March 27–April 2
Song 135 and Prea
Introduction (no winim 3 min.)
“Olketa Israelite Forgetim Jehovah”: (10 min.)
Jer 13:1-5—Nomata hem no isi, Jeremiah obeyim God taem hem talem hem for haedem wanfala belt (jr-E 51 par. 17)
Jer 13:6, 7—Nomata ples wea Jeremiah putim datfala belt hem farawe, God talem Jeremiah for go tekem bak datfala belt, and taem hem lukim datfala belt hem nogud nao (jr-E 52 par. 18)
Jer 13:8-11—Wanem Jeremiah duim piksarem wei wea olketa Israelite no savve gohed fren witim God bikos olketa bighed (jr-E 52 par. 19-20; it-1-E 1121 par. 2)
Faendem Gudfala Point: (8 min.)
Jer 12:1, 2, 14—Wanem kwestin nao Jeremiah askem Jehovah, and wanem nao ansa bilong Jehovah? (jr-E 118 par. 11)
Jer 15:17—Hao nao Jeremiah ting long wei for associate witim olketa nogud pipol, and hao nao iumi savve followim example bilong hem? (w04 5/1 11 par. 16)
Taem mi duim Bible reading for disfala week, wanem nao mi lanem abaotem Jehovah?
Olketa wanem point from Bible reading for disfala week nao mi savve iusim long ministry?
Bible Reading: (no winim 4 min.) Jer 13:15-27
Taem Iu Preach: (no winim 2 min.) Memorial invitation and video—Askem kwestin mekem iu savve go bak for duim return visit.
Return Visit: (no winim 4 min.) Memorial invitation and video—Askem kwestin mekem iu savve go bak moa for duim return visit.
Tok: (6 min.) w16.03 29-31—Theme: Wanem Taem Nao Pipol Bilong God Olketa Prisoner Bilong Bigfala Babylon?
“Helpem Famili Bilong Iu for Tingim Jehovah”: (15 min.) Story witim kongregeson. Firstaem, pleim video “Olketa Totktok . . . Mas Stap Long Heart Bilong Iufala”—Interview Witim Olketa Famili. Then storyim article and askem olketa kwestin.
Kongregeson Bible Study: (30 min.) jy chap. 20 p. 54-55
Review and Storyim Meeting for Next Week (3 min.)
Song 48 and Prea