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Study Tip

Study Tip

How to Keep Up With Adjustments to Our Understanding

What a privilege it is to live at a time when Jehovah is progressively clarifying Bible understanding more than ever. (Dan. 12:4) Even so, we may find it challenging to keep up with adjustments to our understanding of Bible truths. Where can we find these adjustments and explanations?

• The Watch Tower Publications Index entry “Beliefs Clarified” provides a complete list of adjustments sorted by year. For a list of topics, enter “understanding clarified” (including the quotation marks) in the search box of Watchtower Library or Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY.

• The Research Guide for Jehovah’s Witnesses contains a condensed list sorted by topic. Go to “Jehovah’s Witnesses,” then “Views and Beliefs,” and then “Clarification of Our Beliefs.”

As a personal study project, why not pick a recent adjustment and research our current understanding and the Scriptural reasons for the change?