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Yehova ni pothaŵila pasu

Yehova ni pothaŵila pasu

(Salimo 91)

  1. 1. Yehova n’pothaŵila,

    Sewo tum’dalila.

    Ndipo tipitilije;


    Oteteza ŵanthu ŵake,

    Ndipo tikhulupilile.

    Yehova n’pothaŵila,

    Oteteza ŵanthu ŵake.

  2. 2. Anyinji angapone

    Pafupi na sewo,

    Tichitelini wowa

    Tinkhale otang’a.

    Tetyo osachita wowa;

    Yehova atiteteze.

    Mulungu atisunge,

    Ndipo otisamalila.

  3. 3. Yehova oteteza

    Kumisampha yonse,

    Usiku olo nzuŵa,


    Olo pa nthawe ya soka,

    Sewo tudalila yove.

    Yehova n’pothaŵila,

    Oteteza ŵanthu ŵake.

(Onanisoti Sal. 97:10; 121:3, 5; Yes. 52:12.)