Psalm 75:1-10

  • God hem judge followim stretfala wei

    • Wicked pipol bae drink lo kap blo Jehovah (8)

For director. For pleim followim singsing hia “No Distroem Mi.” Blo Asaph. Wanfala song. 75  Mifala talem thankiu lo iu, O God, mifala talem thankiu lo iu,Iu stap klosap lo mifala,*And pipol talemaot olketa nambawan waka blo iu.   Iu tok olsem: “Taem mi markem for judge,Mi judge followim stretfala wei.   Taem earth and evri pipol wea stap lo hem olketa finis,Mi nao mekem olketa post blo hem for stap strong.” (Selah)   Mi tok olsem lo man wea savve tokplas, “Iu no tokplas,” And lo wicked man, “Iu no mekhae lo strong* blo iu.   No mekhae lo strong* blo iu for go hae antapOr praod lo toktok blo iu.   Bikos praise wea man kasem no kamFrom east or west or lo south.   Bikos God nao hem Judge. Hem savve daonem wanfala man and mekhae lo narawan.   Bikos wanfala kap hem lo hand blo Jehovah,Wine insaed lo hem gohed bubble and hem mix finis. Bae hem pourimaot datwan,And evri wicked pipol lo earth nao bae drinkim, gogo kasem botom.”   Bat mi, bae mi talemaot datwan for olowe,Bae mi singsing for praisem* God blo Jacob. 10  Bikos hem tok olsem: “Bae mi finisim evri strong* wea wicked pipol garem,Bat bae mi mekhae lo strong* wea raeteous pipol garem.”

Olketa footnote

Heb., “Nem blo iu hem stap klosap.”
Heb., “horn.”
Heb., “horn.”
Or, “pleim music for.”
Heb., “horn.”
Heb., “horn.”