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Talemaot Kingdom Truth

Talemaot Kingdom Truth

(Acts 20:20, 21)

  1. 1. Iumi bifor no savve wei

    Christian mas followim each day.

    Then Jehovah sendem laet,

    Kingdom truth wea hem klia and braet.

    Then will b’long God iumi minim,

    Rul b’long hem man mas sapotim,

    For mekhae long nem b’long hem,

    And talemaot glory wea hem garem.

    Preach long evriwan iumi meet,

    Maet hem long haos or hem long street.

    And teachim man long ministry

    Truth wea hem mekem iumi free.

    Tru worship kasem evriwea

    Taem Kingdom message iumi share.

    Keepim wan mind and promis

    For waka go kasem taem hem finis.