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Hem Bae Mekem Iu Strong

Hem Bae Mekem Iu Strong

(1 Peter 5:10)

  1. 1. Reason hem stap for why God givim truth long iu

    And leadim iu kam long laet bilong hem.

    Bikos hem savve heart bilong iu hemi gud,

    Iu followim samting wea hem talem.

    From iu promis for duim will b’long King,

    Hem helpem iu for duim stret samting.


    Jehovah hem peim iu,

    hem givim sakrifaes.

    So hem bae strongim iu,

    bikos long blood b’long Christ.

    Bae goahed for leadim

    and for protectim iu.

    Hem nao bae blessim iu,

    and mekem iu strong tu.

  2. 2. God givim spesol Son for iumi man wea sin,

    And dastawe Hem laekem iu mas win.

    For givim Son b’long Hem, hem nambawan samting,

    So bae Hem givim strong wea iu needim.

    Hem tingim love and faith wea iu garem,

    Bae no lusim man wea worshipim Hem.


    Jehovah hem peim iu,

    hem givim sakrifaes.

    So hem bae strongim iu,

    bikos long blood b’long Christ.

    Bae goahed for leadim

    and for protectim iu.

    Hem nao bae blessim iu,

    and mekem iu strong tu.