1 Chronicles 18:1-17

  • Olketa faet wea David winim (1-13)

  • Olketa man wea David supervisem (14-17)

18  Bihaen, David faetem olketa Philistine and winim olketa, and hem tekovarem Gath and olketa smol taon blo hem* from olketa Philistine.  Then hem faetem olketa Moabite and winim olketa, and olketa kamap servant blo David and givim tax* lo hem.  Taem King Hadadezer blo Zobah, wea stap klosap lo Hamath go for tekovarem moa territory lo Euphrates River, David faet againstim hem and winim hem.  David tekem from hem, 1,000 chariot, 7,000 man wea raedem horse, and 20,000 soldia wea wakabaot. Then David mekem evri horse hia for kripol, bat hem no duim datwan lo 100 horse wea savve pullim chariot.  Taem olketa lo Syria wea stap lo Damascus go for helpem King Hadadezer blo Zobah, David killim dae 22,000 lo olketa.  Then David putim olketa grup blo olketa soldia blo hem lo Syria lo Damascus, and olketa lo Syria kamap servant blo David and givim tax lo hem. Lo evri ples wea David go, Jehovah sevem hem.  And tu, David tekem olketa raon shield wea olketa wakem lo gold from olketa servant blo Hadadezer, and hem tekem go lo Jerusalem.  King David tekem staka copper from tufala taon hia, Tibhath and Cun, olketa taon blo Hadadezer. Solomon iusim olketa copper hia for wakem lo datfala copper Sea, olketa post, and olketa nara samting olketa iusim lo temple.  Taem King Tou blo Hamath herem dat David winim evriwan lo army blo King Hadadezer blo Zobah, 10  hem stretawe sendem son blo hem Hadoram for go lo King David for ask abaotem hao nao hem, and for talem dat hem hapi from David winim Hadadezer (datwan hem bikos staka taem Hadadezer bin faet againstim Tou), and hem tekem go evri difren kaen samting wea olketa wakem lo gold, silver, and copper. 11  King David givim evri samting hia lo Jehovah, witim tu olketa silver and olketa gold wea hem tekem from evri nation, olsem Edom and Moab, from olketa Ammonite, olketa Philistine, and olketa Amalekite. 12  Abishai son blo Zeruiah hem killim dae 18,000 man blo Edom lo Valley blo Solt. 13  Hem putim lo Edom olketa grup blo olketa soldia, and evriwan lo Edom kamap servant blo David. Lo evri ples wea David go, Jehovah sevem hem. 14  David gohed rul ovarem evriwan lo Israel, and hem duim samting for evri pipol blo hem followim justice and raeteous wei. 15  Joab, son blo Zeruiah hem komanda lo army, Jehoshaphat, son blo Ahilud hem man for keepim record blo king, 16  Zadok, son blo Ahitub and Ahimelech, son blo Abiathar, tufala nao priest, and Shavsha hem secretary. 17  Benaiah, son blo Jehoiada hem lukaftarem olketa Cherethite and olketa Pelethite. And olketa son blo David, olketa mek-tu lo king.

Olketa footnote

Or, “taon wea stap raonem hem.”
Heb., “present.”