Waka Hard!
1. Waka hard for mature, iumi no lesy!
Shaenim laet bilong truth, hem nao waka b’long iumi.
Traem best for kamap gud long ministry,
Trust long God nao for blessing.
Waka hia for iumi evriwan.
Jesus tu hemi duim datwan.
Trustim God bikos hem nao sapotim man,
Strong for duim stret samting.
2. Waka hard, traem best, strong for go preaching!
Preach long evri kaen man, from diswan hem gud samting.
And mas praisem Jehovah wea God and King,
Taem iu preach from haos tu haos.
Nogud pipol laek stopem iumi,
No hol bak or fraet long enemy.
Preachim gud nius b’long Kingdom long ministry.
Mas talemaot gud nius hia.
3. Waka hard, kamap strong, traem best b’long iu.
Savve gud hao for preach,
hariap for duim tu.
Letem spirit hem evritaem leadim iu.
Bae iu hapi evriday.
Lovem pipol iu faendem distaem.
Traem best for kasem heart and mind.
Helpem olketa grow, helpem for disaed.
Letem laet shaen olowe.
(Lukim tu Phil. 1:27; 3:16; Heb. 10:39.)