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Mutamba 6

Birth of Jesus to His Death

Birth of Jesus to His Death

Kangelo Ngambiele va mu tumine kuli umo muana mpuevo lizina lieni Maliya. Kaha ua mu lekele ngueni a ka kuata muana uze a ka pua muangana miaka yose. Kanike Yesu ua semukilile mu mulaka kaha tuniungi va ileko na ku ka mu meneka. Kaha ku lutue lua ntsimbu, imo ntangantanga ya tuamenena vamo vamala va ku Vucelo ngeci va ile na ku mona kanike. Kaha tu ka tantekeya iya ua va lingisile ku mona ntangantanga, tu ka mona naua vati Yesu uovokele, mu va tondele ku mu tsiha.

Cikuavo naua tu ka mona vati Yesu ua handekele na valongesi mu tembele tele ali na miaka 12. Kaha mu nima ya miaka likumi na itanu na itatu va mu mbatizile ngeci ua putukile cipanga ca ku ambulula na kulongesa via Vuangana, vize vipanga via mu tumine Njambi mu kua ku vi linga ha mavu. Yesu ua hanguile vamala 12 linga va mu kuase mu cipanga caco, ngeci ua va tengele vapostolo veni.

Yesu ua lingile naua vikomoueso via vingi. Ua sukile makulukazi a vantu na vantsi va vandende na vimbolo via vindende. Ua kanguisile vavezi na ku sangula vatsi. Mu ku sulumuina, tu ka lilongesa viuma via solokelele Yesu ku matangua aku sulumuina ca muono ueni, na vati va mu tsihile. Yesu ua ambuluile mu miaka itatu na vingonde vitanu na imo, uno MUTAMBA 6, ua ambatele lika miaka 34.




An Angel Visits Mary

He brings a message from God: Mary is going to have a baby who will be a king forever.


Jesus Born in a Stable

Why would a future king be born where animals are fed?


Men Guided by a Star

Who guided the magi to Jesus? The answer might surprise you.


Young Jesus in the Temple

He has something that amazes even the older men who teach at the temple.


John Baptizes Jesus

John has been baptizing sinners, but Jesus never sinned. Why did John baptize him?


Jesus Cleans Out the Temple

Jesus displays a type of love that makes him become angry.


With the Woman at the Well

How can the water that Jesus offers keep her from ever getting thirsty at all?


Jesus Teaches on a Mountain

Learn timeless wisdom from his Sermon on the Mount.


Jesus Raises the Dead

Using God’s power, Jesus said two simple words and resurrected the daughter of Jairus.


Jesus Feeds Many People

By miraculously feeding thousands, Jesus proved what important point?


He Loves Little Children

Jesus teaches the apostles that they have much to learn not only about little children, but also from the children.


The Way Jesus Teaches

Jesus’ parable of the neighborly Samaritan is an example of the style of teaching he used most often.


Jesus Heals the Sick

What does Jesus accomplish by all the miracles he performs?


Jesus Comes as King

Large crowds welcome him, but not everyone is happy about it.


On the Mount of Olives

Jesus tells four of his apostles about things that are happening in our time.


In an Upstairs Room

Why does Jesus tell the disciples to have this special meal each year?


Jesus in the Garden

Why did Judas betray Jesus with a kiss?


Jesus Is Killed

While being put to death on the stake, he made a promise about paradise.