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Bigfela Faith Bilong Bigman Long Army

Bigfela Faith Bilong Bigman Long Army

Chapter 36

Bigfela Faith Bilong Bigman Long Army

TAEM Jesus givim Sermon bilong hem long Maunten, hem kasem midl long pablik ministry bilong hem. Diswan meanim hem garem wan year and naen month nomoa for finisim work bilong hem long earth.

Distaem Jesus hem go long taon bilong Capernaum, wea olsem hom taem hem duim ministry. Long there samfela older man bilong Jew kam for askim hem wanfela samting. Man wea sendem olketa hem wanfela bigman long army bilong Rome, wanfela Gentile, man bilong different nation wea no wanfela Jew.

Gudfela servant bilong datfela bigman bilong army hem klosap for dae from bigfela sik, and hem wantim Jesus for healim servant bilong hem. Olketa Jew hia they barava ask olsem for datfela bigman: “Hem fit for kasem help,” they say, “from hem love-im nation bilong iumi and hemseleva buildim synagogue for mifela.”

Jesus no hold back for go withim olketa man hia. But, taem they klosap kasem ples, datfela bigman bilong army sendem go samfela fren for say: “Masta, iu no worry for kam, from mi no fit for iu kam long haos bilong mi. Dastawe mi no ting mi fit for kam long iu.”

Diswan hem barava humble toktok wea kam from wanfela bigman wea evritaem givim order long otherfela pipol! But maet hem tingim Jesus tu, from hem savvy kastom bilong olketa Jew tambuim way for visitim pipol wea no Jew. Peter tu hem say: “Iufela savvy hao hem againstim law for wanfela Jew for join withim or kam klosap long man bilong different nation.”

Maet from hem no wantim Jesus for brekem disfela kastom, datfela bigman talem olketa fren bilong hem for ask olsem for hem: “Iu just talem toktok, and servant bilong mi bae kamap gud moa. From mi tu man wea garem paoa, wea olketa soldia stap under long mi, and mi say long wanfela, ‘Iu go!’ and hem go, and long narawan mi say, ‘Kam!’ and hem kam, and mi say long slave bilong mi, ‘Duim diswan!’ and hem duim nao.”

Well, taem Jesus herem diswan, hem barava sapraes. “Mi talem iufela tru samting,” hem say, “mi no lukim anywan long Israel wea garem bigfela faith olsem.” Bihaen hem healim servant bilong datfela bigman, Jesus iusim disfela chance for talem hao olketa wea no Jew wea garem faith bae kasem blessing wea olketa Jew wea no faithful they rejectim.

“Planti pipol,” Jesus say, “from east and west bae kam and sidaon long tebol withim Abraham and Isaac and Jacob insaed long kingdom bilong heven; but olketa son bilong kingdom bae they torowem olketa long darkness aotsaed. Long there nao they bae krae and kros for gud.”

“Olketa son bilong kingdom [wea] they torowem olketa long darkness aotsaed” they olketa really Jew wea no acceptim chance wea they kasem firstaem for rul withim Kraest. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob they stand for Kingdom arrangement bilong God. So Jesus hem talem hao olketa Gentile bae kasem welkam for sidaon long tebol long heven, hem olsem, “insaed long kingdom bilong heven.” Luke 7:​1-10; Matthew 8:​5-13; Acts 10:28.

▪ Why nao olketa Jew askim samting for wanfela bigman bilong army wea hem wanfela Gentile?

▪ Why nao datfela bigman no invitim Jesus for go insaed long haos bilong hem?

▪ Wanem nao Jesus meanim long olketa lastfela toktok bilong hem?