Proverbs 2:1-22

  • Value blo wisdom (1-22)

    • Lukaotem wisdom olsem man lukaotem treasure wea stap haed (4)

    • Ability for ting raonem samting savve protection man (11)

    • Wei for durong kosim trabol (16-19)

2  Son blo mi, if iu acceptim olketa toktok blo miAnd keepim olketa komandment blo mi olsem treasure,   Lo wei for openem ear blo iu for lisin gud lo wisdomAnd openem heart blo iu for lanem wei for luksavve.   And tu, if iu beg for kasem wei for minim samtingAnd iu barava ask for garem wei for luksavve.   If iu gohed lukaotem evriting hia olsem man wea lukaotem silver,And iu gohed lukaotem olsem man wea lukaotem treasure wea stap haed.   Then iu bae luksavve wat nao hem minim for fraet lo Jehovah,And iu bae faendem knowledge abaotem God.   Bikos Jehovah nao givim wisdom.Knowledge and wei for luksavve kam from mouth blo hem.   Hem keepim wisdom* for olketa wea duim stret samting.Hem wanfala shield for olketa wea wakabaot followim faithful wei.   Hem protectim road blo olketa wea followim justiceAnd hem bae gaedem road blo olketa loyal wan blo hem.   Then iu bae minim samting wea raeteous, stret, and fair,Road blo evri samting wea gud. 10  Taem heart blo iu hapi lo wisdomAnd soul* blo iu laekem tumas knowledge, 11  Ability for ting raonem samting bae gaedem iu,And wei for luksavve lo samting bae protectim iu, 12  For sevem iu from road wea no stret,From man wea storyim olketa nogud samting, 13  From olketa wea lusim stretfala roadFor wakabaot lo road blo darkness, 14  From olketa wea hapi for duim nogud samting,Wea olketa hapi for duim olketa wicked samting, 15  Yes, pipol wea road blo olketa hem no stretAnd wea road blo olketa hem fulap lo wei for laea. 16  Wisdom bae sevem iu from nogud* woman,From olketa swit toktok blo olobaot* woman, 17  Wea lusim klos fren* blo hem, wea tufala fren since tufala youngAnd forgetim covenant blo God blo hem. 18  Bikos for go lo haos blo hem, hem olsem for go for dae,And road wea go for haos blo hem, hem lead go lo grev. 19  Eniwan wea duim sex witim* hem bae no kam bak,And olketa bae no wakabaot lo road for kasem laef tu. 20  So followim road blo olketa gud pipolAnd wakabaot lo olketa road blo pipol wea duim raeteous samting, 21  Bikos olketa wea duim stret samting nomoa bae stap lo earth,And olketa wea no garem blame* bae stap olowe lo hem. 22  Bat wicked pipol bae finis from earth,And pipol for laea bae aot from earth.

Olketa footnote

Or, “wei for duim wise samting.”
Lukim “Soul” lo Dictionary.
Heb., “strange.” Disfala Hebrew word hem minim samwan wea no followim olketa standard blo God.
Heb., “foreign.” Disfala Hebrew word hem minim samwan wea stap farawe from olketa standard blo God.
Or, “hasband.”
Heb., “go insaed lo.”
Or, “wea gohed faithful.”