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Fren Gud Witim Jehovah Evriday

Fren Gud Witim Jehovah Evriday

(Micah 6:8)

  1. 1. Followim nao God Jehovah,

    Holem hand bilong hem evriday.

    Hem kaen and hem lovem man wea

    Hambol and wea garem raeteous wei!

    God hem mekem wei for iumi

    Savve fren gud witim hem.

    Dastawe nao iumi laek for

    Faithful long hem go kasem end.

  2. 2. Satan kros and hem mek trabol,

    Long world distaem wea gogo for end.

    Enemy againstim iumi,

    Maet from diswan man bae fraetem hem.

    Bat Jah hem protectim iumi,

    So fren b’long hem evriday.

    Givim worship long hem ol’we,

    Lovem hem and strong for obey.

  3. 3. Spirit and Word b’long hem Bible,

    Kongregeson, and tu wei for prea.

    God Jehovah nao provaedem,

    Wea showimaot wei b’long hem for kea.

    God hem laek for helpem iumi

    For duim nao stret samting.

    Hem bae helpem man for faithful

    And for garem hambol tingting.