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SONG 108 Gott sei Leevi Hott Kenn End

Vi Miah Bennafida Funn Jehova sei Leevi

Vi Miah Bennafida Funn Jehova sei Leevi

“Jesus Christus is in di veld kumma fa sindah [sayva].”​—1 TIM. 1:15.


Vi miah bennafida funn da ransom un vi miah veisa kenna es miah dankboah sinn zu Jehova.

1. Vass kenna miah du fa Jehova haebbi macha?

 IMAGINE giving someone you love a special gift that is both beautiful and practical. How disappointed you would be if that person simply put it in storage and gave it no further thought! On the other hand, you would surely be pleased if he or she put your gift to good use and expressed appreciation for it. What is the point? Jehovah has given his Son in our behalf. How happy Jehovah must be when we show gratitude for that precious gift and for his love, which moved him to provide the ransom!​—John 3:16; Rom. 5:7, 8.

2. Vass zayla miah shvetza diveyya in deah article?

2 As time passes, however, we could begin to take the gift of the ransom for granted. It would be like putting God’s gift in storage. We are happy to have it, but we keep it out of sight. To prevent that from happening, we must regularly renew our gratitude for what God and Christ have done for us. This article can help us do that. We will discuss how we benefit from the ransom now and how we can benefit from it in the future. We will also consider how we can respond appreciatively to Jehovah’s love, especially during this Memorial season.


3. Vass is ay vayk es miah bennafida funn da ransom nau?

3 We are already benefiting from Christ’s ransom sacrifice. For example, on the basis of the ransom, Jehovah forgives our sins. He is not obligated to forgive us. But he wants to. The grateful psalmist sang: “For you, O Jehovah, are good and ready to forgive.”​—Ps. 86:5; 103:3, 10-13.

4. Veah hott Jehova da ransom gevva fa? (Lukas 5:32; 1 Timotheus 1:15)

4 Some may feel unworthy of Jehovah’s forgiveness. Actually, we are all unworthy. The apostle Paul understood that he was “not worthy of being called an apostle.” And yet, he added: “By God’s undeserved kindness I am what I am.” (1 Cor. 15:9, 10) When we repent of our sins, Jehovah forgives us. Why? Not because we deserve it, but because he loves us. If you are disturbed by feelings of unworthiness, remember that Jehovah provided the ransom, not for sinless people, but for repentant sinners.​—Read Luke 5:32; 1 Timothy 1:15.

5. Diserva ennich’s funn uns fa fagevva sei bei Jehova? Ekshplaynet.

5 None of us should feel that we are entitled to receive Jehovah’s mercy even if we have spent many years in his service. Of course, Jehovah appreciates our record of faithfulness. (Heb. 6:10) He gave us his Son as a free gift, not as payment for services rendered. If we were to claim that we have earned mercy or that we are entitled to special consideration, we would, in effect, be saying that Christ died for nothing.​—Compare Galatians 2:21.

6. Favass hott da Paulus so feel gedu fa Jehova?

6 Paul knew that he could not earn God’s favor. Why, then, did he work so hard in Jehovah’s service? Not to prove himself deserving, but to show appreciation for Jehovah’s undeserved kindness. (Eph. 3:7) Like Paul, we continue to serve zealously, not to earn Jehovah’s mercy, but to show appreciation for it.

7. Vass is noch en vayk es miah bennafida funn da ransom grawt nau? (Römer 5:1; Jakobus 2:23)

7 Another way that we benefit from the ransom right now is that we can have a close, personal relationship with Jehovah. a As mentioned in the preceding article, when we were born, we did not have a relationship with God. But because of the ransom, we can enjoy “peace with God” and can therefore draw close to him.​—Read Romans 5:1; James 2:23.

8. Favass sedda miah dankboah sei koss es miah able sinn fa bayda zu Jehova?

8 Consider just one aspect of our relationship with Jehovah​—the privilege of prayer. Jehovah hears not only the public prayers of his people when they are gathered together but also the private prayers of each one of us. Prayer can calm our heart and give us peace of mind, but it is far more than just good therapy. It can deepen our friendship with God. (Ps. 65:2; Jas. 4:8; 1 John 5:14) While on earth, Jesus prayed frequently because he knew that Jehovah was listening and that prayer would keep his relationship with his Father strong. (Luke 5:16) How grateful we are that, on the basis of Jesus’ sacrifice, we can be Jehovah’s friends and even speak to Him in prayer!


9. Vi zayla selli es faythfel sinn bennafida funn da ransom in da future?

9 How will Jehovah’s faithful worshippers benefit from the ransom in the future? They will be granted everlasting life. Many people think that this is impossible because humans have been dying for thousands of years. But Jehovah’s original purpose was for humans to live forever. If Adam had not sinned, no one would think of endless life as being too good to be true. And while everlasting life might seem extraordinary at this time, so is the price that Jehovah paid to restore this prospect to us​—the gift of his own dear Son.​—Rom. 8:32.

