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Lannet Funn di Prophecies in di Bivvel

Lannet Funn di Prophecies in di Bivvel

“Selli mitt veisheit zayla fashtay.”​—DAN. 12:10.

SONG 94 Dankboah fa Gott Sei Vatt


1. Vass zayld uns helfa fa enjoya shtodya veyyich prophecies in di Bivvel?

 “I LOVE studying Bible prophecy,” says a young brother named Ben. Do you agree with him? Or are you a little intimidated by prophecy? You may even feel that studying prophecies can be boring. However, when you learn more about why Jehovah had them included in his Word, you may change your opinion.

2. Vass zayla miah shvetza diveyya in deah article?

2 In this article, we will discuss not only why we should learn about Bible prophecies but also how we can study them. We will then examine two prophecies in the book of Daniel to see how understanding them can help us now.


3. Vass missa miah du vann miah prophecies in di Bivvel fashtay vella?

3 We need to ask for help if we are to understand Bible prophecy. Consider this illustration. Imagine that you are visiting an unfamiliar place but a friend who is traveling with you is well-acquainted with the area. He knows exactly where you are and where each road leads. No doubt you would be glad that your friend agreed to come with you! In a similar way, Jehovah knows where we are in the stream of time and what is on the road ahead of us. So to understand Bible prophecy, we must humbly ask for Jehovah’s help.​—Dan. 2:28; 2 Pet. 1:19, 20.

Studying Bible prophecy can help us to prepare for future events (See paragraph 4)

4. Favass hott Jehova prophecies in di Bivvel gedu? (Jeremia 29:11) (Gukket aw’s piktah.)

4 Like any good parent, Jehovah wants his children to have a happy future. (Read Jeremiah 29:11.) But unlike any human parent, Jehovah can foretell the future with complete accuracy. He had prophecies recorded in his Word so that we can know about important events before they happen. (Isa. 46:10) Bible prophecies are loving gifts from our heavenly Father. But how can you be certain that what the Bible foretells really will come true?

5. Vass kann ebbah yunges lanna funn da Max?

5 At school, our young ones are often surrounded by those who have little or no respect for the Bible. Their comments and conduct can raise doubts in the mind of a young Witness. Note the experience of a brother named Max. He says, “When I was in my teens, I started to doubt that my parents were teaching me the true religion and that the Bible was inspired by God.” What did his parents do? He says, “They reacted calmly, even though I know they were worried.” Max’s parents answered his questions from the Bible. Max did something too. “I studied Bible prophecy for myself,” he says, “and I discussed what I learned with other young ones.” With what result? Max says, “After that, I was convinced that the Bible is inspired by God!”

6. Vass missa miah du vann ma doubts henn, un favass?

6 If, like Max, you begin to doubt that the Bible contains the truth, you do not need to feel guilty. But you do need to do something about it. Doubt is like rust. If ignored, it can slowly destroy something valuable. To begin removing any “rust” from your faith, you need to ask yourself, ‘Do I believe what the Bible says about the future?’ If you are not sure, then you need to study Bible prophecies that have already come true. How can you go about doing that?


To develop trust in Jehovah as Daniel did, we must study Bible prophecy humbly, thoroughly, and with the right motive (See paragraph 7)

7. Vass hott da Daniel kolfa fa prophecies shtodya? (Daniel 12:10) (Gukket aw’s piktah.)

7 Daniel set a good example with regard to how to study prophecy. He approached prophecy with the right motive, to know the truth. Daniel was also humble, recognizing that Jehovah will give understanding to those who know him and who live by his clean standards. (Dan. 2:27, 28; read Daniel 12:10.) Daniel proved that he was humble by relying on Jehovah for help. (Dan. 2:18) Daniel was also thorough. He researched the inspired Scriptures that were available to him. (Jer. 25:11, 12; Dan. 9:2) How can you imitate Daniel?

