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Mutamba 5

Captivity in Babylon to Rebuilding of Jerusalem’s Walls

Captivity in Babylon to Rebuilding of Jerusalem’s Walls

Mu va kele mu vundungo ku Mbambilone, vaIsaleli va hitile mu vieseko via vingi mu lutsilielo luavo. Sandelake, Mesake na Avende-nengo va va mbilile mu lutengo tuhia, vunoni Njambi ua vovuele. Kaha ku lutue lua ntsimbu, omo Mbambilone va i vulile kuli vakua Mende na vakua Pelesia, Ndaniele va mu mbilile mu cina ca vandumba, vunoni neni va mu ohielele kuli Njambi, mu ku soka ku tunua tua vandumba.

Mu ku sulumuina, muangana ua Pelesia, Silu ua patula vaIsaleli mu vundungo. Mu nima ya miaka 70 ya vundungo mu Mbambilone, vaIsaleli va hilukile ku cifuti cavo. Cuma ca ku livanga ci va ka lingile mu va hetele ku Yelusalema, ca puile ku tungulula tembele ya Yehova. Vunoni vitozi va tanguile vipanga viavo. Ngeci tembele mukemuo tembele va i manusuile lika mu nima ya miaka 22, fume ha va hilukilile ku Yelusalema.

Kaha ku lutue tu ka lilongesa via vungendzi vua Ezela mua hilukile ku Yelusalema mu ku ka viukisa tembele. Tele mua hiti miaka 47, fume ha ku-hua ca tembele. Kaha mu nima ya miaka 13, fume ha hilukilile Ezela, Nehemiya ua kuasele ku tungulula vivumbe via ku lundumuka via Yelusalema. Mutamba ua mu CITANU ua ambatele miaka 152 kua ku heta na ku ntsimbu eyi.




They Would Not Bow Down

Would God save these three obedient young men from the fiery furnace?


Handwriting on the Wall

The prophet Daniel interprets four mysterious words.


Daniel in the Lions’ Pit

Daniel received a death sentence, but could he have avoided it?


God’s People Leave Babylon

King Cyrus of Persia fulfilled one prophecy when he captured Babylon, and now he fulfills another.


Trusting in God’s Help

The Israelites break man’s laws in order to obey God. Will God bless them?


Mordecai and Esther

Queen Vashti was beautiful, but King Ahasuerus still replaced her with Esther as his new queen. Why?


The Walls of Jerusalem

While rebuilding the wall, the workers must keep their swords and spears ready both day and night.