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Yusht vi da Petrus, Gebb Nett Uf

Yusht vi da Petrus, Gebb Nett Uf

“Hah, gay vekk funn miah, fa ich binn en sindlichah mensh.”​—LUK. 5:8.

SONG 38 Eah Macht Dich Shtaut


1. Vi hott da Petrus kshpiaht nohch es da Jesus een kolfa hott so feel fish fanga?

 PETER had spent an entire night fishing without catching anything. Surprisingly, Jesus said to him: “Pull out to where it is deep, and let down your nets for a catch.” (Luke 5:4) Peter doubted that he would catch any fish, but he did as he was directed. The lowered nets began ripping apart from the weight of the catch. Realizing that they had just witnessed a miracle, Peter and those working with him were “overwhelmed with astonishment.” Peter exclaimed: “Depart from me, Lord, because I am a sinful man.” (Luke 5:6-9) Peter apparently felt unworthy even to be in Jesus’ presence.

2. Favass is’s goot fa uns fa lanna funn da Petrus sei example?

2 Peter was right​—he was “a sinful man.” The Scriptures show that he sometimes said and did things that he later regretted. Can you relate to Peter? Are you battling a personality flaw or a persistent sinful tendency? If so, you can gain hope by studying Peter’s example. How so? Consider this: Peter’s shortcomings could easily have been omitted from the Bible record. However, they were included under inspiration as lessons for us. (2 Tim. 3:16, 17) Learning about this man who had weaknesses and feelings like ours can help us to see that Jehovah does not expect perfection from us. He wants us to persevere​—to keep trying—​despite our weaknesses.

3. Favass sedda miah nett ufgevva?

3 Why is it necessary for us to persevere? There is a saying, Practice makes perfect. To illustrate: A musician may spend many years mastering his instrument. During that time, he may play thousands of wrong notes, but if he keeps practicing, he will improve. Even if he becomes a skilled musician, though, he may occasionally make a mistake. Still, he does not give up. He keeps working at his craft. In a similar way, even after we feel that we have overcome a certain weakness, we may suffer a setback. But we still keep working toward our goal. We all say or do things that we later regret; nonetheless, if we refuse to give up, Jehovah will help us to keep making progress. (1 Pet. 5:10) Let us consider Peter’s example of perseverance. The compassion Jesus showed him despite his shortcomings can motivate us to continue serving Jehovah.


How would you respond if you had an experience similar to that of Peter? (See paragraph 4)

4. Funn vass Lukas 5:5 deich 10 sawkt, vass hott da Petrus ksawt veyyich sich selvaht, avvah vass hott da Jesus een ksawt?

4 The Scriptures do not say why Peter described himself as “a sinful man” or what sins he had in mind. (Read Luke 5:5-10.) But he may have made some serious mistakes. Jesus sensed Peter’s fear, which could have stemmed from feelings of inadequacy. Jesus also knew that Peter could remain faithful. So Jesus kindly told Peter to “stop being afraid.” Jesus’ confidence in Peter had a lasting effect on him. Peter and his brother Andrew later abandoned their fishing business and became full-time followers of the Messiah, a decision that led to remarkable blessings.​—Mark 1:16-18.

5. Vass fa blessings hott da Petrus grikt bei nett ufgevva, un oh’halda da Jesus nohch kumma?

5 Peter had many wonderful experiences as a follower of Christ. He saw Jesus heal the sick, expel demons, and even raise the dead. b (Matt. 8:14-17; Mark 5:37, 41, 42) Peter also witnessed a vision of Jesus’ future Kingdom glory, an event that had a great impact on him. (Mark 9:1-8; 2 Pet. 1:16-18) Yes, Peter saw things he could never have anticipated. How glad he must have been that he did not allow any negative feelings about himself to cause him to miss out on these blessings!

