Hao Nao Olketa Jehovah’s Witness Ting Long Wei for Divorce?
Mifala followim Bible saed long marit and wei for divorce. God laekem marit for stap olowe. Bible sei man savve divorce nomoa sapos partner hem durong.—Matthew 19:5, 6, 9.
Waswe olketa Witness savve helpem olketa wea marit bilong olketa klosap brekdaon?
Yes, long samfala wei:
Olketa buk. Staka taem olketa buk bilong mifala story abaotem hao for strongim marit. Olsem example, lukim olketa article “Maintaining Commitment in Your Marriage,” “How to Forgive,” and “Rebuilding Trust in a Marriage,” long English.
Olketa Meeting. Mifala savve story abaotem olketa gudfala advaes from Bible for strongim olketa marit, long olketa meeting, assembly, and convention bilong mifala.
Olketa Elder. Olketa kongregeson garem olketa elder wea savve helpem tufala wea marit for followim olketa scripture, olsem example Ephesus 5:22-25.
Waswe, olketa elder nao savve talem wanfala Witness for divorce?
Nomoa. Olketa elder savve helpem olketa wea kasem hard taem long marit bilong olketa, bat olketa no savve talem olketa wanem for duim. (Galatia 6:5) Eniwan wea no followim wanem Bible talem saed long wei for divorce hem no free for marit moa.—1 Timothy 3:1, 5, 12.
Olketa Witness ting hao long wei for separate?
Bible encouragem olketa wea marit for stap tugeta for olowe. (1 Corinth 7:10-16) Staka taem, hasband and waef savve stretem olketa problem long marit taem olketa prea strong, followim olketa Bible principle, and showimaot love.—1 Corinth 13:4-8; Galatia 5:22.
Nomata olsem, samfala savve disaed for separate from partner sapos hem duim olketa samting hia:
No sapotim famili.—1 Timothy 5:8.
Raf tumas, mekem laef stap long danger.—Psalm 11:5.
Strong tumas for stopem partner for worshipim God. Olsem example, maet marit partner bilong wanfala Witness forcem hem for brekem olketa law bilong God. Long taem olsem, maet datfala Witness disaed for separate. Hem laek for “obeyim [God], no olketa man.”—Acts 5:29.