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March 26–April 1


March 26–April 1
  • Song 128 and Prea

  • Introduction (no winim 3 min.)


  • Gohed for Lukaot”: (10 min.)

    • Mt 25:1-6—Faevfala gele wea garem gudfala tingting and faevfala gele wea no garem gudfala tingting go for meetim man wea bae marit

    • Mt 25:7-10—Olketa gele wea no garem gudfala tingting no stap taem man wea bae marit hem kam

    • Mt 25:11, 12—Olketa gele wea garem gudfala tingting go long marit feast, bat olketa narawan nomoa

  • Faendem Gudfala Point: (8 min.)

    • Mt 25:31-33—Storyim mining bilong tokpiksa abaotem olketa sheepsheep and olketa goat. (w15 3/15 27 par. 7)

    • Mt 25:40—Hao nao iumi savve showimaot iumi sapotim olketa brata bilong Christ? (w09 10/15 16 par. 16-18)

    • Taem iu duim Bible reading for disfala week, wanem nao iu lanem abaotem Jehovah?

    • Wanem nao olketa nara point wea iu faendem long Bible reading for disfala week?

  • Bible Reading: (no winim 4 min.) Mt 25:1-23


  • Mek-tu Return Visit: (no winim 3 min.) Iusim idea for ministry. Invaetem haosholder for kam long Memorial.

  • Mek-thri Return Visit: (no winim 3 min.) Storyim eni scripture wea iu laek for iusim, and offerim wanfala Bible study pablikeson.

  • Tok: (no winim 6 min.) w15 3/15 27 par. 7-10—Theme: Hao Nao Tokpiksa Abaotem Olketa Sheepsheep and Olketa Goat Mekhae Long Preaching Waka?


  • Song 118

  • Kamap Gud Long Ministry—Teachim Bible Study for Prepare”: (10 min.) Story witim kongregeson. Bihaen, pleim and story raonem video wea showim wanfala pablisa teachim student bilong hem hao for prepare for Bible study. Askem audience for storyim olketa nara samting wea olketa duim for helpem student prepare for Bible study.

  • Welkamim Olketa wea Iumi Invaetem: (5 min.) Tok wea kam from article long March 2016 Laef and Ministry Meeting Buk. Storyim samfala naes experience from taem bilong Memorial long 2017. Storyim samfala reminder abaotem parking, wei for kam insaed and go aot long building, and nara samting olsem for fitim Memorial wea bae kamap long March 31.

  • Kongregeson Bible Study: (30 min.) jy chap. 67

  • Review and Storyim Meeting for Next Week (3 min.)

  • Song 139 and Prea