10. Vass gukka di anointed un di anri shohf faddi ditzu?

10 Although everlasting life is a future benefit, Jehovah wants us to anticipate it right now. The anointed look forward to a purposeful life in heaven as they rule over the earth with Christ. (Rev. 20:6) The other sheep count on living on a paradise earth free from pain and sorrow. (Rev. 21:3, 4) Are you one of the other sheep with the prospect of endless life on earth? That reward is no mere consolation prize! It is everything humans were designed for. Life on earth will make us supremely happy.

11-12. Vass sinn samm funn di blessings in Paradise es miah faddi gukka ditzu? (Gukket aw di piktahs.)

11 Imagine what life will be like for you on the Paradise earth. You will have no worries about sickness or death. (Isa. 25:8; 33:24) Jehovah will fully satisfy every proper desire you have. What fields of interest might you pursue? Physics? Chemistry? Music? Art? No doubt, there will be a need for architects, builders, and farmers. Surely, there will also be a need for support and maintenance services, such as preparing food, making tools, and caring for the beautiful landscape. (Isa. 35:1; 65:21) With eternity ahead, you will have time to explore any skill you can think of.

12 What a joy it will be to welcome resurrected ones back to life! (Acts 24:15) Imagine, too, how you will enjoy learning more about Jehovah by examining his numerous works of creation. (Ps. 104:24; Isa. 11:9) Best of all, how thrilling it will be to worship Jehovah without the slightest feeling of guilt! Would you trade these future blessings for “the temporary enjoyment of sin”? (Heb. 11:25) Certainly not! These blessings are worth any sacrifice we must make now. Remember, the Paradise earth will not always be a future hope. It will eventually become the present reality. None of this would be possible if Jehovah had not loved us enough to provide the gift of his Son!

What blessings in Paradise do you look forward to most? (See paragraphs 11-12)


13. Vi kenna miah veisa es miah dankboah sinn fa Jehova sei leevi? (2 Korinther 6:1)

13 How can we respond appreciatively to Jehovah for having provided the ransom? By giving his work priority in our life. (Matt. 6:33) After all, Jesus died “so that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for him who died for them and was raised up.” (2 Cor. 5:15) We certainly do not want to miss the purpose of Jehovah’s undeserved kindness.​—Read 2 Corinthians 6:1.

14. Vi kenna miah veisa es miah Jehova sei direction trosta?

14 We can also respond to Jehovah’s love by exercising faith in his direction. How? When we have decisions to make, such as how much secular education we need or what type of employment we should accept, we must consider what Jehovah would want us to do. (1 Cor. 10:31; 2 Cor. 5:7) When we put our faith into action, a wonderful thing happens​—our faith in and friendship with Jehovah grow even stronger. Our hope is reinforced.​—Rom. 5:3-5; Jas. 2:21, 22.

15. Vi kenna miah veisa es miah dankboah sinn eb un nohch’s Ohdenkes?

15 There is still another way that we can respond appreciatively to Jehovah’s love. It is by using this Memorial season to show Jehovah how grateful we are for the ransom. In addition to planning to be present for the Memorial, we can invite others to attend. (1 Tim. 2:4) Explain to those whom you invite what will take place at the Memorial. You will find it helpful to show them on the videos Why Did Jesus Die? and Remember Jesus’ Death. Elders should be sure to invite inactive ones. Imagine the joy both in heaven and on earth if some of Jehovah’s lost sheep are moved to return to his flock! (Luke 15:4-7) At the Memorial, let us make it a point to greet not only one another but especially those who are new or who have not attended in a long time. We want to make them feel welcome!​—Rom. 12:13.

16. Favass sedda miah boviahra may du in unsah ministry eb un nohch’s Ohdenkes?

16 Can you increase your spiritual activities during the Memorial season? Doing so is a fine way to express appreciation for all that God and Christ have done for us. The more we engage in Jehovah’s service, the more we will experience his support and, as a result, our confidence in him will grow stronger. (1 Cor. 3:9) Also, be sure to keep up with the Memorial Bible reading as listed in Examining the Scriptures Daily or in the chart found in the midweek meeting workbook. You may even choose to use those Bible passages as the basis for a study project.

17. Vass macht Jehova haebbi? (Gukket aw di box “ Ways to Respond to Jehovah’s Love.”)

17 Of course, your circumstances may not permit you to do everything suggested in this article. Remember, though, Jehovah does not look at how much you give in comparison with what others give; he sees what is in your heart. He is pleased when he observes your heartfelt gratitude for his precious gift, the ransom.​—1 Sam. 16:7; Mark 12:41-44.

18. Favass sinn miah dankboah zu Jehova un da Jesus?

18 It is only because of the ransom that we have forgiveness of our sins, a friendship with Jehovah, and the prospect of everlasting life. May we always show our gratitude for Jehovah’s love, which moved him to make these blessings available to us. (1 John 4:19) May we also demonstrate our appreciation for Jesus, who loved us so much that he gave his human life in our behalf!​—John 15:13.

SONG 105 “Gott Is Leevi”

a Jehovah forgave his pre-Christian worshippers even before Christ paid the ransom. Jehovah could do this because he was confident that his Son would prove faithful to death. Thus, in God’s eyes the ransom was as good as paid.​—Rom. 3:25.