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Choosim Olketa Aposol Bilong Hem

Choosim Olketa Aposol Bilong Hem

Chapter 34

Choosim Olketa Aposol Bilong Hem

HEM samting olsem wan and haf year finis taem John the Baptizer say Jesus nao Lamb bilong God and Jesus startim pablik ministry bilong hem. Long datfela taem Andrew, Simon Peter, John, and maet James (brata bilong John), and Philip and Nathanael tu (nara nem bilong hem Bartholomew), kamap olketa first disaepol bilong hem. Go-go, planti other pipol joinim them for followim Kraest.

Distaem Jesus ready for choosim olketa aposol bilong hem. They bae kampani long spesel way withim hem and bae kasem spesel training. But bifor hem choosim them, Jesus go long wanfela maunten and prea for full naet, for askim wisdom and blessing bilong God. Taem hem daylaet, hem kolem olketa disaepol and choosim 12-fela from midlwan long them. But they kolem them olketa disaepol from they still student bilong Jesus tu.

Sixfela wea Jesus choosim, wea iumi herem nem bilong them finis, they nao olketa first disaepol bilong hem. Jesus choosim Matthew, wea hem kolem from tax office. Nara faevfela they Judas (nara nem bilong hem Thaddaeus), Judas Iscariot, Simon wea kam from Cana, Thomas, and James son bilong Alphaeus. Narafela nem bilong disfela James hem Small James, maet from hem smallfela man or hem moa young winim narafela aposol James.

Kam kasem distaem 12-fela hia stap withim Jesus for lelebet longtaem nao, and hem savvy gud long olketa. Yes, samfela they relative bilong hem. James and brata bilong hem John they first kasin bilong Jesus. And luk olsem Alphaeus hem brata bilong Joseph, dadi bilong Jesus wea adoptim hem. So son bilong Alphaeus, aposol James, hem kasin bilong Jesus tu.

Jesus savvy rememberim nem bilong evri aposol bilong hem. But waswe, iu savvy remember? Well, tingim diswan, tufela they Simon, tufela they James, and tufela moa they Judas, and Simon garem brata Andrew, and James garem brata John. Hem nao key for rememberim eitfela aposol. Nara fofela hem, man for tekem tax (Matthew), wanfela wea daotem Jesus bihaen (Thomas), wanfela wea hem kolem from underneath long tree (Nathanael), and fren bilong hem Philip.

Elevenfela aposol kam from Galilee, hom ples bilong Jesus. Nathanael kam from Cana. Philip, Peter, and Andrew kam from Bethsaida, but bihaen Peter and Andrew muv go for stap long Capernaum, wea luk olsem hem ples wea Matthew stap. James and John garem fishing bisnis and luk olsem tufela stap klosap long Capernaum. Luk olsem Judas Iscariot, wea bihaen hem sellim Jesus long enemy, hem nomoa aposol wea kam from Judea. Mark 3:​13-19; Luke 6:​12-16.

▪ Hu nao olketa aposol wea maet they relative bilong Jesus?

▪ Hu nao olketa aposol bilong Jesus, and hao nao iu savvy rememberim nem bilong them?

▪ Wanem nao olketa ples wea olketa aposol kam from?