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Olketa Teenager wea Garem Mentol Health Problem Increase—Wat Nao Bible Talem Abaotem Datwan?

Olketa Teenager wea Garem Mentol Health Problem Increase—Wat Nao Bible Talem Abaotem Datwan?

 Lo Monday, February 13, 2023, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lo United States releasem report abaotem mentol health blo olketa teenager lo U.S. Datfala report sei winim 40 percent hae skul students savve continue longtaem feel sorre tumas and feel hopeles.

 Doctor Kathleen Ethier, director of CDC’s Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH) sei: “Mifala lukim dat mentol health problem blo young pipol worst tumas lo past 10 years. Bat mentol health problem blo olketa teenage gele nao worse winim enitaem bifor, and staka teenage gele ting for suisaed, plan for duim datwan, or actually trae suisaed.”

 Datfala report sei:

  •   Winim 1 lo 10 teenage gele (14 percent), samwan forcem olketa for duim sex nomata olketa no laekem. Doctor Ethier sei: “Datwan mekem iumi wari tumas. For evri 10 teenage gele wea iu savve lo olketa, at least wanand maet winim, samwan reipim.”

  •   Klosap 1 lo 3 teenage gele (30 percent) disaed finis for suisaed.

  •   Klosap 3 lo 5 teenage gele (57 percent) continue longtaem feel sorre tumas or hopeles.

 Iumi sorre tumas for savve lo statistics hia. Taem olketa young, hem taem wea olketa shud hapi and enjoyim laef. Wat nao savve helpem olketa teenager cope witim stress wea olketa feisim distaem? Wat nao Bible talem abaotem datwan?

Bible givim practical help for olketa teenager

 Bible sei taem wea iumi stap distaem savve mekem iumi stress tumas. Bible sei: “Bae evri samting hem hard tumas.” (2 Timothy 3:1-5) Bat Bible givim best advaes wea helpem staka million teenager evriwea lo world for cope nomata wat challenge olketa feisim. Olketa article hia storyim advaes from Bible:

 Help for olketa teenager cope witim feeling for laek suisaed

 Help for olketa teenager cope witim depression, feeling for sorre tumas, or negative emotion

 Help for olketa teenager cope witim samwan wea bully or cyberbully

 Help for olketa teenager cope witim sexual harassment and assault

Bible givim practical advaes for parents

 Bible givim tu practical advaes wea helpem parents for helpem olketa teenager cope witim olketa challenge lo laef blo olketa. Olketa article hia storyim advaes from Bible: