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Kamap Gud Long Ministry—Teachim Bible Study for Prepare

Kamap Gud Long Ministry—Teachim Bible Study for Prepare

WHY HEM IMPORTANT: Taem Bible study prepare, datwan savve helpem hem for minim and no forgetim samting iumi teachim hem. Datwan bae helpem hem for gohed gud long spiritual wei. Nomata bihaen hem baptaes, bae hem need for prepare for olketa meeting and for ministry mekem hem savve “gohed for lukaot.” (Mt 25:13) Sapos hem savve hao for duim study and hao for followim schedule for study, datwan bae helpem hem long full laef bilong hem. Taem iumi startim study, iumi shud helpem Bible study bilong iumi for prepare for study bilong hem.


  • Showimaot gudfala example. (Ro 2:21) Tingim Bible study bilong iu taem iu prepare for study. (km 11/15 3) Showim hem buk bilong iu wea iu andalaenem finis.

  • Encouragem hem for prepare. Taem iu start for duim study evritaem witim hem mekhae long wei for prepare, and storyim gud samting wea hem bae kasem from datwan. Helpem hem for markem taem for prepare. Samfala pablisa givim buk bilong olketa wea olketa andalaenem finis long Bible study for hem iusim long wanfala study. Datwan helpem Bible study luksavve wei for andalaenem olketa ansa savve helpem hem. Praisem hem taem hem prepare

  • Showim hem hao for prepare. No longtaem bihaen olketa startim study witim samwan, samfala pablisa savve iusim wanfala full study for showim datfala Bible study hao for prepare