8. Favass doon samm leit prophecies in di Bivvel shtodya?

8 Examine your motives. Is your study of Bible prophecy motivated by a strong desire to know the truth? If it is, Jehovah will help you. (John 4:23, 24; 14:16, 17) Why else might someone study prophecy? Some may do so in hopes of finding evidence that the Bible is not inspired by God. In that way, they feel that they can justify setting their own standards of right and wrong and living by those standards. However, we need to have the proper motivation. In addition, an important quality is needed to understand Bible prophecy.

9. Vass fa quality braucha miah fa prophecies fashtay? Ekshplaynet.

9 Be humble. Jehovah promises to help the humble. (Jas. 4:6) So we need to pray for His help to understand Bible prophecy. We must also acknowledge that we need the help of the channel he is using to give us our spiritual food at the proper time. (Luke 12:42) Jehovah is a God of order, so it makes sense that he would use just one channel to help us understand the truths contained in his Word.​—1 Cor. 14:33; Eph. 4:4-6.

10. Vass kansht du lanna funn di Esther?

10 Be thorough. Pick a prophecy that interests you and research that one first. That is what a sister named Esther did. She was interested in prophecies that foretold the coming of the Messiah. “When I was 15,” she says, “I began digging for proof that these prophecies were actually written before Jesus’ time.” What she learned from reading about the Dead Sea Scrolls convinced her. “Some of them were written before the time of Christ,” she notes, “so the prophecies they contained had to be from God.” Esther admits, “I had to read things several times to understand them.” But she is happy she made the effort. After thoroughly studying a number of Bible prophecies, she says, “I could clearly see for myself that the Bible is true!”

11. Favass is’s goot fa shuah sei es di Bivvel voah is?

11 When we see how some prophecies in God’s Word have already been fulfilled, we develop an unbreakable trust in Jehovah and in the way that he is guiding us. In addition, Bible prophecies help us to maintain a positive hope for the future, no matter what trials we face now. Let us briefly consider two prophecies recorded by Daniel that are now being fulfilled. Understanding them can help us to make wise decisions.


12. Vass doon di fees funn “eisa un clay” shtay fa? (Daniel 2:41-43)

12 Read Daniel 2:41-43. In the dream that Daniel interpreted for King Nebuchadnezzar, the feet of the image that the king saw were made of “iron mixed with soft clay.” By comparing this prophecy with others in the books of Daniel and Revelation, we can conclude that the feet represent the Anglo-American alliance, the dominant world power today. Regarding this world power, Daniel says that “the kingdom will be partly strong and partly fragile.” Why partly fragile? Because the common people, pictured by the soft clay, undermine its ability to act with ironlike strength. b

13. Vass fa importandi sacha lanna miah funn deah prophecy?

13 From Daniel’s description of the dream image and particularly its feet, we learn several important truths. First, the Anglo-American World Power has shown its strength in some ways. For example, it played a key role in winning World War I and World War II. However, this world power has been weakened and will continue to be weakened by internal conflicts among its own citizens. Second, this alliance will be the last world power to rule before God’s Kingdom puts an end to all human kingdoms. Even though other nations may at times challenge the Anglo-American World Power, they will not replace it. We know that because “the stone” representing God’s Kingdom will crush the feet, the part of the image that depicts the Anglo-American alliance.​—Dan. 2:34, 35, 44, 45.

14. Vi kann da prophecy veyyich di fees funn eisa un clay uns helfa goodi decisions macha?

14 Are you convinced that Daniel’s prophecy regarding the feet of iron and clay is true? If so, that will affect the way you live your life. You will not seek material security in a world that will soon be crushed out of existence. (Luke 12:16-21; 1 John 2:15-17) Understanding this prophecy will also help you see the importance of the preaching and teaching work. (Matt. 6:33; 28:18-20) After studying this prophecy, why not ask yourself this question, ‘Do the decisions I make show that I am convinced that God’s Kingdom will soon put an end to all human governments?’


