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Kamap Gud Long Ministry—Invaetem Olketa wea Interest for Kam Long Meeting

Kamap Gud Long Ministry—Invaetem Olketa wea Interest for Kam Long Meeting

WHY HEM IMPORTANT: Iumi savve singsing long olketa meeting for ‘praisem Jehovah.’ (Ps 149:1) Long olketa meeting, iumi lanem wanem nao God laekem and hao for duim datwan. (Ps 143:10) Staka taem olketa wea interest and olketa Bible study muv ahed gud taem olketa start for kam long meeting.


  • Invaetem eniwan wea interest. Iu no weit go kasem taem iu studyim Bible witim hem bifor iu invaetem hem.—Re 22:17

  • Storyim long man wea interest hao iumi duim olketa meeting bilong iumi, and wanem bae iumi storyim long datfala meeting. Iu savve iusim kongregeson meeting invitation, datfala video Wanem Nao Olketa Duim Long Wanfala Kingdom Hall?, and leson 5 and 7 insaed brochure Wanem Jehovah Laekem

  • Redi for help. Waswe, man wea interest hem laekem iu for tekem hem long Kingdom Hall or for helpem hem long eni nara samting? Sidaon witim hem long meeting, and sharem olketa buk bilong iu witim hem. Tekem hem for meetim olketa nara brata and sista