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Lann Dei Kinnah Veyyich Jehova Funn di Sacha es Eah Gmacht Hott

Lann Dei Kinnah Veyyich Jehova Funn di Sacha es Eah Gmacht Hott

‘Veah hott dee sacha gmacht?’​—JESOIYA 40:26.

SONG 10 Praise Jehova Unsah Gott!


1. Vass vella eldra fa iahra kinnah?

 PARENTS, we know that you want to help your children come to know and love Jehovah. But God is invisible. How can you help your children to see him as a real Person and to draw close to him?​—Jas. 4:8.

2. Vi kenna eldra iahra kinnah lanna veyyich Jehova?

2 An important way to help children draw close to Jehovah is by studying the Bible with them. (2 Tim. 3:14-17) Yet, the Bible reveals another way that young ones can learn about Jehovah. In the book of Proverbs, a father evidently reminds his son never to lose sight of Jehovah’s qualities, which are revealed in creation. (Prov. 3:19-21) We will consider some ways that parents can use creation to help their children learn about Jehovah’s personality.


3. Vi sedda eldra iahra kinnah helfa?

3 The Bible says that God’s “invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made.” (Rom. 1:20) Parents, you likely enjoy spending time outdoors with your young ones. Use that time to help your children see the connection between “the things made” and Jehovah’s marvelous qualities. In this regard, let us see what parents can learn from Jesus’ example.

4. Vass hott da Jesus gyoost fa sei yingah teetsha? (Lukas 12:24, 27-30)

4 Note how Jesus used creation to teach. On one occasion, he asked his disciples to observe the ravens and the lilies. (Read Luke 12:24, 27-30.) Jesus could have mentioned any animal or plant, but he chose a bird and a flower that his disciples knew well. The disciples might have seen ravens flying overhead and flowers blooming in the field. Can you imagine Jesus gesturing toward these things as he spoke? And what did he do after mentioning these examples? He taught his disciples a powerful lesson about their heavenly Father’s generosity and kindness: Jehovah will feed and clothe his faithful servants as he does the ravens and the flowers in the field.

5. Vass kenna eldra yoosa fa iahra kind lanna veyyich Jehova?

5 Parents, will you imitate Jesus’ way of teaching? You might tell your child about an aspect of creation that you personally appreciate, such as your favorite animal or plant. As you do, be sure to explain what that example reveals about Jehovah. You might then ask your child about his favorite animal or plant. If you use an aspect of creation that already appeals to him, he will probably pay even closer attention when you talk about Jehovah’s qualities.

6. Vass kenna miah lanna funn da Christopher sei maemm?

6 Do parents have to spend a lot of time researching a particular animal or plant before discussing what that creative work reveals about Jehovah? Not necessarily. Jesus did not give a long explanation regarding the feeding habits of ravens or the cellular composition of lilies. Granted, your child may occasionally enjoy a deeper discussion about nature, but sometimes a simple observation or question is enough to make the point. Note what a brother named Christopher remembers from his childhood: “My mom would make simple comments to help us appreciate the creation around us. For example, when we were near mountains, she might say: ‘Look at how huge and beautiful those mountains are! Isn’t Jehovah amazing?’ Or when we were near the ocean, she might say: ‘Look at the power of those waves! Isn’t God powerful?’” Christopher says: “Those simple, thought-provoking comments had a big impact on us.”

7. Vi kansht du dei kinnah lanna fa denka an di sacha es Gott gmacht hott?

7 As your children grow older, you can train them to give more thought to creation and to draw conclusions about Jehovah’s personality. You can highlight one of God’s creative works and ask your children, “What does this teach you about Jehovah?” You may be surprised to hear what they have to say.​—Matt. 21:16.


8. Vass voahra di Israeliddah ksawt fa du vann si uf da vayk am lawfa voahra?

8 Israelite parents were urged to teach their children the words of Jehovah’s commandments when walking “on the road.” (Deut. 11:19) Roads ran through the countryside of Israel. A variety of animals, birds, and flowers could be seen. As Israelite families traveled on roads, the parents had the opportunity to spark their children’s interest in Jehovah’s creation. You parents likely have similar opportunities to use creation to teach your children. Consider how some parents have done that.

9. Vass kansht du lanna funn di Punitha un di Katya?

9 A mother named Punitha, who lives in a large city in India, says: “When we visit family in the countryside, we view it as an opportunity to help our children learn about Jehovah’s marvelous creation. I feel that my children understand creation better when they are away from the crowded streets and the city traffic.” Parents, your children will likely never forget the time they spend with you in a beautiful setting. Katya, a sister from Moldova, says: “My most vivid childhood memories are those spent with my parents in the countryside. I am grateful to them for teaching me from a young age to stop and observe what Jehovah has made and to see him through his creation.”

Even in a city, you may find aspects of creation that you can use to teach your children about Jehovah (See paragraph 10)

10. Vass kenna eldra du vann si in di shtatt voona? (Gukket di box “ Help for Parents.”)

10 What if it is not possible for you to travel to the countryside? Amol, who also lives in India, says: “Where I live, parents have to work long hours, and a trip to the countryside can be expensive. However, a small park or rooftop terrace can serve as a place to observe creation and talk about Jehovah’s qualities.” When you look carefully, you will likely also discover near your home many features of creation that you can show your children. (Ps. 104:24) You will probably find birds, insects, plants, and more. Karina, from Germany, says: “My mom loves flowers, so when I was a young girl, she would point out pretty flowers whenever we took a walk together.” Parents, you can also use the many videos and publications about creation that our organization has produced to teach your children. Yes, whatever your circumstances, you can help your children to observe what God has made. Now let us consider some of Jehovah’s qualities that you could point out to your children.