15. Veah is “da kaynich funn di natt” un “da kaynich funn di saut” heit? (Daniel 11:40)

15 Read Daniel 11:40. Daniel chapter 11 speaks of two kings, or political powers, who struggle with each other for world domination. By comparing this prophecy with others in the Bible, we can identify “the king of the north” as Russia and its allies and “the king of the south” as the Anglo-American World Power. c

We can strengthen our faith and avoid undue anxiety if we realize that opposition from “the king of the north” and “the king of the south” fulfills Bible prophecy (See paragraphs 16-18)

16. Vi dutt “da kaynich funn di natt” Gott sei leit treeda?

16 God’s people who live under the rule of “the king of the north” are enduring direct persecution by this king. Some Witnesses have been beaten and thrown into prison for their faith. Rather than intimidate our brothers, the actions of “the king of the north” build their faith. Why? Because our brothers know that the persecution of God’s people fulfills prophetic statements made by Daniel. d (Dan. 11:41) Our knowing that can help us to keep our hope strong and our integrity intact.

17. Vass fa challenges henn Gott sei leit shund katt koss funn “da kaynich funn di saut”?

17 In the past, “the king of the south” has also made direct attacks on Jehovah’s people. During the first half of the 20th century, for example, many brothers were imprisoned because of their Christian neutrality and some Witness children were expelled from school for the same reason. In recent decades, though, Jehovah’s servants living in the realm of that king have faced more subtle tests of their loyalty to God’s Kingdom. For instance, during election campaigns, a Christian might feel tempted to support one political party or candidate over another. He may not go so far as to vote; but in his mind and heart, he takes sides. How important it is that we remain politically neutral not only in our actions but also in our thoughts and feelings!​—John 15:18, 19; 18:36.

18. Vi sedda miah shpiahra veyyich di zvay kaynicha am fechta? (Gukket aw’s piktah.)

18 Those who do not have faith in Bible prophecy may become extremely anxious when they see “the king of the south” “lock horns” with “the king of the north.” (Dan. 11:40, ftn.) Both kings have enough nuclear firepower to destroy all life on earth. But we know that Jehovah will not allow that to happen. (Isa. 45:18) So rather than trouble us, the hostility between “the king of the north” and “the king of the south” strengthens our faith. It confirms that the end of this system is near.


19. Vass missa miah in meind halda veyyich prophecies in di Bivvel?

19 We do not know how some Bible prophecies will be fulfilled. Even the prophet Daniel did not understand the meaning of everything he wrote down. (Dan. 12:8, 9) But just because we do not fully comprehend how a prophecy will be fulfilled does not mean that it will not come true. Without a doubt, we can trust that Jehovah will reveal to us what we need to know at exactly the right time, just as he did in the past.​—Amos 3:7.

20. Vass fa ekseiydingi prophecies zayla miah glei sayna voah kumma, un vass sedda miah oh’halda du?

20 A proclamation of “peace and security” will be made. (1 Thess. 5:3) Then the world’s political powers will turn on false religion and wipe it out. (Rev. 17:16, 17) They will then attack God’s people. (Ezek. 38:18, 19) These events will lead directly to the final war of Armageddon. (Rev. 16:14, 16) We can be certain that these events will shortly take place. Until then, let us continue to show our appreciation to our loving heavenly Father by paying attention to Bible prophecy and by helping others to do the same.

SONG 95 ’S Licht Funn di Voahret Vatt Breiydah

a Es macht nix aus vi shlimm es sacha in di veld vadda zayla, miah kenna alsnoch shuah sei es sacha glei bessah vadda zayla. Sell is because miah prophecies shtodya in di Bivvel. Deah article zayld shvetza veyyich samm reesins favass es miah di prophecies in di Bivvel shtodya sedda. Miah zayla aw shvetza veyyich zvay prophecies es da Daniel kshrivva hott diveyya un sayna vi’s uns helft bei si fashtay.

b See the article “Jehovah Reveals What ‘Must Shortly Take Place,’” pars. 7-9, in the June 15, 2012, issue of The Watchtower.

c See the article “Who Is ‘the King of the North’ Today?,” pars. 3-4, in the May 2020 issue of The Watchtower.

d See the article “Who Is ‘the King of the North’ Today?,” pars. 7-9, in the May 2020 issue of The Watchtower.