September 23-29
PSALMS 88-89
Song 22 and Prea | Introduction (1 min.)
1. Rulership blo Jehovah Hem Best
(10 min.)
Rulership blo Jehovah promotim tru justice (Ps 89:14; w17.06 28 ¶5)
Rulership blo Jehovah promotim trufala wei for hapi (Ps 89:15, 16; w17.06 29 ¶10-11)
Rulership blo Jehovah bae stap for olowe (Ps 89:34-37; w14 10/15 10 ¶14)
2. Faendem Gudfala Point
(10 min.)
Ps 89:37—Hao nao wei for faithful and loyal hem no semsem? (cl 281 ¶4-5)
Wat nao eni gudfala point wea iu laek for sharem from Bible reading dis week?
3. Bible Reading
(4 min.) Ps 89:1-24 (th study 11)
4. Hao for Startim Story
(3 min.) PABLIK WITNESSING. Offerim Bible study lo wanfala person wea no joinim eni Christian religion. (lmd leson 5 point 5)
5. Hao for Continue lo Story
(4 min.) HAOS TU HAOS. Showim hao for duim wanfala Bible study. (th study 9)
6. Explainim Wat Iu Bilivim
(5 min.) Tok. ijwbq 181—Theme: Wat Nao Olketa Samting wea Bible Storyim? (th study 2)
Song 94
7. Olketa Standard blo Jehovah Hem Best
(10 min.) Story tugeta witim kongregeson.
Staka pipol sei olketa standard lo Bible abaotem sex and marit hem no mek sense and aot of date. Waswe, iu pruvim lo iuseleva hao wei for followim olketa standard blo Jehovah hem evritaem best?—Isa 48:17, 18; Ro 12:2.
Why nao iumi shud no trustim olketa standard blo world saed lo fasin? (Jer 10:23; 17:9; 2Co 11:13-15; Eph 4:18, 19)
Why nao iumi shud trustim olketa standard blo Jehovah saed lo fasin? (Joh 3:16; Ro 11:33; Tit 1:2)
Bible teachim hao olketa wea no laek followim law blo God saed lo fasin “bae no kasem Kingdom bilong God.” (1Co 6:9, 10) Bat waswe, datwan hem only reason for followim olketa standard blo God?
Pleim VIDEO Why Mi Garem Faith—Followim Olketa Standard blo God and No blo Mi. Then askem audience:
Hao nao olketa standard blo God saed lo fasin hem protectim iumi?
8. Need blo Kongregeson
(5 min.)
9. Kongregeson Bible Study
(30 min.) bt chap. 15 ¶15-20