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The Book of Jeremiah


Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • Jeremiah appointed as prophet (1-10)

    • Vision of the almond tree (11, 12)

    • Vision of the cooking pot (13-16)

    • Jeremiah fortified for his commission (17-19)

  • 2

    • Israel abandons Jehovah for other gods (1-37)

      • Israel like a foreign vine (21)

      • Her skirts stained with blood (34)

  • 3

    • Depth of Israel’s apostasy (1-5)

    • Israel and Judah guilty of adultery (6-11)

    • A call to repentance (12-25)

  • 4

    • Repentance brings blessings (1-4)

    • Disaster to come from the north (5-18)

    • Jeremiah’s pain over the coming disaster (19-31)

  • 5

    • The people refuse Jehovah’s discipline (1-13)

    • Destruction but not complete extermination (14-19)

    • Jehovah calls the people to account (20-31)

  • 6

    • Siege of Jerusalem near (1-9)

    • Jehovah’s rage on Jerusalem (10-21)

      • Saying “Peace!” when there is no peace (14)

    • Cruel invasion from the north (22-26)

    • Jeremiah to serve as a metal tester (27-30)

  • 7

    • False trust in Jehovah’s temple (1-11)

    • The temple to become like Shiloh (12-15)

    • Formal worship condemned (16-34)

      • “Queen of Heaven” worshipped (18)

      • Child sacrifice in Hinnom (31)

  • 8

    • The people choose the popular course (1-7)

    • What wisdom without Jehovah’s word? (8-17)

    • Jeremiah laments Judah’s breakdown (18-22)

      • “Is there no balsam in Gilead?” (22)

  • 9

    • Jeremiah’s deep sadness (1-3a)

    • Jehovah calls Judah to account (3b-16)

    • Lamentation over Judah (17-22)

    • Boast about knowing Jehovah (23-26)

  • 10

    • The gods of the nations versus the living God (1-16)

    • Impending destruction and exile (17, 18)

    • Jeremiah grieves (19-22)

    • The prophet’s prayer (23-25)

      • Man cannot direct his own step (23)

  • 11

    • Judah breaks covenant with God (1-17)

      • As many gods as cities (13)

    • Jeremiah likened to a lamb to be slaughtered (18-20)

    • Opposition from the men of Jeremiah’s hometown (21-23)

  • 12

    • Jeremiah’s complaint (1-4)

    • Jehovah’s answer (5-17)

  • 13

    • The ruined linen belt (1-11)

    • Wine jars to be smashed (12-14)

    • Irreformable Judah to be exiled (15-27)

      • “Can a Cushite change his skin?” (23)

  • 14

    • Drought, famine, and sword (1-12)

    • False prophets condemned (13-18)

    • Jeremiah acknowledges the people’s sins (19-22)

  • 15

    • Jehovah will not change his judgment (1-9)

    • Jeremiah’s complaint (10)

    • Jehovah’s answer (11-14)

    • Jeremiah’s prayer (15-18)

      • Delight in eating God’s words (16)

    • Jeremiah fortified by Jehovah (19-21)

  • 16

    • Jeremiah not to marry, mourn, or feast (1-9)

    • Punishment, then restoration (10-21)

  • 17

    • Judah’s sin ingrained (1-4)

    • Blessings of trusting in Jehovah (5-8)

    • The treacherous heart (9-11)

    • Jehovah, the hope of Israel (12, 13)

    • Jeremiah’s prayer (14-18)

    • Keeping the Sabbath sacred (19-27)

  • 18

    • The clay in the potter’s hands (1-12)

    • Jehovah turns his back on Israel (13-17)

    • Plot against Jeremiah; his plea (18-23)

  • 19

    • Jeremiah told to break a clay flask (1-15)

      • Child sacrifice to Baal (5)

  • 20

    • Pashhur strikes Jeremiah (1-6)

    • Jeremiah cannot stop preaching (7-13)

      • God’s message like a burning fire (9)

      • Jehovah like a fearsome warrior (11)

    • Jeremiah’s complaint (14-18)

  • 21

    • Jehovah denies Zedekiah’s request (1-7)

    • People to choose life or death (8-14)

  • 22

    • Judgment messages against bad kings (1-30)

      • Concerning Shallum (10-12)

      • Concerning Jehoiakim (13-23)

      • Concerning Coniah (24-30)

  • 23

    • Good shepherds and bad (1-4)

    • Security under the “righteous sprout” (5-8)

    • False prophets condemned (9-32)

    • “The burden” of Jehovah (33-40)

