo vana va vampuevo. Vana va Yakomba va ku pua 10 va zindile ntsongo yavo Yosefe ngeci va mu landesele ku vundungo ku Ingito. Ku lutue, Yosefe ua himpukile musika ua Ingito. Mu yezile ndzala ya kama, Yosefe uesekele vamuanaye linga a mone nga va alulukile ku mitima. Vusoko vuose vua Yakomba, vaIsaleli, vua nungulukilile ku Ingito. Evi viose via lingikile mu nima ya miaka 290 fume ha ku semuka ca Avilahama.

Mu miaka 215 ya hateleko vaIsaleli va yoyelele ku Ingito. Mua tsile Yosefe, vaIsaleli va va tengele vandungo ku cifuti cize. Mu nima ya ntsimbu, Mosesa ua semukile kaha Njambi ua mu tumine mu ku patula vaIsaleli mu Ingito. Miaka ya ku pua 857 ya hitilemo, mu mizimbu i va na lombolola muno Mutamba ua mu CIVALI.




The First Rainbow

When you see a rainbow, what should it remind you of?


Men Build a Big Tower

God was not pleased, and the punishment he gave still affects people today.


Abraham​—A Friend of God

Why did Abraham leave his comfortable home to spend the rest of his life living in tents?


God Tests Abraham’s Faith

Why did God ask Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac?


Lot’s Wife Looked Back

What she did can teach us a valuable lesson.


Isaac Gets a Good Wife

What made Rebekah such a good wife? Her beauty, or something else?


Twins Who Were Different

Their father, Isaac, loved Esau more, but their mother, Rebekah, loved Jacob more.


Jacob Goes to Haran

Jacob married Leah first even though he was in love with Rachel.


Jacob Has a Big Family

Are the 12 tribes of Israel named after Jacob’s 12 sons?


Dinah Gets Into Trouble

It all started with the wrong friends.


Joseph Is Put Into Prison

He is sent there, not because he broke the law, but because he did what was right.


Pharaoh’s Dreams

The seven cows and seven heads of grain have something in common.


Joseph Tests His Brothers

How can he know whether they have really changed from the time that they sold him as a slave?


The Family Moves to Egypt

Why are the members of Jacob’s family called Israelites instead of Jacobites?


Job Is Faithful to God

Job lost his wealth, his health, and all his children. Was God punishing him?


A Bad King Rules Egypt

Why did he tell his people to kill all the Israelite baby boys?


How Baby Moses Was Saved

His mother finds a way around the law that all Israelite baby boys should be killed.


Why Moses Ran Away

Moses thought he was ready to save the Israelites when he was 40 years old, but he wasn’t.


The Burning Bush

Using a series of miracles, God tells Moses that the time has come for Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.


Moses and Aaron See Pharaoh

Why doesn’t Pharaoh listen to Moses and release the Israelites?


The 10 Plagues

God brought 10 calamities on Egypt, all because the Egyptian ruler Pharaoh stubbornly refused to let the Israelites go.


Crossing the Red Sea

Moses parts the Red Sea by God’s power and the Israelites cross on dry land.