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Bethel Tour

Mifala hapi for invaetem iu for duim tour lo olketa branch office blo mifala, wea mifala savve kolem Bethel. Samfala branch office blo mifala garem tu olketa self-guided exhibit.

Tours Resumed: In many countries, we resumed tours of our branch offices on June 1, 2023. For details, contact the branch you would like to tour. Please do not visit if you test positive for COVID-19, display cold or flu-like symptoms, or have recently been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19.

United States of America

 Tour Information

Mekem Booking—No Winim 20 Pipol

Mekem Booking—20 Pipol or Winim

Lukim or Changem Booking

Daonlodim Tour Brochure—Warwick

Daonlodim Tour Brochure—Patterson

Daonlodim Tour Brochure—Wallkill


Warwick Self-Guided Exhibits

The Bible and the Divine Name. Disfala exhibit garem rare Bibles, and storyim hao samfala keepim nem blo God lo Bible nomata olketa narawan duim enikaen samting for trae aotem. Exhibit hia includim tu rotating gallery blo olketa nara rare Bible, and Bible artifacts.

A People for Jehovah’s Name. Disfala exhibit garem visual spiritual history blo Olketa Jehovah’s Witness. Artifacts, olketa piksa, and story blo samfala wea showim hao Jehovah gaedem, teachim, and organizim pipol blo hem for duim will blo hem.

World Headquarters—Faith in Action. Disfala interactive exhibit explainim waka blo olketa Governing Body komiti, and hao olketa helpem Olketa Jehovah’s Witness followim advaes lo Bible for meet tugeta, mek disaepol, eatim spiritual food, and showim love lo each other.

Patterson Self-Guided Exhibits

First-Century Bible Village. Enitaem iu wonder hao nao laef blo pipol lo taem Jesus lo earth? Lo Bible vilij, iu bae lukim, and tekpart tu lo evriday activity blo pipol lo first century vilij. Disfala exhibit bae mekem Bible reading blo iu interesting narawe.

First-Century Bible Coins. Disfala exhibit garem display blo samfala original first century coins wea Christian Greek Scriptures storyim. Datfala display storyim interesting information abaotem each coin, and explainim hao hem join witim olketa story lo Bible.

“All Your Sons Will Be Taught by Jehovah.” Disfala exhibit storyim history blo olketa skul lo organization, and training programs. Iu bae lanem hao olketa skul hia helpem olketa volunteer wea willing for kamap gud teacher and kongregeson elder.

“Defending and Legally Establishing the Good News.” Disfala exhibit garem olketa encouraging story blo Olketa Jehovah’s Witness wea gohed faithful nomata olketa kasem barava hard persecution. Lanem hao organization blo mifala iusim law for defendim and kasem raet for preachim gud nius evriwea lo world.

 Address and Phone Namba


Kasem Olketa Direction


Kasem Olketa Direction


Kasem Olketa Direction