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Bigfela Pain Long Stake

Bigfela Pain Long Stake

Chapter 125

Bigfela Pain Long Stake

OLKETA leadim go Jesus withim tufela man for steal for killim them dae. No farawe from taon, olketa pipol hia stop long ples wea they kolem Golgotha, or Skull Ples.

They aotem kaleko bilong olketa prisoner. Then olketa givim them wine wea mix withim myrrh. Luk olsem olketa woman long Jerusalem nao readyim diswan, and olketa long Rome letem pipol wea they bae nilam long post for drinkim for mekem man no feelim tumas pain. But, taem Jesus hem taste-im, hem no laek for drinkim. Why nao olsem? From hem want for barava bossim gud tingting bilong hem long taem bilong bigfela test long faith bilong hem.

Olketa layim daon Jesus on top long stake and putim hand bilong hem ovarem hed bilong hem. Then olketa soldia hammerim bigfela nila go insaed long hand and leg bilong hem. Hem feelim bigfela pain taem olketa nila go insaed long body and muscle. Taem they standim ap disfela stake, pain hem big tumas, from hevi bilong body hem pullim and brekem part bilong body wea they nilam. But, winim way for tok againstim them, Jesus hem prea for olketa soldia bilong Rome: “Father, forgivim them, from they no savvy wanem nao they duim.”

Pilate hem putim wanfela saen long stake wea say: “Jesus Bilong Nazareth, King Bilong Olketa Jew.” Luk olsem hem raetem diswan from hem respectim Jesus and tu from hem hate-im olketa priest bilong Jew from they force-im hem for givim Jesus for olketa killim hem dae. For mekem evriwan they readim disfela saen, Pilate hem raetem long threefela langwis​—⁠long Hebrew, long Latin, and long Greek.

Olketa chief priest, withim Caiaphas and Annas, they nating laekem diswan. Disfela toktok hem spoelem way wea they win. So olketa kros and say: “No raetem ‘King Bilong Olketa Jew,’ but hao hem say, ‘Mi nao King Bilong Olketa Jew.’” From olketa priest iusim hem for no gud samting bilong them, Pilate ansa long strongfela way: “Samting wea mi raetem, mi raetem finis.”

Olketa priest, withim bigfela sekson bilong pipol, they hipap long ples for killim pipol dae, and olketa priest trae for againstim toktok wea stap long saen. They talem moa olketa giaman toktok wea they talem firstaem long kot bilong Sanhedrin. Dastawe, olketa pipol wea wakabaot go pass, they sekem hed bilong them and tok funny and say: “O iu man wea ting for torowem daon temple and buildim insaed long threefela day, sevem iuseleva! Sapos iu son bilong God, kam daon from datfela torture stake!”

“Hem sevem otherfela pipol; but hemseleva hem kanduit for sevem!” olketa chief priest and kranky follower bilong them they say. “Hem King Bilong Israel; letem hem kam daon from torture stake distaem and iumi bae believim hem. Hem putim trust bilong hem long God; letem Hem nao sevem hem sapos Hem wantim hem, from hem say, ‘Mi son bilong God.’”

Olketa soldia tu joinim them for mek funny long Jesus. They mek funny long hem and giaman for givim hem wine wea sour, luk olsem they putim klosap long mouth bilong hem. “Sapos iu king bilong olketa Jew,” they say, “sevem iuseleva.” Tufela man for steal tu​—⁠wanfela wea olketa nilam long raet saed bilong Jesus, and narawan long left saed⁠—​they mek funny long hem. Tingim! Disfela nambawan man wea winim evri otherfela man, yes, dat wan wea helpem Jehovah God for create-im evri samting, hem stand strong and suffer long evri no gud samting hia!

Olketa soldia tekem kaleko bilong Jesus and divaedem long fofela part. They play kura for lukim hu nao bae winim. But kaleko wea hem wearim long insaed, wea olketa no sewim, hem kostim staka shilling. So olketa soldia say long each other: “Iumi bae no brekem, but iumi bae play kura for lukim hu nao bae winim.” So, they no savvy, but they fulfillim scripture wea say: “They share-im olketa kaleko bilong mi midlwan long themseleva, and they play kura for kaleko bilong mi.”

Go-go, wanfela man for steal hem start for luksavvy hao Jesus mas really wanfela king. So, hem tok strong long fren bilong hem, and say: “Waswe, iu nating fraet long God, from iu tu kasem sem judgment? And iumi, tru nao, hem fitim for iumi kasem diswan from olketa samting wea iumi duim; but disfela man nating duim any rong samting.” Then hem tok long Jesus and askim hem: “Rememberim mi taem iu kasem kingdom bilong iu.”

“Tru nao mi talem iu tuday,” Jesus hem ansa, “Iu bae stap withim mi long Paradaes.” Disfela promis bae fulfill taem Jesus hem rul olsem King long heven and resurrectim disfela badfela man wea repent for stap long earth long Paradaes, wea olketa wea winim Armageddon and olketa fren bilong them bae garem privilege for mekem kamap. Matthew 27:​33-44; Mark 15:​22-32; Luke 23:​27, 32-43; John 19:​17-24.

▪ Why nao Jesus no laek for drinkim wine wea they mixim withim myrrh?

▪ Why nao olketa putim wanfela saen long stake bilong Jesus, and diswan mekem wanem toktok moa kamap midlwan long Pilate and olketa chief priest?

▪ Wanem no gud samting moa Jesus hem kasem taem hem hang long stake, and why nao diswan hem happen?

▪ Hao nao samting wea they duim long kaleko bilong Jesus fulfillim profesi?

▪ Hao nao wanfela man for steal hem change-im tingting bilong hem, and hao nao Jesus bae fulfillim samting wea man hia askim?