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Babule but No Marit

Babule but No Marit

Chapter 4

Babule but No Marit

MARY hem babule for threefela month finis. Maet iu remember hao hem visitim Elizabeth taem hem just start for babule, but distaem hem kam back hom long Nazareth. Klosap nao evriwan long ples bilong hem bae savvy hem babule. Yes, hem insaed trabel nao!

Samting wea mekem diswan moa worse hem from Mary hem engage finis for kamap waef bilong carpenter man Joseph. And hem savvy, under long law bilong Israel, any woman wea engage long wanfela man but hem willing for havem sex withim narafela man bae olketa mas sutim hem dae withim stone. Hao nao hem savvy meanim long Joseph way wea hem babule?

From Mary hem go for threefela month finis, Joseph hem barava want for lukim hem moa. Taem they meet, luk olsem Mary talem hem disfela nius. Maet hem duim best bilong hem for meanim hao hem babule thru long holy spirit bilong God. But, diswan hem hard samting for Joseph believim.

Joseph hem savvy Mary hem garem gudfela nem. And hem barava love-im hem tu. But, nomata wanem samting Mary talem, hem luk olsem hem really babule long narafela man. Nomata olsem, Joseph no wantim them for sutim Mary dae withim stone or mekem hem shame front long pablik. So hem decide for divorce-im hem haed nomoa. Long datfela taem, pipol ting long tufela wea engage olsem they marit finis, and for finisim diswan tufela mas divorce.

Bihaen, taem Joseph hem go ahed for tingting raonem evri samting hia, hem sleep. Angel bilong Jehovah kam long hem insaed wanfela dream and say: “Iu no fraet for tekem Mary, waef bilong iu long haos bilong iu, from samting wea insaed long hem kam from holy spirit. Hem bae bornim wanfela son, and iu mas kolem nem bilong hem Jesus, from hem bae sevem pipol bilong hem from sin bilong olketa.”

Taem Joseph hem wekap, hem barava hapi tumas! Kwiktaem nomoa hem duim samting wea angel talem. Hem tekem Mary long haos bilong hem. From hem duim diswan long pablik, diswan hem olsem wanfela marit service, for show aot Joseph and Mary barava marit nao. But Joseph no sleep withim Mary taem hem babule withim Jesus.

Lukim! Mary hem babule big, but Joseph hem putim hem long wanfela donkey. Wea nao they go, and why nao they ready for go taem Mary hem klosap for bornim pikinini? Luke 1:​39-41, 56; Matthew 1:​18-25; Deuteronomy 22:​23, 24.

▪ Hao nao tingting bilong Joseph taem hem savvy Mary hem babule, and why nao olsem?

▪ Hao nao Joseph savvy divorce-im Mary nomata tufela no marit yet?

▪ Wanem nao Joseph duim long pablik wea olsem marit service bilong hem and Mary?