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Jehova “Hayld Selli es Fabrochani Hatza Henn”

Jehova “Hayld Selli es Fabrochani Hatza Henn”

“Eah hayld selli es fabrochani hatza henn, un bind iahra vayyi blakka uf.”PS. 147:3.


Jehova reeli gebt ebbes drumm veyyich selli es en fabrocha hatz henn. Deah article zayld veisa vi Jehova uns kamfirt gebt un vi miah anri kamfirt gevva kenna.

1. Vi shpiaht Jehova veyyich sei leit?

 WHAT does Jehovah see when he looks at his servants on earth? He is aware of our joys and our sorrows. (Ps. 37:18) When he sees that we are serving him to the best of our ability despite coping with painful emotions, how pleased he is! More than that, he is eager to support and comfort us.

2. (a) Vass dutt Jehova fa selli es en fabrocha hatz henn? (b) Vass missa miah du fa sei hilf havva?

2 Psalm 147:3 says that Jehovah ‘binds up the wounds’ of the brokenhearted. Jehovah is here pictured as tenderly caring for those who have been injured emotionally. What must we do to benefit from Jehovah’s care? Consider an illustration. A skilled doctor can do much to help an injured person to heal. To benefit, though, the injured person must carefully follow the doctor’s instructions. In this article, we will see what Jehovah says in his Word to those who are suffering emotionally and we will consider how to apply his loving advice.


3. Favass doon dayl leit shpiahra es si nix veaht sinn?

3 We live in a world devoid of love, and sadly, many people have been made to feel that they have little worth. A sister named Helen a says: “I grew up in a loveless family. My dad was violent and drummed into us daily how useless we were.” Perhaps, like Helen, you have been mistreated, frequently criticized, or made to feel unlovable. If so, you may find it difficult to believe that anyone genuinely cares about you.

4. Funn vass Psalm 34:18 sawkt, vi shpiaht Jehova veyyich selli es en fabrocha hatz henn, un vass hott eah fashprocha fa du?

4 Even if others have mistreated you, you can be certain that Jehovah loves you and values you. He “is close to the brokenhearted.” (Read Psalm 34:18.) If you feel “crushed in spirit,” remember that Jehovah saw good things in your heart and personally drew you to him. (John 6:44) He is always ready to help you because you are precious to him.

5. Vass kenna miah lanna funn vi da Jesus selli getreet hott es nunnah gegukt voahra druff?

5 We can learn about Jehovah’s feelings by considering Jesus’ example. During his earthly ministry, Jesus took notice of those who were looked down on by others, and he treated them with compassion. (Matt. 9:9-12) When a woman hoping to be healed of a grievous sickness touched his garment, Jesus comforted her and commended her for her faith. (Mark 5:25-34) Jesus perfectly reflects his Father’s personality. (John 14:9) So you can be certain that Jehovah values you and takes note of your good qualities, including your faith and your love for him.

6. Vass kann ma du vann ma shpiaht es ma nix veaht is?

6 What can you do if doubts about your worth persist or reoccur? Read Bible verses that assure you of your value to Jehovah and meditate on them. b (Ps. 94:19) If you have failed to reach a goal or are discouraged because you cannot do as much as others, do not judge yourself harshly. Jehovah has reasonable expectations. (Ps. 103:13, 14) If you suffered abuse in the past, do not blame yourself for what the abuser did. You did not deserve such treatment! Remember that Jehovah holds the wrongdoers accountable, not the victims. (1 Pet. 3:12) Sandra, who was abused as a child, says, “I regularly ask Jehovah to help me see myself in a balanced way, the way he sees me.”

7. Vi kenna miah yoosa vass miah deich ganga sinn fa anri helfa?

7 Never doubt that Jehovah can use you to help others. He has given you the honor of being his fellow worker in the Christian ministry. (1 Cor. 3:9) Your life experiences have likely given you empathy for others and insight into how they may feel. You can do much to help them. Helen, quoted earlier, received help and is now better able to help others. She says: “Jehovah has turned this ‘nobody’ into someone who feels loved and useful.” Helen is happy to serve as a regular pioneer.


8. Vass sawkt Jehova uns an Jesoiya 1:18?

8 Some of Jehovah’s servants are deeply troubled by regrets over their past actions, either before or even after baptism. But we do well to remember that Jehovah provided the ransom because of his deep love for us. Surely, he wants us to accept his gift. Jehovah assures us that after we have “set matters straight” c with him, he no longer holds our sins against us. (Read Isaiah 1:18.) How loving of Jehovah not to remember our past sins! At the same time, he never forgets the good we have done.—Ps. 103:9, 12; Heb. 6:10.

9. Favass sedda miah nett oh’halda denka veyyich di sinda es miah gedu henn?

9 If you are troubled by regrets about the past, do your best to focus on the present and on the future rather than on the past. Consider the example of the apostle Paul. He regretted that he had once viciously persecuted Christians, but he knew that Jehovah had forgiven him. (1 Tim. 1:12-15) Did he then continue to mull over the sins of his past? He no doubt refused to do so, just as he did not dwell on his former accomplishments as an adherent of Judaism. (Phil. 3:4-8, 13-15) Instead, Paul zealously cared for his ministry and looked ahead to the future. Like Paul, you cannot change the past. But you can honor Jehovah in your present circumstances and look ahead to the wonderful future that he has promised you.

10. Vass kenna miah du nau, vann unsah aekshins anri vay gedu katt henn?

10 You may be troubled by some of your past actions that have hurt others. What can help? Do what you can to repair the damage, including offering a sincere apology. (2 Cor. 7:11) Ask Jehovah to come to the aid of those affected by your actions. He can help you and those you have hurt to endure and to regain peace.

