Inda koshikalimo

Inda koshikalimo

Oonzo dhuuyelele

Oonzo dhuuyelele

1. Iinima yi na omwenyo oye ya po ngiini?

1. Embo How Life Began — Evolution’s Three Geneses, lya nyolwa kuAlexandre Meinesz nolya tolokwa kuDaniel Simberloff, mo 2008, ep. 30-33, 45.

a. Embo Life Itself — Its Origin and Nature, lya nyolwa kuFrancis Crick, mo 1981, ep. 15-16, 141-​153.

2. Oshitopolwa “A Simpler Origin for Life,” moshifo Scientific American, sha nyolwa kuRobert Shapiro, shaJuni 2007, ep. 48.

a. Oshitopolwa “A Leading Mystery of Life’s Origins Is Seemingly Solved,” moshifokundaneki The New York Times, sha nyolwa kuNicholas Wade, 14 Mei 2009, ep. A23.

3. Oshifo Scientific American, shaJuni 2007, ep. 48.

4. Oshifo Scientific American, shaJuni 2007, ep. 47, 49-⁠50.

5. Embo Information Theory, Evolution, and the Origin of Life, lya nyolwa kuHubert P. Yockey, mo 2005, ep. 182.

6. Oshitopolwa “Life’s Working Definition — DoesIt Work?” shi li moshifo shedhina Astrobiology Magazine, sha nyanyangidhwa kehangano lyoNASA (’s_working_definition.html),accessed 3/17/2009.

2. Opu na ngaa oshinima shi na omwenyo shi li paunathangwa?

7. Oshitopolwa “Nuts, Bolts of Who We Are,” shi li moshifo Princeton Weekly ­Bulletin, sha nyolwa kuSteven Schultz,shesiku 1 Mei 2000, (, sha talwa momasiku 3/27/2009.

a. Uuyelele wa za kaakundaneki wu na ko nasha nekopi hali ithanwa “The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2002,” ndyoka lya gandjelwe momasiku 7 Kotoba 2002, (, wa talwa momasiku 3/27/2009.

8. Ekopi hali ithanwa “The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2002,” ndyoka lya gandjelwe momasiku 7 Kotoba 2002.

9. Iitopolwa yi na oshipalanyolo “Cell,” “The Mitochondrion and the Chloroplast,” naashoka shi na okapalanyolo okashona, “The Endosymbiont ­Hypothesis” tayi adhika membo lyo-Encyclopædia Britannica, CD 2003.

10. Embo How Life Began — Evolution’s Three Geneses, ep. 32.

11. Okambo okatiyali kedhina Molecular Biology of the Cell, ka nyolwa kuBruce Alberts et al, mo 1989, ep. 405.

12. Oshitopolwa “The Role of Proteomics in Defining the Human Embryonic Secretome,” membo Molecular Human Reproduction, lya nyolwa kuM. G. Katz-Jaffe, S. McReynolds, D. K. Gardner nokuW. B. Schoolcraft, lyomo 2009, ep. 271.

13. Embo Between Necessity and Probability: Searching for the Definition and Origin of Life, lya nyolwa kuRadu Popa, mo 2004, ep. 129.

14. Embo Between Necessity and Probability: Searching for the Definition and Origin of Life, ep. 126-127.

(Oshimpungu) Osele ohayi vulu okwiindjipala meendelelo shi thike peni?

15. Embo Origin of Mitochondria and Hydrogenosomes, lya nyolwa kuWilliam F. Martin nokuMiklós Müller, mo 2007, ep. 21.

16. Embo Brain Matters — Translating Research Into Classroom Practice, lya nyolwa kuPat Wolfe, mo 2001, ep. 16.

3. Uuyelele mboka wu li mo-DNA owa zi peni?

17. Uuyelele wa za kehala hoka haku konakonenwa iinima, hali ithanwa Berkeley Lab, (http:­//, wu li moshitoplwa: “Molecular DNA Switch Found to Be the Same for All Life,” sha nyolwa kuLynn Yarris, pepandja 1 lyomomapandja 4; womasiku 2/10/2009.

