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Samfala Samting for No duim Taem Iumi Conductim Bible Study

Samfala Samting for No duim Taem Iumi Conductim Bible Study

Iu Nomoa Iu Story: No tingse iu nomoa mas explainim evri samting. Jesus iusim olketa kwestin for mekem pipol ting raonem samting and for luksavve long stret samting. (Mt 17:24-27) Taem iu iusim olketa kwestin, bae study hem interesting, and bae iu luksavve long tingting bilong Bible study bilong iu and sapos hem minim wanem iutufala storyim. (be p. 253 par. 3-4) Taem iu askem kwestin, iu mas patient and weitim hem for ansa. Sapos Bible study talem ansa wea no stret, no talem hem stretfala ansa, bat askem olketa nara kwestin wea bae helpem hem for kasem stretfala ansa. (be p. 238 par. 1-2) No story fast tumas nogud Bible study no minim olketa point wea iufala studyim.—be p. 230 par. 4.

Storyim Extra Information: No storyim staka samting abaotem topic wea iufala studyim. (Joh 16:12) Storyim nomoa main point long paragraf. (be p. 226 par. 4-5) Sapos iumi storyim olketa nara samting wea maet interesting, datwan savve mekem Bible study for no minim main point. (be p. 235 par. 3) Taem Bible study hem minim main point, muv go long next paragraf.

Studyim Nomoa Information: Goal bilong iumi hem for teach long wei wea bae kasem heart bilong Bible study, and no for hem savve nomoa long datfala information. (Lu 24:32) Readim olketa main scripture bilong datfala leson bikos toktok bilong God nao garem paoa wea savve affectim heart bilong hem. (2Co 10:4; Heb 4:12; be p. 144 par. 1-3) Iusim olketa tok piksa wea bae isi for hem minim. (be p. 245 par. 2-4) Ting raonem samfala samting wea datfala study hem feisim, olketa biliv bilong hem, and iusim information wea iutufala studyim for helpem hem. Askem olketa kwestin olsem: “Hao nao tingting bilong iu abaotem samting wea iu lanem?” “Wanem nao iumi lanem abaotem Jehovah from diswan?” “Wanem gud samting nao bae iu kasem sapos iu followim disfala kaonsel?”—be p. 238 par. 3-5; p. 259 par. 1.