11. Vass kenna miah lanna funn da Jona? (Gukket aw’s piktah.)

11 Learn from past mistakes, and be willing to let Jehovah use you in whatever way he chooses. Note the example of the prophet Jonah. Instead of traveling to Nineveh as God had commanded, Jonah fled in the opposite direction. Jehovah disciplined Jonah, and he learned from his mistake. (Jonah 1:1-4, 15-17; 2:7-10) Jehovah did not give up on Jonah. God gave him another opportunity to go to Nineveh, and this time Jonah promptly obeyed. He did not let regret over his past mistake prevent him from accepting this assignment from Jehovah.—Jonah 3:1-3.

After the prophet Jonah survived the ordeal inside the huge fish, Jehovah told him once again to go to Nineveh and proclaim His message (See paragraph 11)


12. Vi dutt Jehova uns peace gevva vann miah deich ebbes reeli shlechtes gayn? (Philipper 4:6, 7)

12 By means of his holy spirit, Jehovah comforts us when we suffer trauma or loss. Consider the experience of Ron and Carol. Tragically, their son took his own life. They say: “We had gone through difficult trials before, but this was by far the worst. We prayed during many sleepless nights, and we truly felt the peace described at Philippians 4:6, 7.” (Read.) If you are coping with a heartbreaking trial, you can pour out your heart to Jehovah in prayer as often and for as long as you want. (Ps. 86:3; 88:1) Ask Jehovah repeatedly for his holy spirit. He will never ignore your requests.—Luke 11:9-13.

13. Vi kann heilich geisht uns helfa oh’halda Jehova deena? (Epheser 3:16)

13 Has a distressing ordeal left you weak? Holy spirit can empower you to continue worshipping Jehovah faithfully. (Read Ephesians 3:16.) Consider the experience of a sister named Flora. She and her husband were serving together as missionaries when her husband became unfaithful to her, and they divorced. She says: “The anguish I felt because of his betrayal consumed me. I prayed to Jehovah for his holy spirit in order to persevere. Jehovah gave me what I needed to heal and to cope with something that in the beginning seemed insurmountable.” Flora feels that God has helped her to grow in confidence and that he will sustain her in all her trials. She adds: “The words of Psalm 119:32 applied to me: ‘I will eagerly pursue the way of your commandments because you make room for it in my heart.’”

14. Vi kenna miah heilich geisht lossa uns helfa?

14 How can you work in harmony with your requests for holy spirit? Share in activities that will allow God’s spirit to operate on you. These include attending meetings and witnessing to others. Fill your mind with Jehovah’s thoughts by reading his Word every day. (Phil. 4:8, 9) As you read, take note of Bible characters who experienced trials and meditate on how Jehovah helped them to endure. Sandra, quoted earlier, suffered a series of severe hardships. She says: “The account of Joseph really touches me. He did not let the trials and injustices he suffered weaken his relationship with Jehovah.”—Gen. 39:21-23.


15. Veah gebt uns kamfirt, un vi kenna si uns helfa? (Gukket aw’s piktah.)

15 When we are suffering, our fellow believers can be “a source of great comfort.” (Col. 4:11) Our brothers and sisters are truly a living expression of Jehovah’s love for us. Fellow believers can comfort us by listening empathetically, or they may support us with their presence. They may share a reassuring Bible verse or say a prayer with us. d (Rom. 15:4) At times, a brother or a sister may remind us of Jehovah’s thinking and thus help us maintain our balance. Fellow Christians can also give us practical support, such as by providing a meal when we are in distress.

Trustworthy, mature friends can provide much comfort and support (See paragraph 15)

16. Vass missa miah du so’s anri uns helfa kenna?

16 To receive support from others, we may need to ask for it. Our brothers and sisters love us and want to help. (Prov. 17:17) But they may not know how we feel or what we need. (Prov. 14:10) If you are hurting emotionally, be willing to share your feelings with mature friends. Let them know what would help you. You might choose to confide in one or two elders with whom you feel at ease. Some sisters have found it comforting to speak with another mature sister.

17. Vass sinn samm sacha es’s hatt macha kend fa encouragement greeya, un vass kenna miah du?

17 Resist the urge to isolate yourself. Because of painful emotions, you may not feel like interacting with others. At times, your brothers and sisters may misunderstand you or fail to choose the right words. (Jas. 3:2) Do not let such challenges prevent you from receiving the encouragement you need. An elder named Gavin, who suffers from depression, says: “Keeping in touch with friends is often the last thing I feel like doing.” Nevertheless, Gavin does not give in to his feelings, and he benefits from his association with others. A sister named Amy says: “Because of my past experiences, I have difficulty trusting people. But I am learning to love and trust my brothers and sisters as Jehovah does. I know that this makes Jehovah happy, and it makes me happy too.”


18. Vass kenna ma faddi gukka zu, un vass kenna miah du nau?

18 We can confidently look to the future, knowing that Jehovah will soon heal us completely of all physical and emotional pain. (Rev. 21:3, 4) At that time, the hurtful things we have experienced will not “come up into the heart.” (Isa. 65:17) As we have seen, Jehovah ‘binds up our wounds’ even now. Take full advantage of Jehovah’s loving provisions to bring you comfort and relief. Never doubt for a moment that “he cares for you.”—1 Pet. 5:7.

SONG 7 Jehova Gebt Uns Graft

a Names have been changed.

b See the box “ Jehovah Values You.”

c To “set matters straight” with Jehovah, we need to prove that we are repentant by asking him to forgive us for our sins and by changing our conduct. If we commit a serious sin, we also need to seek assistance from the elders in the congregation.—Jas. 5:14, 15.

d Consider, for example, the scriptures listed under the topics “Anxiety” and “Comfort” in the publication Scriptures for Christian Living.