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Duim Olketa Gud Work Long Sabbath

Duim Olketa Gud Work Long Sabbath

Chapter 29

Duim Olketa Gud Work Long Sabbath

HEM klosap hotfela season bilong year 31 C.E. Fewfela month go past from taem wea Jesus story withim woman long well long Samaria taem hem lusim Judea for go long Galilee.

Bihaen hem preach long planti ples long Galilee, Jesus go moa for Judea, wea hem preach insaed olketa synagogue. Bible talem planti samting abaotem ministry bilong hem long Galilee, but no tumas abaotem work wea Jesus duim long disfela visit long Judea and insaed long olketa month wea hem stap long there bihaen Passova long year bifor. Luk olsem pipol long Judea no interest tumas long ministry bilong hem olsem pipol long Galilee.

Jesus go for Jerusalem, main taon bilong Judea, for Passova bilong 31 C.E. Long hia, klosap long Sheepsheep Gate bilong datfela taon, wanfela pool wea they kolem Bethzatha hem stap, and planti pipol wea sik, blind, and cripple savvy kam long there. They say pipol savvy kamap gud moa sapos they go insaed datfela pool taem wata hem seksek.

Hem Sabbath, and Jesus lukim wanfela man long datfela pool wea sik for 38 year finis. From hem savvy disfela man hem sik for longfela taem nao, Jesus ask: “Waswe, iu want for kamap gud moa?”

Hem ansa: “Masta, mi no garem anywan for putim mi insaed long datfela pool taem wata hem seksek; but taem miseleva trae for go insaed, narafela man go insaed firstaem long mi.”

Jesus say long hem: “Stand ap, tekem bed bilong iu and wakabaot.” Long sem taem body bilong datfela man kamap gud moa, hem tekem bed bilong hem, and start for wakabaot!

But taem olketa Jew lukim datfela man, they say: “Hem Sabbath, and hem no fitim law for iu karem bed bilong iu.”

So disfela man hem say: “Dat wan wea mekem mi kamap gud moa hem nao say long mi, ‘Tekem bed bilong iu and wakabaot.’”

“Hu nao man wea say long iu, ‘Tekem bed bilong iu and wakabaot’?” they askim hem. Jesus hem go finis from planti pipol stap long there, and man wea hem healim no savvy long nem bilong Jesus. But, bihaen, Jesus hem meetim datfela man insaed long temple, and datfela man savvy hu nao healim hem.

So man hia wea Jesus healim faendem olketa Jew and say Jesus nao mekem hem kamap gud moa. Taem they herem diswan, olketa Jew go long Jesus. For wanem? For learnim hao nao hem savvy duim olketa nambawan samting hia? No moa. But for say hem rong bikos hem duim olketa gud samting long Sabbath. And they persecutim hem tu! Luke 4:44; John 5:​1-16.

▪ Hem hao long nao from taem wea Jesus hem visitim Judea bifor?

▪ Why nao planti pipol go long pool wea they kolem Bethzatha?

▪ Wanem mirakol nao Jesus duim long datfela pool, and wanem nao olketa Jew duim taem they herem diswan?