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Esther Willing for Duim Samting for Jehovah and Pipol Bilong Hem

Esther Willing for Duim Samting for Jehovah and Pipol Bilong Hem

Esther no fraet for defendim pipol bilong Jehovah

8:3-5, 9

  • Nomata king protectim Esther and Mordecai, olketa wakaman bilong king gogo yet long evri ples wea hem rulim for talemaot komand bilong Haman for killim dae evri Jew

  • Esther putim laef bilong hem long danger moa taem hem go for lukim king wea no invaetem hem for kam. Hem krae and begim king for mas changem datfala law for olketa killim dae evri Jew

  • Hem hard for eniwan changem eni law wea King bilong Persia hem talem. So king talem Esther and Mordecai for mekem nara law

Jehovah sevem pipol bilong hem

8:10-14, 17

  • Distaem olketa wakaman bilong king talemaot hao king hem letem olketa Jew for defendim olketa seleva

  • Olketa wakaman raedem horse and kwiktaem go long olketa ples wea king rulim mekem olketa Jew redi for datfala faet

  • Staka pipol wea no Jew olketa lukim hao Jehovah sevem pipol bilong hem and olketa joinim olketa Jew for worshipim Jehovah