How Can Jesus’ Death Save Us?

How Can Jesus’ Death Save Us?
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We sin, suffer, and die because the first human couple, Adam and Eve, disobeyed God. a But our situation is not hopeless. Jehovah has provided a way for us to be delivered from the curse of sin and death by means of his Son, Jesus Christ. The Bible teaches that by his death, Jesus provided a ransom. A ransom is the price paid to release someone. The price Jesus paid was the value of his perfect human life. (Read Matthew 20:28.) When Jesus willingly surrendered his right to everlasting life on earth, he opened the way for us to regain all that Adam and Eve had lost. Jesus also revealed how much he and Jehovah love us. This lesson will help deepen your appreciation for Jesus’ death.

1. How can we benefit from Jesus’ death today?

Because we are sinners, we do many things that displease Jehovah. However, if we are truly sorry for our sins and ask Jehovah through Jesus Christ to forgive us and if we do our best not to repeat those mistakes, we can enjoy a close bond of friendship with God. (1 John 2:1) The Bible says: “Christ died once for all time for sins, a righteous person for unrighteous ones, in order to lead you to God.”​—1 Peter 3:18.

2. In the future, how can we benefit from Jesus’ death?

Jehovah sent Jesus to offer his perfect human life “so that everyone exercising faith in [Jesus] might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) Thanks to what Jesus did, Jehovah will soon undo all the bad things caused by Adam’s disobedience. This means that if we exercise faith in Jesus’ sacrifice, we will have the opportunity to enjoy life forever on a paradise earth!​—Isaiah 65:21-23.


Deepen your understanding of why Jesus gave up his life, and consider how you benefit.

3. Jesus’ death frees us from sin and death

Play the VIDEO, and then discuss the question that follows.

  • What opportunity did Adam lose when he disobeyed God?

Read Romans 5:12, and then discuss this question:

  • How has Adam’s sin affected your life?

Read John 3:16, and then discuss this question:

  • Why did Jehovah send his Son to the earth?

  1. Adam was a perfect man who disobeyed God and put humans on a path to sin and death

  2. Jesus was a perfect man who obeyed God and put humans on a path to perfection and eternal life

4. Jesus’ death can benefit all people

Play the VIDEO, and then discuss the question that follows.

  • How could the death of one man benefit all people?

Read 1 Timothy 2:5, 6, and then discuss this question:

  • Adam was a perfect man who put humans on a path to sin and death. Jesus was also a perfect man. In what way did he provide “a corresponding ransom”?

5. The ransom is Jehovah’s gift to you

Jehovah’s friends view the ransom as a personal gift. For example, read Galatians 2:20, and then discuss this question:

  • How did the apostle Paul indicate that he viewed the ransom as a personal gift?

When Adam sinned, he and all his descendants were condemned to death. But Jehovah sent his Son to die so that you can have the opportunity to enjoy everlasting life.

As you read the following verses, imagine how Jehovah must have felt while his Son suffered. Read John 19:1-7, 16-18, and then discuss this question:

  • How do you feel about what Jehovah and Jesus did for you?

SOMEONE MAY ASK: “How could one man die for all people?”

  • How would you answer?


Jesus’ death provides the basis for Jehovah to forgive our sins, and it gives us the opportunity to enjoy life forever.


  • Why did Jesus die?

  • In what way was Jesus’ perfect human life a corresponding ransom?

  • How can Jesus’ death benefit you?


a Sin is not just the action of doing something bad. Sin also refers to the damaged condition that we inherited.