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Bigfela Pain Insaed Long Gaden

Bigfela Pain Insaed Long Gaden

Chapter 117

Bigfela Pain Insaed Long Gaden

TAEM Jesus prea finis, hem and 11-fela faithful aposol bilong hem singim olketa song bilong praise long Jehovah. Then olketa kam daon from datfela room on top. Hem dark finis and they katkros long Kidron Valley for go long Bethany. But taem they wakabaot, they stop long wanfela ples wea they savvy go evritaem, gaden bilong Gethsemane. Diswan hem long Maunten Bilong Olives or klosap long datfela ples. Planti taem Jesus hem meet withim olketa aposol bilong hem midlwan long olketa olive tree hia.

Hem leavim eitfela aposol​—⁠maet klosap long front bilong datfela gaden​—⁠and say long them: “Sidaon long hia taem mi go long there and prea.” Then hem tekem nara threefela​—⁠Peter, James, and John​—⁠and wakabaot go insaed moa long gaden. Jesus hem feel sorry tumas and barava worry. “Soul bilong mi hem barava sorry, go kasem dae,” hem say long them. “Stap long hia and go ahed for lukaot withim mi.”

Jesus wakabaot go lelebet, nildaon long graon and face bilong hem luk daon and hem start for prea strong: “Father bilong mi, sapos hem fitim, letem disfela kap lusim mi. But, no olsem samting mi wantim, but olsem samting iu wantim.” Wanem nao hem meanim? Why nao hem “barava sorry, go kasem dae”? Waswe, hem change-im mind bilong hem long way wea hem decide for dae and provide-im ransom?

No moa nao! Jesus no ask for no dae. Taem Peter talem hem for misstim way for dae olsem wanfela sakrifaes, hem barava rejectim datfela tingting. But, hem feel pain tumas from hem tingim way wea hem bae klosap for dae​—⁠olsem wanfela barava badfela criminal​—⁠bae bringim shame long nem bilong Father bilong hem. Hem savvy long next fewfela hour olketa bae hangim hem long stake olsem barava no gud man​—⁠man wea tok spoelem God! Diswan nao samting wea mekem hem barava worry.

Bihaen hem prea for longfela taem, Jesus go back and hem lukim threefela aposol they sleep. So hem say long Peter: “Waswe, iufela no savvy lukaot for wan hour withim mi? Go ahed for lukaot and prea evritaem, mekem iufela no kasem test.” But hem luksavvy long bigfela hevi wea they kasem and hao hem barava late long naet nao, so hem say: “Spirit hem willing, but body hem weak.”

Then Jesus go moa for mek-tu taem and askim God for aotem “disfela kap” from hem, hem meanim samting wea Jehovah markem, or will bilong Jehovah for hem. Taem hem go back, hem lukim threefela hia they sleep moa long taem wea olketa should prea for olketa for no kasem test. Taem Jesus tok long them, they no savvy wanem nao for talem long hem.

Then for lastfela taem, mek-three taem, Jesus go moa, no farawe tumas and hem nildaon, and withim singaot and krae, hem prea: “Father, sapos iu wantim, tek-aotem disfela kap from mi.” Jesus hem barava feel pain from shame wea dae bilong hem olsem wanfela barava badfela criminal bae bringim long nem bilong Father bilong hem. Tru nao, for olketa judge-im hem olsem man wea tok spoelem God​—⁠man wea curse-im God​—⁠hem samting wea barava no gud tumas long hem!

Nomata olsem, Jesus go ahed for prea: “No followim samting wea mi wantim, but samting wea iu wantim.” Jesus hem willing for obeyim God and stap under long will bilong God. Then, wanfela angel from heven hem kam and strongim hem withim toktok for encouragim hem. Maet angel talem Jesus hao Father bilong hem hapi long hem.

Nomata olsem, hem wanfela bigfela hevi for Jesus! Laef olawe for hemseleva and evri man hem depend long hem. Hem kasem barava bigfela hevi long saed bilong feeling bilong hem. So Jesus go ahed for prea strong moa, and sweat bilong hem fall daon long graon olsem blood nao. The Journal of the American Medical Association talem olsem abaotem diswan: “Nomata diswan hem samting wea happen fewfela taem nomoa, way wea sweat savvy kamap olsem blood . . . savvy happen taem man hem kasem bigfela hevi long saed bilong feeling.”

Bihaen, Jesus go back moa for mek-three taem long olketa disaepol, and hem lukim olketa sleep moa. Sorry wea they kasem hem mekem olketa feel tired tumas. “Long taem olsem iufela sleep and iufela rest!” hem say. “Hem inaf nao! Taem hem kam nao! Lukim! Olketa givim go Son bilong man long hand bilong olketa sinner. Stand ap, iumi go nao. Lukim! Man wea bae givim mi long enemy hem kam klosap nao.”

Taem hem still toktok yet, Judas Iscariot hem wakabaot kam withim bigfela sekson wea karem olketa torch and lamp and samting for faet. Matthew 26:​30, 36-47; 16:​21-23; Mark 14:​26, 32-43; Luke 22:​39-47; John 18:​1-3; Hebrews 5:⁠7.

▪ Bihaen they lusim room on top, Jesus tekem olketa aposol go wea, and wanem nao hem duim long there?

▪ Taem Jesus go ahed for prea, wanem nao olketa aposol duim?

▪ Why nao Jesus barava feel pain, and wanem nao hem askim long God?

▪ Way wea sweat bilong Jesus kamap olsem blood showim aot wanem samting?