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Listen, Obey, and Kasem Blessing

Listen, Obey, and Kasem Blessing

(Luke 11:28)

  1. 1. Waswe, iumi duim samting Christ talem?

    Teaching b’long Jesus hem torchim nao wei.

    And iumi hapi for savve long datwan,

    Bat hem important for iumi obey.


    Blessing nao man bae kasem

    Taem hem obey and herem

    Toktok bilong God and will bilong hem.

    Blessing nao bae hem kasem.

  2. 2. Laef bilong man olsem haos for haed long hem

    Sapos hem no wakem haos hia long sand.

    Taem hemi duim nao samting Christ talem,

    Laef bae gud from hem followim komand.


    Blessing nao man bae kasem

    Taem hem obey and herem

    Toktok bilong God and will bilong hem.

    Blessing nao bae hem kasem.

  3. 3. Olsem tree wea hemi stap long saed wata,

    Hem garem frut evri season and day.

    Taem iumi obeyim Dadi long heven,

    Bae kasem blessing and laef olowe.


    Blessing nao man bae kasem

    Taem hem obey and herem

    Toktok bilong God and will bilong hem.

    Blessing nao bae hem kasem.