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Man wea Obey Bae Hem Laef

Man wea Obey Bae Hem Laef

(Ezekiel 3:17-19)

  1. 1. Distaem nao hemi taem

    evriwan nao mas herem.

    No longtaem world bae end

    olsem Bible hem talem.


    For man hem laef, hem mas obey.

    Hem semsem tu for iumi.

    Man wea obey nao bae hem laef,

    So evri nation mas herem,

    Mas herem.

  2. 2. Talemaot message hia,

    preachim long evri kantri.

    Helpem pipol fren bak

    witim God, laef, and hapi.


    For man hem laef, hem mas obey.

    Hem semsem tu for iumi.

    Man wea obey nao bae hem laef,

    So evri nation mas herem,

    Mas herem.


    Mas kwiktaem, hem important,

    For man herem and followim.

    Teachim truth long olketa.

    Message b’long laef iumi preachim.


    For man hem laef, hem mas obey.

    Hem semsem tu for iumi.

    Man wea obey nao bae hem laef,

    So evri nation mas herem,

    Mas herem.