18. Embo Life Script, lya nyolwa kuNicholas Wade, mo 2001, ep. 79.

19. Embo Bioinformatics Methods in Clinical ­Research, lya talululwa nokunyolululwa kuRune Matthiesen, mo 2010, ep. 49.

20. Oshitopolwa “Computing With DNA,” shi li moshifo Scientific American, sha nyolwa kuLeonard M. Adleman, ­shaAuguste 1998, ep. 61.

21. Oshitopolwa shedhina “Enumeration of DNA Molecules Bound to a Nanomechanical Oscillator,” shi li moshifo Nano Letters, sha nyolwa kuB. Ilic, Y. Yang, K. Aubin, R. Reichenbach, S. Krylov nokuH. G. Craighead, Embo. 5, No. 5, mo 2005, ep. 925, 929.

22. Embo Genome — The Autobiography of a ­Species in 23 Chapters, lya nyolwa kuMatt Ridley, mo 1999, ep. 7-⁠8.

23. Embo etiyali lyedhina Essential Cell Biology, lya nyolwa kuBruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, ­Karen Hopkin, Alexander Johnson, ­Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts nokuPeter Walter, mo 2004, ep. 201.

24. Embo etine lyedhina Molecular Biology of the Cell, lya nyolwa kuBruce Alberts et al, mo 2002, ep. 258.

25. Ethano lya za membo No Ordinary Genius — The Illustrated Richard Feynman, lya talululwa nokunyolululwa kuChristopher Sykes, mo 1994, inapu tulwa epandja nenge oohapu dha sha dhoku li yelitha.

a. Oshitopolwa “Second Genesis — Life, but Not As We Know It,” shi li moshifo New Scientist, sha nyolwa kuBob Holmes, shomasiku 11 Maalitsa 2009, ( sha monika momasiku 3/11/2009.

26. Embo The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence — A Philosophical Inquiry, lya nyolwa kuDavid Lamb, mo 2001, ep. 83.

27. Oshitopolwa “Famous Atheist Now Believes in God,” shi li moshifokundaneki shedhina Associated Press Newswires, sha nyolwa kuN. Ostling, shomasiku 9 Desemba 2004.

(Oshimpungu) Oshitopolwa shoka tashi vulu okuleshwa nokuningwa ookopi

28. Embo etiyali lyedhina Intelligent Life in the Universe, lya nyolwa kuPeter Ulmschneider, mo 2006, ep. 125.

4. Mbela iinima ayihe yi na omwenyo oya za koshinima shimwe?

29. Oshitopolwa “The Concept of Monophyly: A Speculative Essay,” shi li moshifo shedhina Biology and Philosophy, sha nyolwa kuMalcolm S. Gordon, mo 1999, ep. 335.

30. Oshitopolwa “Uprooting Darwin’s Tree,” shi li moshifo New Scientist, sha nyolwa kuGraham Lawton, shomasiku 24 Januali 2009, ep. 34.

31. Oshifo New Scientist, shomasiku 24 Januali 2009, ep. 37, 39.

32. Oshitopolwa “Conflicts Between Darwin and ­Paleontology,” shi li membo Field Museum of Natural History ­Bulletin, lya nyolwa kuDavid M. Raup, muJanuali 1979, ep. 23.

33. Oshitopolwa “The Origin of Form Was Abrupt Not Gradual,” shi li moshifo shedhina Archaeology, sha nyolwa kuSuzan Mazur, sho masiku 11 Kotoba 2008, (,sha monika momasiku 2/23/2009.

34. Embo In Search of Deep Time — Beyond the Fossil Record to a New History of Life, lya nyolwa kuHenry Gee, mo 1999, ep. 23.