6. Ekshplaynet vi miah vissa es’s zeit gnumma hott fa da Petrus fa shaffa uf sei weaknesses.

6 Despite what he had seen and heard, Peter still struggled with his weaknesses. Consider a few examples. When Jesus explained how he would suffer and die in fulfillment of Bible prophecy, Peter rebuked him. (Mark 8:31-33) Repeatedly, Peter and the other apostles argued about who was the greatest. (Mark 9:33, 34) On the last night before Jesus’ death, Peter impulsively cut off a man’s ear. (John 18:10) That same night, Peter gave in to fear and three times denied knowing his friend Jesus. (Mark 14:66-72) That led Peter to weep bitterly.​—Matt. 26:75.

7. Vass fa chance hott da Petrus katt nohch es da Jesus viddah zrikk zu layva kumma is?

7 Jesus did not give up on his disheartened apostle. After Jesus was resurrected, he gave Peter the opportunity to reaffirm his love for him. Jesus invited Peter to serve humbly as a shepherd of his sheep. (John 21:15-17) Peter responded positively. He was in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost and among the first to be anointed by holy spirit.

8. Vass fa mistake hott da Petrus gmacht in Antioch?

8 Even after he became an anointed Christian, Peter had to deal with his weaknesses. In 36 C.E., Peter was present when the uncircumcised Gentile Cornelius was anointed with holy spirit, which was clear evidence that “God is not partial” and that Gentiles could be part of the Christian congregation. (Acts 10:34, 44, 45) Peter thereafter felt free to share meals with Gentiles, something he would never have done earlier. (Gal. 2:12) However, some Jewish Christians felt that Jews and Gentiles should not eat together. When some who had that viewpoint came to Antioch, Peter stopped eating with his Gentile brothers, likely out of fear of offending Jewish Christians. The apostle Paul saw this hypocrisy and rebuked Peter publicly. (Gal. 2:13, 14) Despite this setback, Peter persevered. What helped him?


9. Vi dutt Johannes 6:68 un 69 veisa es da Petrus faythfel voah?

9 Peter was loyal; he did not let anything cause him to give up permanently. He demonstrated his loyalty on one occasion when Jesus said something that his disciples did not understand. (Read John 6:68, 69.) Without waiting for or seeking an explanation, many stopped following Jesus. But not Peter. He recognized that only Jesus had “sayings of everlasting life.”

Why are you encouraged by the confidence that Jesus had in Peter? (See paragraph 10)

10. Vi hott da Jesus gvissa es eah da Petrus getrost hott? (Gukket aw’s piktah.)

10 Jesus did not abandon Peter. On the last night of his earthly life, Jesus knew that Peter and the other apostles would abandon him. Nevertheless, Jesus expressed confidence that Peter would recover and remain faithful. (Luke 22:31, 32) Jesus understood that “the spirit . . . is eager, but the flesh is weak.” (Mark 14:38) Accordingly, even after Peter denied knowing him, Jesus did not give up on his apostle. The resurrected Jesus appeared to Peter​—evidently when Peter was alone. (Mark 16:7; Luke 24:34; 1 Cor. 15:5) How that must have encouraged the downcast apostle!

11. Vi hott da Jesus da Petrus gvissa es Jehova een helfa zayld?

11 Jesus assured Peter of Jehovah’s support. The resurrected Jesus provided Peter and his fellow apostles with another miraculous catch of fish. (John 21:4-6) This miracle no doubt reassured Peter that Jehovah could easily supply the material things he needed. Perhaps the apostle then recalled Jesus’ words that Jehovah would provide for those who keep “seeking first the Kingdom.” (Matt. 6:33) In line with that, Peter made the ministry, not the fishing business, his priority. He gave a bold witness on the day of Pentecost 33 C.E., helping thousands to accept the good news. (Acts 2:14, 37-41) He thereafter helped the Samaritans and the Gentiles to accept Christ. (Acts 8:14-17; 10:44-48) Jehovah certainly used Peter in a mighty way to bring people of all sorts into the congregation.


