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July 29–August 4


July 29–August 4

Song 13 and Prea | Introduction (1 min.)


1. Hao Psalm 69 Profesi Abaotem Olketa Samting wea Happen lo Jesus

(10 min.)

Olketa heitim nating nomoa lo Jesus (Ps 69:4; Joh 15:​24, 25; w11 8/15 11 ¶17)

Jesus barava strong for haos blo Jehovah (Ps 69:9; Joh 2:​13-17; w10 12/15 8 ¶7-8)

Jesus experiencem bigfala stress and pain, and olketa givim hem wine wea olketa mixim witim gall (Ps 69:​20, 21; Mt 27:34; Lu 22:44; Joh 19:34; g95-E 10/22 31 ¶4; it-2-E 650)

FOR TING RAONEM: Why nao Jehovah includim olketa profesi abaotem Messiah lo Hebrew Scripture?

2. Faendem Gudfala Point

(10 min.)

  • Ps 69:​30, 31—Hao nao olketa verse hia helpem iumi for impruvim hao iumi prea? (w99 1/15 17-18 ¶11)

  • Wat nao eni gudfala point wea iu laek for sharem from Bible reading dis week?

3. Bible Reading


4. Patient—Wat Jesus Duim

(7 min.) Story tugeta witim kongregeson. Pleim VIDEO, and then story tugeta abaotem lmd leson 8 point 1-2.

5. Patient—Followim Example blo Jesus


Song 134

6. Need blo Kongregeson

(5 min.)

7. Olketa Principle for Famili Worship Evening

(10 min.) Story tugeta witim kongregeson.

Lo January 2009, Kongregeson Buk Study join witim Theocratic Ministry Skul and Service Meeting for kamap midol week meeting. Diswan givim chance lo olketa famili for garem wanfala evening each week for duim own famili worship program blo olketa. Staka famili sei olketa tinghae lo disfala arrangement bikos hem helpem olketa for fren moa klos witim Jehovah and evriwan lo famili.—De 6:​6, 7.

Wat nao samfala principle wea savve helpem olketa famili hed for organizem gud Famili Worship evening blo olketa?

  • Mas duim evritaem. Sapos fitim, markem taem for famili worship each week. And tu, markem nara day lo week, mekem iumi savve duim famili worship, sapos eniting wea iumi no expectim hem happen lo datfala day.

  • Prepare. Askem waef and samfala taem askem tu olketa pikinini for olketa idea. No need for preparem staka samting tumas, especially if famili enjoyim wanfala kaen activity and laek for duim datwan evri week.

  • Adjustim program fitim famili blo iu. Taem olketa pikinini start for growap, wat olketa needim and hao olketa duim samting hem change. Famili worship program blo iu hem shud helpem each member lo famili for grow lo spiritual wei

  • Garem wanfala naes environment. Lo taem wea weather hem fitim, hem gud for duim study lo aotsaed. Hem gud for brek lelebet sapos need kamap. Hem gud for iusim taem blo Famili Worship for story raonem samfala challenge wea each wan lo famili feisim, bat no iusim taem blo Famili Worship for hotem or disciplinem pikinini.

  • Duim olketa difren samting. For example, maet iu savve includim for preparem samfala part lo meeting lo datfala week, watchim and story raonem wanfala video lo, and practicem wat bae iu talem lo ministry. Nomata wei for story tugeta nao hem main part lo Famili Worship evening, hem gud for markem taem for evri famili member savve duim personal study

Storyim tugeta disfala kwestin:

  • Wat nao iu duim for trae applyim olketa principle hia lo famili worship blo iu?

8. Kongregeson Bible Study

Conclusion (3 min.) | Song 114 and Prea