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Ba Bee Ɛrɛ “Ɛɛbu Le Kaɛ Edɔɔ̄”

Ba Bee Ɛrɛ “Ɛɛbu Le Kaɛ Edɔɔ̄”

Nu i dap nɔ aāloo edoba Pɔɔl sɔ̄ pya nɛɛ naa gbaɛ̄tɔ̄loo ale ba gbanasī le yereue

Dɛɛa nyɔɔ Doonu 13:1-52

1, 2. What is unique about the journey that Barnabas and Saul are about to make, and how will their work help fulfill Acts 1:8?

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Pya Alu Esere “Loo Lo Tam” (Doonu 13:​1-12)

3. What made long journeys difficult in the first century?

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4. (a) What directed the choosing of Barnabas and Saul, and how did fellow believers react to the appointment? (b) How can we give support to those who receive theocratic assignments?

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5. Describe what was involved in witnessing on the island of Cyprus.

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6, 7. (a) Who was Sergius Paulus, and why did Bar-Jesus attempt to turn him away from the good news? (b) How did Saul counteract the opposition from Bar-Jesus?

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Like Paul, we boldly defend the truth in the face of opposition

8. How can we imitate Paul’s boldness today?

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“Ue Agɛrɛ Beenyiɛ” (Doonu 13:​13-43)

9. How did Paul and Barnabas set a fine example for those taking the lead in the congregation today?

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10. Describe the journey from Perga to Pisidian Antioch.

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11, 12. In speaking in the synagogue in Antioch of Pisidia, how did Paul appeal to his audience?

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13. How can we appeal to the hearts of our listeners?

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14. (a) How did Paul introduce the good news about Jesus, and what warning did he provide? (b) How did the crowd react to Paul’s speech?

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“I Kiiya Pii Pya Dɔɔ̄na Buɛ̄” (Doonu 13:​44-52)

15. What happened on the Sabbath following Paul’s speech?

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“They stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas . . . And the disciples continued to be filled with joy and holy spirit.”​—Acts 13:50-52

16. How did the Jews react to the strong words of the missionaries, and how did Paul and Barnabas respond to the opposition?

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17-19. In what ways can we imitate the fine example set by Paul and Barnabas, and how will our doing so contribute to our joy?

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