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Bu lo e’aga sɔ̄ iya dam le wa le butɔ le bu taāŋa ama, dapge waɛ kɔ butɔ a tɔɔ̄ bu ɛɛbu ni? Kɛ̄tɔɔ̄ ama naa waɛbah. Kerewo, yerebah le, Kere nwīekpo kpa ama, naa kɔ ue nyɔɔ dɛ̄dɛɛ̄ gah iya dam le wa, mɛ a tɔgɛ pya nu Baibol i gbī aāba alee, le pya edoba akiā leere. Lo ale o yere bu dogo kaāna, edoo kɔ ɛɛbu ale o butɔ.