  • 24

    • Good figs and bad figs (1-10)

  • 25

    • Jehovah’s controversy with the nations (1-38)

      • Nations to serve Babylon for 70 years (11)

      • The cup of wine of God’s wrath (15)

      • Calamity from nation to nation (32)

      • Those slain by Jehovah (33)

  • 26

    • Jeremiah threatened with death (1-15)

    • Jeremiah spared (16-19)

      • Micah’s prophecy quoted (18)

    • The prophet Urijah (20-24)

  • 27

    • The yoke of Babylon (1-11)

    • Zedekiah told to submit to Babylon (12-22)

  • 28

    • Jeremiah versus the false prophet Hananiah (1-17)

  • 29

    • Jeremiah’s letter to the exiles in Babylon (1-23)

      • Israel to return after 70 years (10)

    • A message to Shemaiah (24-32)

  • 30

    • Promises of restoration and healing (1-24)

  • 31

    • Israel’s remnant to resettle the land (1-30)

      • Rachel weeps over her children (15)

    • A new covenant (31-40)

  • 32

    • Jeremiah’s purchase of a field (1-15)

    • Jeremiah’s prayer (16-25)

    • Jehovah’s answer (26-44)

  • 33

    • Restoration promised (1-13)

    • Security under the “righteous sprout” (14-16)

    • Covenant with David and priests (17-26)

      • Covenant regarding day and night (20)

  • 34

    • Judgment message to Zedekiah (1-7)

    • Covenant granting slaves liberty broken (8-22)

  • 35

    • Rechabites show exemplary obedience (1-19)

  • 36

    • Jeremiah dictates a scroll (1-7)

    • Baruch reads aloud from the scroll (8-19)

    • Jehoiakim burns the scroll (20-26)

    • Message rewritten on a new scroll (27-32)

  • 37

    • Chaldeans’ withdrawal only temporary (1-10)

    • Jeremiah imprisoned (11-16)

    • Zedekiah meets with Jeremiah (17-21)

      • Jeremiah provided with bread (21)

  • 38

    • Jeremiah thrown into a cistern (1-6)

    • Ebed-melech rescues Jeremiah (7-13)

    • Jeremiah urges Zedekiah to surrender (14-28)

  • 39

    • The fall of Jerusalem (1-10)

      • Zedekiah flees and is captured (4-7)

    • Jeremiah to be safeguarded (11-14)

    • Ebed-melech’s life to be spared (15-18)

  • 40

    • Nebuzaradan frees Jeremiah (1-6)

    • Gedaliah appointed over the land (7-12)

    • Plot against Gedaliah (13-16)

  • 41

    • Gedaliah assassinated by Ishmael (1-10)

    • Ishmael put to flight by Johanan (11-18)

  • 42

    • People ask Jeremiah to pray for direction (1-6)

    • Jehovah replies: “Do not go to Egypt” (7-22)

  • 43

    • People disobey and go to Egypt (1-7)

    • Jehovah’s word to Jeremiah in Egypt (8-13)

  • 44

    • Calamity on Jews in Egypt foretold (1-14)

    • People reject God’s warning (15-30)

      • “Queen of Heaven” worshipped (17-19)

  • 45

    • Jehovah’s message to Baruch (1-5)

  • 46

    • Prophecy against Egypt (1-26)

      • Egypt to be conquered by Nebuchadnezzar (13, 26)

    • Promises to Israel (27, 28)

  • 47

    • Prophecy against the Philistines (1-7)

  • 48

    • Prophecy against Moab (1-47)

  • 49

    • Prophecy against Ammon (1-6)

    • Prophecy against Edom (7-22)

      • Edom no longer to exist as a nation (17, 18)

    • Prophecy against Damascus (23-27)

    • Prophecy against Kedar and Hazor (28-33)

    • Prophecy against Elam (34-39)

  • 50

    • Prophecy against Babylon (1-46)

      • Flee out of Babylon (8)

      • Israel to be brought back (17-19)

      • Babylon’s water to be dried up (38)

      • Babylon to be uninhabited (39, 40)

  • 51

    • Prophecy against Babylon (1-64)

      • Babylon to fall suddenly to the Medes (8-12)

      • Book thrown into the Euphrates (59-64)

  • 52

    • Zedekiah rebels against Babylon (1-3)

    • Nebuchadnezzar’s siege of Jerusalem (4-11)

    • Destruction of the city and the temple (12-23)

    • People taken into exile to Babylon (24-30)

    • Jehoiachin released from prison (31-34)