Daniel 3:1-30

  • Golden statue wea King Nebuchadnezzar wakem (1-7)

    • Komand for worshipim datfala statue (4-6)

  • Olketa accusim thrifala Hebrew (8-18)

    • “Mifala bae no worshipim olketa god blo iu” (18)

  • Torowem olketa insaed big fire wea hot tumas (19-23)

  • Mirakol for rescuem olketa from fire (24-27)

  • King praisem God blo olketa Hebrew (28-30)

3  King Nebuchadnezzar wakem wanfala golden statue wea 60 cubit* hae and 6 cubit* waed. Hem standapim datwan lo flat ples lo Dura, lo province blo Babylon.  Then King Nebuchadnezzar sendem message for olketa satrap,* prefect,* governor, advaesa, treasurer, judge, magistrate, and evri administrator blo olketa province for kam lo dedication blo datfala statue wea King Nebuchadnezzar standapim.  So olketa satrap, prefect, governor, advaesa, treasurer, judge, magistrate, and evri administrator blo olketa province hipap for dedication blo datfala statue wea King Nebuchadnezzar hem standapim. And olketa standap front lo datfala statue wea Nebuchadnezzar hem standapim.  Man for talem announcement singaot big olsem: “O olketa pipol, olketa nation, and olketa languis grup, diswan nao komand wea iufala mas followim  taem iufala herem saond blo horn, pipe, zither, triangle harp, string instrument, bagpipe, and evri nara music instrument, iufala mas baodaon and worshipim datfala golden statue wea King Nebuchadnezzar hem standapim.  Eniwan wea no baodaon and worshipim statue hia bae olketa stretawe torowem hem insaed lo bigfala fire wea hot tumas.”  So taem evri pipol herem saond blo horn, pipe, zither, triangle harp, string instrument, and evri nara music instrument, evri pipol, nation, and languis grup baodaon and worshipim datfala golden statue wea King Nebuchadnezzar hem standapim.  Lo datfala taem samfala Chaldean kam lo king and accusim* samfala Jew.  Olketa sei lo King Nebuchadnezzar: “O king, wea iu bae stap for olowe. 10  Iu, O king, iu givim komand dat taem evriwan herem saond blo horn, pipe, zither, triangle harp, string instrument, bagpipe, and evri nara music instrument, olketa shud baodaon and worshipim datfala golden statue. 11  And eniwan wea no baodaon and worshipim statue hia olketa shud torowem hem insaed bigfala fire wea hot tumas. 12  Bat samfala Jew wea iu appointim olketa for lukaftarem evri waka lo province blo Babylon, olsem Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, olketa nating respectim iu O king. Olketa no worshipim olketa god blo iu, and olketa les for baodaon lo datfala golden statue wea iu standapim.” 13  Then Nebuchadnezzar kros fogud, and hem orderim olketa for tekem kam Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. So olketa tekem kam olketa man hia front lo king. 14  Nebuchadnezzar sei lo olketa: “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, hao, hem tru dat iufala no worshipim olketa god blo mi and iufala les for worshipim golden statue wea mi standapim? 15  Taem iufala herem moa saond blo horn, pipe, zither, triangle harp, string instrument, bagpipe, and evri nara music instrument, sapos iufala redi for baodaon and worshipim statue wea mi mekem, bae hem gud. Bat sapos iufala les for worshipim, bae stretawe olketa torowem iufala insaed bigfala fire wea hot tumas. And hu nao god wea fit for sevem iufala from hand blo mi?” 16  Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego tok olsem lo king: “O Nebuchadnezzar, mifala no need for ansarem iu lo diswan. 17  Sapos datwan happen, God blo mifala wea mifala worshipim savve rescuem mifala from bigfala fire wea hot tumas, and sevem mifala from hand blo iu, O king. 18  Bat nomata sapos hem no duim datwan, mifala laekem iu for savve, O king, dat mifala bae no worshipim olketa god blo iu, or worshipim datfala golden statue wea iu standapim.” 19  Then Nebuchadnezzar kros fogud lo Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, gogo feis blo hem change* nao, and hem givim order for olketa hotem datfala big fire sevenfala taem hot winim normal hot blo hem. 20  Hem givim order lo samfala strong warrior from army blo hem for taengem Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and torowem olketa insaed lo datfala big fire wea hot tumas. 21  So olketa taengem olketa man hia wea still werem olketa long kaleko blo olketa, hat blo olketa, and evri nara kaleko blo olketa, and olketa torowem olketa insaed datfala big fire wea hot tumas. 22  Bikos lo strong komand wea king givim for mekem datfala fire hem hot tumas, olketa man wea torowem Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego insaed fire, olketa nao flame blo fire hia killim olketa dae. 23  Bat thrifala man hia, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, rope still raonem olketa taem olketa torowem olketa insaed bigfala fire wea hot tumas. 24  Then King Nebuchadnezzar fraet fogud and kwiktaem standap and sei lo olketa hae official blo hem: “Hao, ino thrifala man nao iumi taengem and torowem olketa insaed lo fire?” Olketa sei lo king: “Yes, O king.” 25  Hem sei: “Lukim! Mi lukim fofala man nao wakabaot free midol lo fire, and no eniting spoelem olketa nomoa, and mek-foa man hem luk olsem wanfala son blo olketa god.” 26  Nebuchadnezzar go klosap lo door blo ples wea olketa wakem datfala big fire wea hot tumas and sei: “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, iufala olketa servant blo Most Hae God, iufala kam aotsaed lo hia!” So Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego step kam aotsaed from midol lo datfala fire. 27  And olketa satrap, prefect, governor, and olketa hae official blo king wea hipap lo there lukim dat fire hia nating bonem body blo olketa man hia. Nomata wanfala hair lo hed blo olketa hem nating bone, long kaleko blo olketa nating nogud nomoa, and even kaleko blo olketa hem no smel lo fire tu. 28  Then Nebuchadnezzar sei: “Praisem God blo Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, wea sendem angel blo hem and rescuem olketa servant blo hem. Olketa trustim hem and no obeyim komand blo king and olketa willing for dae* winim wei for worshipim eni nara god. Olketa laek for worshipim God blo olketa nomoa. 29  So mi givim disfala order dat eni pipol, nation, or languis grup wea talem eni samting againstim God blo Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, bae olketa mas kat pisisim olketa, and haos blo olketa bae kamap olketa pablik toilet,* bikos no eni nara god hem savve rescuem man olsem disfala God.” 30  Then king promotim Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, for kasem hae position* lo province blo Babylon.

Olketa footnote

Samting olsem 27 m (88 ft). Lukim App. B14.
Samting olsem 2.7 m (8.8 ft). Lukim App. B14.
Title hia minim “olketa wea protectim kingdom,” and lo disfala verse hem minim olketa governor blo olketa province wea Babylon rul ovarem.
Lukim footnote lo Da 2:48.
Or, “spredim laea story for spoelem nem blo.”
Or, “tingting blo hem barava change.”
Or, “and givim body blo olketa.”
Or maet, “rabis dump. Olketa hip siti.”
Aram., “mekem olketa kasem gud samting.”