11. Vi kenna eldra iahra kinnah helfa Jehova sei leevi sayna?

11 To help your children perceive Jehovah’s love, you could point out the tender way in which many animals care for their young. (Matt. 23:37) You could also highlight the wonderful variety that we enjoy so much in creation. Karina, quoted earlier, says: “When we were out on walks, my mom would encourage me to stop and observe how each flower is unique and how its beauty reflects Jehovah’s love. Years later, I still look carefully at flowers​—at their variety, design, and color. They continue to remind me of how much Jehovah loves us.”

You can highlight the marvelous design of our body to teach your children about God’s wisdom (See paragraph 12)

12. Vi kenna eldra iahra kinnah helfa Jehova sei veisheit sayna? (Psalm 139:14) (Gukket aw’s piktah.)

12 Help your children discern God’s wisdom. Jehovah is certainly far wiser than we are. (Rom. 11:33) For example, you could point out how the water that forms clouds floats effortlessly from one place to another. (Job 38:36, 37) You could also highlight the amazing design of the human body. (Read Psalm 139:14.) Consider how a father named Vladimir did so. He says: “One day, our son fell off his bike and hurt himself. After a few days, the wound healed. My wife and I explained that Jehovah created our cells with the ability to repair themselves. We pointed out that we don’t see anything like this in the things that humans make. For example, a car does not repair itself after an accident. This experience helped our son understand Jehovah’s wisdom.”

13. Vi kenna eldra iahra kinnah helfa Jehova sei power sayna? (Jesoiya 40:26)

13 Jehovah invites us to lift up our eyes to the heavens and think about how his amazing power keeps the universe in place. (Read Isaiah 40:26.) You can encourage your children to look up at the sky and reflect. Note what Tingting, a sister from Taiwan, recalls from her childhood: “Once, my mom took me camping, and we looked at the night sky undisturbed by city lights. That was at a period when I was worried about peer pressure and wondered if I would be able to keep serving Jehovah faithfully. My mom encouraged me to think about the power Jehovah used to create all those stars and to remember that He can certainly use that power to help me face any test. After observing creation on that trip, I was moved to get to know Jehovah better, and I strengthened my resolve to serve him.”

14. Vi kenna eldra iahra kinnah helfa sayna es Jehova is en haebbiyah Gott?

14 Jehovah’s creation reveals his joy as well as his sense of humor. Scientists have observed that most animals play, including birds and fish. (Job 40:20) Have your children ever laughed as they watched an animal play? Perhaps they have seen a kitten chasing a ball of yarn or puppies wrestling together. The next time your children laugh as they watch the antics of an animal, why not remind them that we serve a happy God?​—1 Tim. 1:11.


Your children may feel more relaxed and willing to talk about their feelings when they are enjoying nature with you (See paragraph 15)

15. Vass kann eldra helfa ausfinna vass iahra kinnah am denka sinn? (Shpricha 20:5) (Gukket aw’s piktah.)

15 At times, parents may find it hard to get their children to talk about the problems they face. If that is your situation, you may need to draw out your children’s thoughts. (Read Proverbs 20:5.) Some parents find it easier to do so when they are enjoying nature with their children. Why? One reason is that there are fewer distractions for children and for parents. A father in Taiwan named Masahiko mentions another reason: “When we spend time outdoors with our children​—hiking in the mountains or walking along the beach—​they usually feel more relaxed. We thus find it easier to draw them out and learn what is on their mind.” Katya, quoted earlier, says: “After school, my mother would take me to a beautiful park. In such a relaxed atmosphere, I found it easier to tell her what happened at school or what worried me.”

16. Vass kenna families du fa di sacha enjoya es Jehova gmacht hott?

16 Jehovah’s creation can also provide families with a means to relax and have fun, thus strengthening family ties. The Bible says that there is “a time to laugh” and “a time to skip about.” (Eccl. 3:1, 4, ftn.) Through his handiwork, Jehovah has given us wonderful settings to enjoy wholesome activities. Many families like being together at a nature reserve, in the countryside, in the mountains, or at the beach. Some children love to run and play in a park, to observe animals, or to swim in a river, a lake, or the sea. What excellent opportunities we have for recreation when we are out in the open, surrounded by what Jehovah has made!

17. Favass sedda eldra iahra kinnah helfa enjoya vass Gott gmacht hott?

17 In God’s new world, parents and children will enjoy Jehovah’s creation as never before. Unlike today, we will have no reason to fear animals; nor will they fear us. (Isa. 11:6-9) We will have endless time to enjoy what Jehovah has made. (Ps. 22:26) But parents, do not wait until then to help your children to begin enjoying creation. As you use creation to teach your children about Jehovah, they will likely come to agree with what King David said: “O Jehovah, there are no works like yours.”​—Ps. 86:8.

SONG 79 Lann Si fa Fesht Shtay

a Feel breedah un shveshtra henn goodi memories funn zeit shpenda mitt iahra eldra am gukka an di sacha es Gott gmacht hott. Si henn nett fagessa vi iahra eldra dee zeit gyoost henn fa si lanna veyyich Jehova. Vann du kinnah hosht, vi kansht du si lanna veyyich Jehova funn di sacha es eah gmacht hott? Deah article zayld sellah question ensahra.