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“Gohed for Lukaot”

“Gohed for Lukaot”


Tokpiksa bilong Jesus abaotem tenfala gele hem abaotem olketa anointed Christian. Nomata olsem, samting wea hem talem hem fitim evri Christian. (w15 3/15 12-16) Jesus sei: “Dastawe, gohed for lukaot, bikos iufala no savve long datfala day or taem.” (Mt 25:13) Waswe, iu savve explainim mining bilong datfala tokpiksa bilong Jesus?

  • Man wea bae marit (vs. 1)—Jesus

  • Olketa gele wea garem gudfala tingting (vs. 2)—Olketa anointed Christian wea redi for duim assignment bilong olketa and wea shaen olsem laet long disfala world go kasem end (Php 2:15)

  • Wanfala man singaot olsem: “Man hia kam nao!” (vs. 6)—Olketa saen wea showimaot Jesus hem stap

  • Olketa gele wea no garem gudfala tingting (vs. 8)—Olketa anointed Christian wea go for meetim man wea bae marit bat no gohed for lukaot and no gohed faithful

  • Olketa gele wea garem gudfala tingting no laek sharem oil bilong olketa (vs. 9)—Bihaen olketa anointed Christian wea faithful kasem lastfala mark, hem hard for olketa helpem olketa wea no faithful

  • “Man wea bae marit hem kam” (vs. 10)—Jesus kam for judgem pipol klosap long end bilong bigfala trabol

  • Olketa gele wea garem gudfala tingting go long marit feast witim man wea bae marit, and olketa satem door nao (vs. 10)—Jesus tekem olketa anointed Christian wea faithful go long heven, bat olketa wea no faithful no kasem nao datfala reward