35. Oshifo shedhina Biology and Philosophy, ep. 340.

36. Oshitopolwa “Fossil Evidence,” shi li moshifo National Geographic, shaNovomba 2004, ep. 25.

37. Embo The Evolutionists — The Struggle for Darwin’s Soul, lya nyolwa kuRichard Morris, mo 2001, ep. 104-105.

(Oshimpungu) Mbela aantu oya za koondjima?

38. Okambo The Human Lineage, ka nyolwa kuMatt Cartmill naFred H. Smith, mo 2009, Efalomo, ep. xi.

39. Embo Fossils, Teeth and Sex — New Perspectives on Human Evolution, lya nyolwa kuCharles E. Oxnard, mo 1987, Efalomo, ep. xi, xii.

a. Embo From Lucy to Language, lya nyolwa kuDonald Johanson nokuBlake Edgar, mo 1996, ep. 22.

b. Oshitopolwa “Palaeodemography and Dental Microwear of Homo Habilis From East Africa,” membo Anthropologie, XLII/1, lya nyolwa kuLaura M. Martínez, Jordi Galbany nokuAlejandro Pérez-Pérez, mo 2004, ep. 53.

c. Embo lyedhina In Search of Deep Time — Beyond the Fossil Record to a New History of Life, ep. 22.

40. Oshitopolwa “Patenting Hominins — Taxonomies, Fossils and Egos,” shi li moshifo Critique of Anthropology, oshiti-29(2), sha nyolwa kuRobin Derricourt, 2009, ep. 195-196, 198.

41. Oshitopolwa “A New Species of Great Ape From the Late Miocene Epoch in ­Ethiopia,” shi li moshifo Nature, sha nyolwa kuGen Suwa, Reiko T. Kono, Shigehiro Katoh, Berhane Asfaw nokuYonas Beyene, shomasiku 23 Auguste 2007, ep. 921.

42. Oshitopolwa “New Findings​ — New Problems in Classification of Hominids,” shi li moshifo shedhina Acta Biologica Szegediensis, oshiti- 46(1-⁠2), sha nyolwa kuGyula Gyenis, mo 2002, ep. 57, 59.

43. Oshitopolwa “A Fine Fossil — But a Missing Link She’s Not,” shi li moshifo shedhina New Scientist, sha nyolwa kuChris Bead, shomasiku 30 Mei 2009, ep. 18.

44. Oshitopolwa “Fossil Ida: Extraordinary Find Is ‘Missing Link’ in Human Evolution,” shi li moshifokundaneki The Guardian, moLondon, sha nyolwa kuJames Randerson, shomasiku 19 Mei 2009, (,sha monika momasiku 8/25/2009.

45. Oshifo New Scientist, shomasiku 30 Mei 2009, ep. 18-⁠19.

46. Oshifo Critique of Anthropology, Volume 29(2), ep. 202.

47. Oshitopolwa Forensic Anthropology, “Anthropological Facial ‘Reconstruction’ — Recognizing the Fallacies, ‘Unembracing’ the Errors, and Realizing Method Limits,” shi li moshifo Science and Justice, Vol. 43, No. 4, (2003) section, sha nyolwa kuC. N. Stephan, ep. 195.

48. Embo The Human Fossil Record — Volume Three, lya nyolwa kuRalph L. Holloway, Douglas C. Broadfield nokuMichael S. Yuan, mo 2004, Efalomo ep. xvi.

49. Oshifo Scientific American Mind, “Intelligence Evolved,” lya nyolwa kuUrsula Dicke naGerhard Roth, muAuguste/Septemba 2008, ep. 72.

50. Oshitopolwa “How Neandertals Inform Human Variation,” shi li moshifo American Journal of Physical Anthropology, sha nyolwa kuMilford H. Wolpoff, mo 2009, ep. 91.

51. Embo Conceptual Issues in Human Modern Origins Research, lya talululwa nokunyolululwa kuG. A. Clark nokuC. M. Willermet, mo 1997, ep. 5, 60.

a. Embo Wonderful Life — The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History, lya nyolwa kuStephen Jay Gould, mo 1989, ep. 28.