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Let “the Law of Kindness” Motivate You

Let “the Law of Kindness” Motivate You

“THE kindness of the Christian brothers and sisters was everything,” said Lisa. a She was referring to what first attracted her to the truth. It was similar with Anne, who admitted, “It was more about kindness than doctrine.” Both of these sisters now enjoy reading the Bible and meditating on it, but kindness had a great impact on them.

How can we express kindness that touches the heart of those around us? Let us discuss two ways: with our tongue and with our actions. Then we will consider to whom we should show kindness.


The capable wife described in Proverbs chapter 31 has “the law of kindness” on her tongue. (Prov. 31:26) She allows this “law” to govern the tone and content of her speech. Fathers too do well to have this “law” on their tongue. Most parents are well-aware that a harsh-sounding statement can have a negative effect on their child. If parents speak in a brusque, cold tone, their child will likely not react well. So to be more appealing and effective, parents do well to strive to speak with kindness.

Whether you are a parent or not, how can you govern your tongue with kindness? We find a clue in the first part of Proverbs 31:26: “She opens her mouth in wisdom.” That involves choosing our words and tone of voice wisely. It will usually help to ask ourselves, ‘Will what I am about to say stir up anger, or will it calm a tense situation?’ (Prov. 15:1) Yes, it is wise to think ahead.

Another proverb states: “Thoughtless speech is like the stabs of a sword.” (Prov. 12:18) When we reflect on how our words and our tone may affect others, we will more likely be able to control what rolls off our tongue. Yes, our applying “the law of kindness” will help us to hold back from using cruel words and a harsh tone. (Eph. 4:31, 32) We will replace negative thoughts and speech with kind words and a positive, warm tone. Jehovah set the example in this regard when he reassured his frightened servant Elijah. The angel representing Jehovah spoke in “a calm, low voice.” (1 Ki. 19:12) Granted, to be kind involves more than just kind speech. We must also perform acts of kindness. How?


When we imitate Jehovah, we complement our kind speech with acts of kindness. (Eph. 4:32; 5:1, 2) Lisa, quoted earlier, described the kindness shown by the Witnesses. “When our family was forced to move on very short notice, two couples in the congregation took time off from work to help us pack. At that time, I wasn’t even studying the Bible!” Those acts of kindness moved Lisa to make a closer examination of the truth.

Anne, mentioned at the outset, also appreciated the kindness shown to her by the Witnesses. She noted: “Because of how the world is in general, I became very skeptical. I found it hard to trust people.” She continued: “When I met the Witnesses, I questioned their motives. I wondered, ‘Why are they showing interest in me?’ But my Bible teacher’s genuine kindness moved me to trust her.” With what good result? “Later, I started focusing on what I was learning.”

Note that Lisa and Anne were deeply touched by the loving acts of kindness from individuals in the congregation, and that had a bearing on their learning the truth. The kindness the congregation showed them helped to open their heart.


Some may be more inclined to use kind words and to smile because of their cultural background. Such polite formalities motivated by custom or by a natural tendency are commendable. But if we are motivated solely by such, it may not indicate godly kindness.​—Compare Acts 28:2.

True godly kindness is an aspect of the fruitage of God’s holy spirit. (Gal. 5:22, 23) So cultivating kindness involves working along with the spirit’s influence. That harmonizes with our desire to imitate Jehovah and Jesus. And as Christians, we have an active interest in others. Hence, we are motivated by both love for Jehovah God and love for our fellow man. Our kindness then becomes a powerful quality that comes from the heart and that God approves of.


It may seem natural to show kindness to those who have been kind to us or to those we know. (2 Sam. 2:6) One way is to thank them. (Col. 3:15) But what if we feel that someone does not deserve an expression of kindness?

Consider this: Jehovah sets the supreme example in extending undeserved kindness, and his written Word teaches us an important lesson about displaying this quality. The expression “undeserved kindness” is used scores of times in the Christian Greek Scriptures. How does God show us kindness?

Think about the millions upon millions of humans to whom Jehovah has been expressing his kindness by providing them with what they need to stay alive. (Matt. 5:45) In fact, even before humans acknowledged Jehovah, he expressed kindness to them. (Eph. 2:4, 5, 8) For example, he gave his best, his only-begotten Son, for all mankind. The apostle Paul wrote that Jehovah provided the ransom “according to the riches of his undeserved kindness.” (Eph. 1:7) Furthermore, though we sin and disappoint Jehovah, he continues to guide and teach us. His instruction and words are like “gentle rains.” (Deut. 32:2) We certainly cannot fully repay him for all the kindness he is showing us. And the reality is that we depend on Jehovah’s kindness for our future.​—Compare 1 Peter 1:13.

Without doubt, Jehovah’s kindness is endearing and motivating. As a result, rather than be selective about those to whom we express kindness, we should strive to imitate Jehovah by making kindness a part of our daily way of life. (1 Thess. 5:15) When we show kindness consistently, we are like a warm fire on a cold day. We are a comfort to our family members, fellow worshippers, workmates, schoolmates, and neighbors.

Think of those in your family or in the congregation who will flourish because of your kind words and acts. There may be someone in your congregation who especially needs help to care for the home and garden or to do a regular activity such as shopping. In addition, when you meet someone in your ministry who needs assistance, could you in some way offer practical help?

In imitation of Jehovah, may our words and actions always be governed by “the law of kindness.”

a Names have been changed.