Proverbs 3:1-35

  • Kamap wise and trustim Jehovah (1-12)

    • Honorim Jehovah witim olketa best samting (9)

  • Wisdom mekem man hapi (13-18)

  • Wisdom protectim man (19-26)

  • Stret wei for treatim olketa narawan (27-35)

    • Duim gud samting for narawan sapos iu garem paoa for duim datwan (27)

3  Son blo mi, no forgetim teaching* blo mi,And hem gud for heart blo iu obeyim olketa komandment blo mi,   Bikos olketa bae addim staka dayAnd staka year lo laef blo iu and bae iu garem peace.   No letem loyal love* and wei for faithful* lusim iu. Taengem olketa raonem nek blo iu.Raetem olketa lo tablet blo heart blo iu.   Sapos iu duim olsem, God and olketa man bae hapi lo iuAnd iu bae garem wei for luksavve.   Trustim Jehovah lo full heart blo iu,And no depend* lo savve blo iuseleva.   Tingim hem lo evri samting wea iu duim,And hem bae showim iu stretfala road.   No kamap wise lo eye blo iuseleva. Fraet lo Jehovah and tane difren from nogud wei.   Datwan bae olsem medicine for healim body* blo iuAnd hem bae strongim olketa bon blo iu.   Honorim Jehovah witim olketa best samting wea iu garem,Olketa firstfrut* from harvest blo iu.* 10  Then olketa stoahaos blo iu bae barava fulap,And olketa container* blo iu bae ova full lo niu wine. 11  Son blo mi, no rejectim discipline blo Jehovah,And no heitim kaonsel blo hem, 12  Bikos Jehovah hem stretem olketa wea hem lovem,Olsem wanfala dadi hem duim lo son wea hem hapi lo hem. 13  Man wea faendem wisdomAnd man wea waka hard for kasem wei for luksavve bae hapi. 14  For kasem datwan hem beta winim for kasem silver,And for garem datwan hem beta winim* for garem gold. 15  Hem barava spesol winim coral.*No eniting wea iu laekem hem semsem witim datwan. 16  Long laef hem stap lo raet hand blo hem.Riches and glory stap lo left hand blo hem. 17  Hapi hem stap lo olketa road blo hem,And peace hem stap lo evri road blo hem. 18  Hem tree blo laef for olketa wea hol strong lo hem,And olketa wea hol strong lo hem bae olketa hapi. 19  Jehovah creatim earth from wisdom blo hem. Hem putim skae lo position blo hem from wei blo hem for luksavve. 20  Witim knowledge blo hem, hem splitim olketa wata wea stap deep insaed graonAnd mekem dew for drop from olketa cloud lo skae. 21  Son blo mi, iu mas no forgetim olketa.* Protectim wisdom* and ability for ting raonem samting. 22  Olketa bae givim iu* laefAnd olketa bae olsem naesfala nekles raonem nek blo iu. 23  Then iu bae wakabaot sef lo gogo blo iu,And no enitaem bae foot blo iu stambol.* 24  Taem iu leidaon, iu bae no fraetem eniting.Iu bae leidaon, and bae iu enjoyim sleep blo iu. 25  Iu bae no fraetem eni nogud samting wea seknomoa happenAnd trabol wea olsem cyclone wea bae kasem wicked pipol. 26  Bikos iu fit for barava trustim Jehovah.Hem bae no letem foot blo iu for pas lo eni trap. 27  No hol bak for duim gud samting lo olketa wea iu shud helpem*Sapos iu garem paoa* for duim datwan. 28  No sei olsem lo eniwan, “Iu go and kam bak tumoro and bae mi givim lo iu,” If iu savve givim hem distaem. 29  No mekem nogud plan for spoelem neiba blo iuTaem hem trustim iu. 30  No raoa nating witim eniwanSapos hem no duim eni nogud samting lo iu. 31  No jealous lo man wea rafOr followim olketa wei blo hem, 32  Bikos Jehovah barava heitim man for laea,Bat Hem fren gud witim man wea duim stret samting. 33  Trabol from Jehovah bae kasem famili laen blo wicked man,Bat hem blessim haos blo man wea raeteous. 34  Bikos hem tok spoelem olketa wea tok spoelem narawan,Bat hem hapi lo olketa wea hambol. 35  Olketa wea wise bae inheritim honor,Bat olketa wea karangge mekhae lo shameful samting.

Olketa footnote

Or, “law.”
Lukim “Loyal Love” lo Dictionary.
Or, “truth.”
Heb., “lean.”
Heb., “cord lo bele.”
Or, “best samting.”
Or, “from samting wea iu kasem.”
Or, “ples for smasem grape for mekem wine.”
Or, “olsem profit hem gud winim.”
Lukim “Coral” lo Dictionary.
Luk olsem diswan hem olketa wei blo God wea olketa verse bifor disfala verse storyim.
Or, “wei for duim wise samting.”
Or, “soul blo iu.”
Or, “banga lo eniting.”
Or, “wea needim help.”
Or, “hand blo iu garem paoa.”