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SONG 120

Hambol Olsem Christ

Hambol Olsem Christ

(Matthew 11:28-30)

  1. 1. No eni man winim Christ Jesus wea King,

    Hem no laekem bignem, or praod long tingting.

    Long plan b’long God hem duim bigfala part,

    Bat evritaem hem garem nao hambol heart.

  2. 2. For pipol wea garem big hevi distaem,

    Christ standbae for helpem olketa firstaem.

    Hem strongim olketa wea faithful long hem.

    Hem kaen and hem no raf, iumi hem lovem.

  3. 3. Evriwan nao semsem, Lord Jesus hem sei.

    Mas hambol, stap anda long Christ evriday.

    Bae man kasem blessing and hapi distaem.

    From God tinghae long man wea hambol and kaen.