12. Vi kann da Petrus sei example uns helfa vann miah am deela sinn mitt en weakness?

12 Jehovah can help us to persevere. It may be a struggle to carry on, especially if we are coping with a persistent weakness. At times, our weaknesses may seem more challenging than those that Peter faced. But Jehovah can give us the strength not to give up. (Ps. 94:17-19) For example, one brother engaged in a homosexual lifestyle for a number of years before learning the truth. He decisively left those immoral practices behind. Still, he at times struggled with wrong desires. What helped him to persevere? He explains: “Jehovah strengthens us.” He adds: “With Jehovah’s spirit . . . , I have learned that it is possible to [continue] in the way of the truth . . . Jehovah has been able to use me, and despite my imperfections he continually strengthens me.”

Horst Henschel began his full-time service on January 1, 1950. Do you think that he regretted using his life serving Jehovah? (See paragraphs 13, 15) d

13. Vi kenna miah da Petrus sei example immatayda in Apostelgeschichte 4:13, 29, 31? (Gukket aw’s piktah.)

13 As we saw, Peter succumbed more than once to fear of man. But by praying for boldness, Peter was able to act courageously. (Read Acts 4:13, 29, 31.) We too can overcome our fears. Consider what happened to Horst, a young brother who lived in Nazi Germany. More than once, he gave in to pressure at school and said “Heil Hitler!” Rather than rebuke him, Horst’s parents prayed with him, asking Jehovah to give him courage. With the help of his parents and reliance on Jehovah, Horst eventually gained the strength to stand firm. He later observed: “Jehovah never abandoned me.” c

14. Vi kenna elders selli enkiritsha es discouraged sinn?

14 Jehovah and Jesus will not give up on us. Peter was at a critical crossroads in his life after he denied Christ. Would he quit, or would he persevere as Christ’s disciple? Jesus had supplicated Jehovah that Peter’s faith would not give out. Jesus told Peter about that prayer and expressed confidence that Peter would later be able to strengthen his brothers. (Luke 22:31, 32) How it must have reassured Peter to think back on Jesus’ words! When we come to a crossroads in our life, Jehovah may use caring shepherds to provide the assurance we need to remain faithful. (Eph. 4:8, 11) A longtime elder named Paul tries to provide that comfort. He asks those who feel like giving up to reflect on how Jehovah first drew them to the truth. He then assures them that Jehovah’s loyal love will not allow Him to give up on them. He concludes, “I have seen many discouraged ones persevere with help from Jehovah.”

15. Vi dutt da example funn da Petrus un da Horst veisa es Matthäus 6:33 voah is?

15 Just as Jehovah provided materially for Peter and the other apostles, He will care for our material needs when we put the ministry first in our life. (Matt. 6:33) Following World War II, Horst, mentioned earlier, considered pioneering. He was very poor, though, and doubted that he could support himself and remain in the full-time ministry. What would he do? He decided to put Jehovah to the test, spending the entire week in the ministry during the visit of the circuit overseer. At the end of the week, he was shocked when the circuit overseer handed him an envelope from an anonymous donor. It contained enough money to sustain him in the pioneer service for several months. Horst viewed this gift as reassurance that Jehovah would sustain him. He spent the rest of his life putting Kingdom interests first.​—Mal. 3:10.

16. Favass is’s goot fa uns fa may lanna veyyich da Petrus un vass eah kshrivva hott?

16 How happy Peter must have been that Jesus did not depart from him, as Peter had once requested! Christ continued to train Peter to be a faithful apostle and an outstanding example for Christians. The record of that training contains many precious lessons that can benefit us all. Peter shared some of those lessons and more in two inspired letters that he sent to congregations in the first century. The next article will discuss a few reminders from these letters and how we can apply them today.

SONG 126 Bleivet Shtaut, Shtaynd Fesht, Immah Vakkah

a Deah article voah gmacht fa leit es’s hatt finna fa deela mitt iahra weaknesses, un vi si si ivvah kumma kenna un nett ufgevva in Jehova deena.

b Many scriptures cited in this article are from Mark’s Gospel. He apparently recorded what he had heard from Peter, who was an eyewitness of the events.

c See Horst Henschel’s life story, “Motivated by My Family’s Loyalty to God,” in Awake!, February 22, 1998.

d PICTURE DESCRIPTION: As seen in this reenactment, Horst Henschel’s parents prayed with him and strengthened his determination to stand firm.